Update 3: Home now! Looking like that time where I leave this earth

I recall the day you posted the news... really sorry to hear bro.

I haven't logged on for months..but I'm here cuz NT is fam. Stay strong my man, you got this. You gonna pull through and we celebratin' with ya, wherever you at. Have faith my man.
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subscribing to thread so when you update in a month, I'll know :smile:

Stay positive, as I'm sure all of NT will.

I always loved your avy btw.
Any updates? How are you doing?
I hope you're feeling better, keep fighting dont give up.
Something I did in the past week
That I've always wanted to do was go to NY. I went to see a dr in Columbia so it wasn't too eventful
But I got to see all of Times Square in one of those dudes carriage on a bike .
See rock center and some other stuff
No Statue of Liberty though...
Annnd have "real ny pizza"
And boy was it good.

Hardest part about knowing I might go is, leaving my girl cuz I wanted to marry her and start a fan with her
Even before I got sick. The plan for me was to get better and cop the ring. I still got the money saved for it.
Might just cop it anyway if they let me leave the hospital and leave it a "momento" to her I guess
6 grand enough for a nice joint?

FAITH BRO. Your in my prayers
Man, in the past 45 minutes or so I've read every single post in this thread.

Gotta say that some faith in humanity has definitely been restored today. Came close to shedding tears.

Even though I'm a bit late to the club, I'm so happy to be a part of the NT community.

There are days that I sulk and mope over college life away from home in a foreign country & not really being sure what my direction in life is. In retrospect, I've been a real f***ing brat lately. I think that it took this read for me to figure it out. I mean, I've been here whining about how i'm turning 20 in a month and still not sosure whether studying business management would be better for me than the mechanical engineering classes i'm taking at a crap school at the moment.

Whole time, we've got people who are facing the fact that they may be leaving everyone and everything they've known and loved for the next life that's beyond us.

All of you have truly humbled me today. I guess what i'm trying to say is that we really should appreciate what we have today, because there's always someone out there who has it worse off than we do. We have so many little luxuries in life that we truly do take them for granted, we don't even get it. These are cliche statements, but man, their value is so eminent.

I hope my little bit about school is not too much of a derail.

OP, we've never interacted  before, but I want you to know that I, as well as many others are praying for you. Keep your faith in God. We're all part of a plan that's bigger than we'll ever know. & just remember to cherish every moment you have on this earth with your loved ones, you have a lot of time ahead of you to do so keep it in mind.

I think I had an epiphany this morning. & to OP and the rest of the NT community, I truly want to send you a sincere thank you as I wipe the tears from my eyes. It's crazy how infectious the power of love is man.
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Taking things day by day
They are scared that
Ill over due it at home and just die if the chemo and radiation ain't helping.

Just last night i almost passed out in the shower Tryna do it onnmy own.
Sorry for the typing I'm off so many things

Ill make it through thanks nt fam
And if I don't
Ill cat yall
Taking things day by day
They are scared that
Ill over due it at home and just die if the chemo and radiation ain't helping.

Just last night i almost passed out in the shower Tryna do it onnmy own.
Sorry for the typing I'm off so many things

Ill make it through thanks nt fam
And if I don't
Ill cat yall

Thought you were a goner already man.. keep us updated brotha..
If my mother and grandmother collectively beat cancer 6 times, I believe you can too.

I've always wanted to make sure, is that a girl's butt in your avy? You can't die without answering me...
If that means I never get an answer, I'm okay with that :wink:

id like an answer to this as well lol

youll be ight man
cant get this off my mind... ur a strong dude bro. to have fought this long...

keep fighting for your girl and family, theres never enough time but i gained so much respect for my grandfather and uncle watching them persevere although the results were inevitable...

thread chokes me up b

prayers up.
Keep your head up, man. Easier said than done, but a lot of people are in your corner. I'm hoping for the best.
A close friend of mine just lost his dad to cancer. It's an awful disease. I'm praying and wishing the best for you and your family and friends.  God Bless.
Wow, that pic is gruesome :x

STAY STRONG OP!!! Live through this and live through life like no one else can!
I'm rooting for you man. This is some stuff that you never think would happen to you or the people you know. Then you realize you're only human. I really how you pull through famb. I still can't wrap my head around your ordeal.

Keep us posted fam. Like I said, NT is rooting for you.
read the update, keep pushing man, you're doing great, you'll pull through.
Jeez man, I hate reading things like this happening to (seemingly) good people. Stay strong man, you'll definitely be in my prayers.
man, reading that almost made me cry. :smh: get better op. if you in socal we should chill
I'm here saying fml over a tow truck fee and op could be dying. Sometimes you gotta step back and reevaluate life and realize its not that bad or it could be worse
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