to sell or not to sell..

T Lo Sweater

formerly troyd
Dec 14, 2011
ive been collecting sneakers since 05. i was 14 back then. im 20 now (turn 21 june 1st) and i havent bought a pair of sneakers since last may. slowly my interest in collecting just faded away. since then ive been buying non jordans/sbs. whenever i wear my sneakers (to college or the mall) i feel weird, idk how to explain it. but when im not wearing jordans or sbs, like some vans for example, i dont feel that way. i realize im getting older and my style of dressing is changing a lot. lately ive been thinking about selling my kicks since i barely wear them anymore and get some clothes and stuff with the money. but i have a feeling that if i do ill regret it later on if i do. NT whats your opinion/take on this?
You're only 21, its acceptable to wear sneakers, and idk why you would feel weird about wearing them. but if you dont enjoy them as much as you used to, then get rid of them, being honest with yourself is extremely refreshing
thing long and hard about what shoes you want to keep, sell off the rest.

you will regret it to SOME extent in the future, so at least keep your favorites.
If you're thinking about getting rid of them, this is definitely your time to cash in on it
Originally Posted by needsomejays

If you're thinking about getting rid of them, this is definitely your time to cash in on it

pretty much. i cant believe people are paying over 200 for shoes that just came out
Originally Posted by TroyD

ive been collecting sneakers since 05. i was 14 back then. im 20 now (turn 21 june 1st) and i havent bought a pair of sneakers since last may. slowly my interest in collecting just faded away. since then ive been buying non jordans/sbs. whenever i wear my sneakers (to college or the mall) i feel weird, idk how to explain it. but when im not wearing jordans or sbs, like some vans for example, i dont feel that way. i realize im getting older and my style of dressing is changing a lot. lately ive been thinking about selling my kicks since i barely wear them anymore and get some clothes and stuff with the money. but i have a feeling that if i do ill regret it later on if i do. NT whats your opinion/take on this?

my opinion is to flip a coin since you cant decide for yourself
we have the same birthday.  i did the same thing a few years ago but kept a few of my favorites. 
Originally Posted by TroyD

keeping my favorites and selling the others seems like a good idea to me

that's what im doing right now...selling stuff im not wearing and just keeping what im rocking or plan on rocking.
Your making it seem like your an old man, you can't even drink yet 
My collection was up over 100 pairs of J's. I hardly ever wear J's anymore maybe to take out the trash or if I hoop but I cant wear them to work etc so they were just sitting in my closet collecting dust most being unworn over the past year or two I finally sold off quite a few of them mainly to help buy an engagement ring but I still have probably 30 pairs just sitting around. I need to get rid of some of those too but its hard Ive been rocking Js since I was eight years old for 23 yrs.
same thing here. once its past first couple years of college i still wear sneakers but just more times come up that require "other" clothing than does when youre younger.  obviously dont sell all of them because youll want some back but nothing wrong with cutting down
Keep your favorites and sell the rest. I would ask to see what u want to get rid of, but you'll prolly keep all the ones I want. Lol
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