Two inches of snow turns Atlanta into the set of the Walking Dead

also, it seemed like everybody was heading home at around the same time..

that right there was a recipe for disaster.
Just talked to a buddy in ATL. He's from NY...and went to Mich State... Needless to say he said the roads are basically sheets of ice and ATL is mad hilly, so the two combined, along with limited to no salt/sand trucks are causing the dilemma. Understandable.
No idea one had to "prepare" for 2 inchs of snow.
city doesn't have plows... and why should they, it's a waste of money 

people's cars don't have all season tires.... and why should they, it's not ideal for the region 

the government ****** this one up... it's all on them for not telling ppl to stay the **** home and closing the schools 

business owners were also irresponsible for having people come to work .... but they'll just blame it on the news not telling them 
Just talked to a buddy in ATL. He's from NY...and went to Mich State... Needless to say he said the roads are basically sheets of ice and ATL is mad hilly, so the two combined, along with limited to no salt/sand trucks are causing the dilemma. Understandable.
good points... 

that black ice in GA is a problem.... roads are hilly AND very curvy
i thought i misunderstood.......

this morning around 6am my aunt told me that her friend from atl texted her saying that she just got home from work. she got offa work at 4:15pm.....

i was confused as to how a traffic jam could be THAT bad.

so i just thought i misunderstood what she was sayin but i guess it really is that bad round there
I don't understand...

Never been to Atlanta. is it like Cali where it never snows??
I don't understand...

Never been to Atlanta. is it like Cali where it never snows??
it snows, but like ******** snow .... flurries and what not .... u aint gonna go building no snowmen and **** like that 

but if it does stick... the city will shut down before hand... schools close... stores.. etc 

so the only ppl on the road are the ones that have to be... 

this time they ****** around and didn't tell people it was gonna stick and you could make some snowballs 
Im from the South. Love the south, but ATL deserves the flak they're getting. Its not like they didn't have a warning. It was just snowing and freezing in Texas last week and yesterday. How did they not see this coming? What Ive been told from friends that live in ATL, freezing is a regular so...someone dropped the ball big time.
by "prepared" i mean this.... 

it's standard for homes in south florida to come with hurricane shutters 

in georgia kids do tornado drills in school .... 

in the plains states people buy underground shelters.... 

cities like Chicago and Green Bay having a fleet of snow plows... 

things like that... 

obviously there's no plan to save everyone... but when you experience the same weather conditions year over year you get resources and plans together for when it comes 

if your city never experiences these conditions, u dont worry too much about em.... but when they do come, it catches u off guard and u may not be as ready to handle it as a place that's use to it 

Exactly. This stuff can't be going over you guy's heads. :lol:

Dudes in here saying two inches isn't anything to prepare for. Yeah. Okay. Just ignore the fact that the last time the state of Ga saw snow was in 2011... On a weekend where traffics on highways is nonexistent. Then, factor in the fact that the snow was out within 24 hours to do away with the inch or so of snow before the workweek started back.

Fact is, upwards of a million people WORK in the city of Atlanta, but live on the outskirts of the city. Those two inches of snow turns to ice as these million or so people are trying to get home. The roads WERE pretreated before the snow came. Not with actual salt, because that blows away with the wind. The solutions they used on the roads worked for a few hours but the ice was bound to happen as people tried to rush out the city. Accidents happen on ice, don't give a damn where you live. Add in the delayed traffic and folks abandoning their cars when they ran out of gas, and this is what you get.
I don't understand...

Never been to Atlanta. is it like Cali where it never snows??

it snows, but like ******** snow .... flurries and what not .... u aint gonna go building no snowmen and **** like that 

but if it does stick... the city will shut down before hand... schools close... stores.. etc 

so the only ppl on the road are the ones that have to be... 

this time they ****** around and didn't tell people it was gonna stick and you could make some snowballs 

Coo, thanks for the info.

This is how I would expect Angelinos to react :lol:
when I was in high school, in GA, the snow cock blocked me something VICIOUS .... 

my boy drove me and another friend to go meet up with some girls that lived about 25 mins away

both girls ended up wanting to **** me and one of my dudes so we all go in the room and get it cracking .... 

before i can switch and **** the other girl, my boy that drove comes in like "yo, we gotta get the **** outta here... look out the window" 

******g snow is falling.... 

breh, i was not ending up like these ******** on the news today sleeping in the car ....or being stuck at that ******* raggedy *** house for god knows how long...  

not over no yambs... no sir 

so yeh, i pulled my pants up and got the hell out of there quick 
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