To atheists/agnostics...Mature discussion please

The main reason people hate to see people they love die is because you can no longer experience that person in the physical sense. Yea they might be, "In a better place" but that place is a place that the person that lost someone can't be right now.
yea i mean i get that from a non christian religious aspect. but as a believer i would think esp... being if their sick etc... why would you want to experience them suffer.
My family is from the Caribbean so while they are religious, they view being overly religious (like a lot of African Americans are) are kinda silly.

The worst thing about being black and atheist is telling an African american women you're dating. I can't eem count how many relationships blew up in my face when I tell the girl I don't believe in God. These females rather gave a goon how threats them bad but is "trying to get better with God" than a regular guy who threats them like a queen but is atheist/doesn't believe in god. :smh:

With friends it is simple, I just say my beliefs are my beliefs and let them know I respect their and I would hope they do the same with mine. Most do, have not problem with it. The ones who don't, well they weren't really my friends, so I just let that connection die.
I have to check you there. I am African American, and my parents refused to allow me to be involved in any religion. Never allowed me to be baptized, didn't allow me to be dragged to church.  Basically, being an educated couple, they understood the need for experience before choosing to follow anyone's ISM'S.

That said, I am in the same boat in regard to dating African American women, AND Black Women from the Caribbean. I find West Indian women to be the worst when it comes to religion, as they become religious when it's convenient. I see them on the subway all the time with those little green bibles cracked open to PSALMS, after work. It's nothing but game, as they try and pretend to be these good christian women, who know how to treat their men.

Please man, I've got stories due to the presumption that I may be somehow that good christian man that they are looking for.


Brah that's why I didn't say all, I said a lot. I'm aware that within the African American community their are varying views about religion.

In fact I would've said some African American females too. I an know it is a problem in a lot of races, shout out to my Filipino and Latino brahs
I come from a Caribbean household and I'm not sayin' squat to any of the religious folk in the fam much less my parents until I've hit it big time and really grown up.
You feel like a weight has been lifted.

I told them a few years ago and even though they still wish I was religious I no longer have to put on an act and I love myself for that.

Even though now I am gaining my own knowledge of "god" "creator" "whatever you call it" I still recogonize myself as not having a religion or a set of beliefs dealing with my creator.
im filipino and agno.
my mom is a religious catholic. she is in choir, reading comittee leader and does the bible study stuff
ive told her my views. she doesnt understand. she thinks ill eventually find jesus when i get older. nah.
ive had debates with her and my sis at the table. never ends productively and they shut it off if their jimmies have been too rustled.

my extended family doesnt know. id say my piece if i ever needed to, but i wouldnt want to make my mom feel uncomfortable like that.

not a single truck was given that day though. their opinions dont hold much weight.
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