Tom Clancy The Division March 8th XBOX ONE PS4 and PC

Finally hit 50 in the DZ

Just moved my gear around and copped the AUG blueprint

Was wearing all gold gear but those kneepads raised my DPS and didnt make my health suffer. 

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i wanna be you when i grow up with those stats

I know you similar or better. I peeped you starting a 2nd character [emoji]128064[/emoji][emoji]128064[/emoji][emoji]128064[/emoji][emoji]128064[/emoji]

Not even :lol:

182,500 dps with my vector.
72,000 health.
11,000 skill power.

My crit chance and crit damage are high tho so I hit like a truck.
Some bozo went rogue on me at one of the DZ entrances. I was just tryna leave after I did a few extractions.

Can't wait to get my weight up gonna give rogues that work
Is it possible to max out or overstack a certain stat? For instance I used to play WoW and if you stacked up gear to increase your critical hit % it was only effective up to a certain point. So my character in The Division has around 110k+ dps, around 35k+ health and around 32k+ electronics. Can you overstack one of these areas to a point where it doesn't benefit you anymore? Can it happen to the other stats like crit chance, headshot bonus damage, scavenging, etc?
Is it possible to max out or overstack a certain stat? For instance I used to play WoW and if you stacked up gear to increase your critical hit % it was only effective up to a certain point. So my character in The Division has around 110k+ dps, around 35k+ health and around 32k+ electronics. Can you overstack one of these areas to a point where it doesn't benefit you anymore? Can it happen to the other stats like crit chance, headshot bonus damage, scavenging, etc?
crit chance caps at 60%.

armor caps at 65%.
Man I've been playing the hell out of this game. But I come in here and I'm just lost. You guys know way more than I do. :lol:

I'm definitely going to need some help from a few of you.
Man I've been playing the hell out of this game. But I come in here and I'm just lost. You guys know way more than I do.

I'm definitely going to need some help from a few of you.
Do the missions.. keep changing your gear... stay out the darkzone until you're ready.. squad  up.. have fun
i been playing a little bit,, level 22 dz rank 6 .... all my people are rank 30 getting busy in the darkzone... i wonder if this game will have longevity.  im not tired of it yet, but if i played it  as much as others i would prpbably be tired of it already.. the missions are too similar.. 
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To me it's just a shooting game that I'm enjoying. I don't play them often usually just play sports games but this has been fun.
I'm lvl 15 and Idk WTF is going on :lol:

Haven't crafted anything just scrapping.
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I'm level 30 and level 24or 25 in the DZ.

I'm just confused as far as crafting stuff. And how do you get your weapons that strong? Am I just to low of a level at this point!
Inside your Base of Operations. When you enter youll see to your left a workshop table. You'll be able to craft there.

If you're not lvl 30, I suggest to continue to farm mats and then craft your materials for blueprints.

Looks like I'll be crafting all my greens and blues to HE.

I still have no idea what Division Tech does. Smh lol
the game is still a work in progress obviously..  all these guys got to level 30 in a few days and are just beastin.. a dude like me plays a few hours per week getting washed in the dz by people wit no life.  
Yea man ain't gonna lie.. Some clowns ran me up out the DZ the other day. Couldn't do **** with them. :smh:
a dude like me plays a few hours per week getting washed in the dz by people wit no life.  

This is what I hear too, doesn't sounds like much fun TBH.
You gotta just go in with a group or someone else qualified and vulture the drops they cause

Ya I squad up with a few guys who play heavy, I pretty much play the support guy. They're pretty heavy hitters compared to my guy but they help me along a lot and keeps us from getting banged on by higher rogues. Though with this update idk if I'll be able to play since their characters will probably be higher than mine.
Dz isn't your typical pvp u need to get decent gear in pve b4 u go in there best bet. Best to go after you're 30 in pve and farmed somewhat
Glad there's gonna be separate gear ranked lobbies though because honestly there's not much true PVP in this game. If it is, one person/group shoots another person/group in the back or while they are fighting NPCs or trying to stay mutual.

Most of these people running around dropping people left and right are just stroking their e-peen to let people know how much time they grinded into this game, know what glitches to do and what gear setup to have to survive. I like the thought of not being able to trust anyone but if you don't group up, you're food to everyone else in the DZ.

Only time my squad goes Rogue is if we have a dead teammate waiting to respawn and gets his loot stolen off the ground or if people continue to harass and get in the way of our group.
How come when i craft handstops they only useable for my BM AK?

Im trying to make one for my Midas but all 3 of them only compatible with BM

And can you reroll armor. I got a HE mask with 2 slots but it doesnt have the rehabilitation perk. Can I reroll get that perk?
Handstops are large attachments. they dont work on small arms like SMG's. you'll need to craft grips for the Midas. And you cant reroll talents, only attributes.
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