Twitter Panic about the EBT Shutdown

May 11, 2013
I captured some Tweets about the EBT Shutdown in this video. Luckily this shutdown only lasted a day. Because if it was longer. There would be riots across the country.

wish I had an EBT card

Honestly, a part of me is all for EBT shutdown if that's what it takes to convince the masses of Capitol Hill's uselessness.

Just as well, it's a sad fact that only a clog in the benefits/welfare system would get people to rise up for positive and necessary change. These politicians already know the deal, though.

Keep the benefits going, continue rolling out the entertainment (MNF, NCAAF/B, DWTS, etc), provide cheap indulgences, and Americans will turn a blind eye to everything else, including ******g them over in the long run.


Damn son, whats going on with your shirt? can fit 2 necks up in that collar

Nearest walmart to me is across the bay in oakland, havent been in like 8 years
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Go to SAMs club in the ghetto and I see some people with 500 worth of groceries and I'm like wth :smh: it's obvious they are getting it from the government smh

I hate gong to walmart, all I see is weird people and from trailer parks, Haven't been there in months surprisingly
i dont even know what EBT is..

Food Stamps brah. Except all electronic

And before the usual crowd comes in there throwing people that have EBT cards under the bus and throwing subliminal racial jabs. EBT does hep feed people would go starve otherwise, or that would find other more illegal ways to feed themselves and their families
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Don't they technically know who got carts full of food? They can just be billed later or that EBT money deducted for months to come..

In one article they said one lady had rung up a bill of $700 bucks. And then the computer systems went back online as she was about to "pay" and it showed she had just 49 cents left.

It seems logical that they would demand EBT money for all those who are now in the red.
i dont even know what EBT is..

Food Stamps brah. Except all electronic

And before the usual crowd comes in there throwing people that have EBT cards under the bus and throwing subliminal racial jabs. EBT does hep feed people would go starve otherwise, or that would find other more illegal ways to feed themselves and their families

of course it helps people i need but tons and i mean TONS cheat the system and get cards when they already have more than enough income to afford weekly groceries and drive nice cars. they get these cards and spend hundreds at the store. its kinda disgusting, i usually dont complain about this kind of stuff but i see it all the time, but then again the government is to blame because they hire people who go out and help others cheat the system.
i buy my neighbors one... $90 a month for 200 dollars...i ball so hard brah

also when i was a bagger at publix from 2007-2009 and had to do carry outs....people that paid with them had mercedes benz's , bmw's jaguar new mustangs....but then again down here its the shady hustle capitol 
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:lol: I need a thot to let me get her ebt money for the low...she let me get 2 for 1 and we got a deal
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