::UPDATE:: So I Just Wanted To See WHat would Happen.. ::UPDATE::

Feb 22, 2007
alright so right now, i got my girl livin with me at my place right? well last night, she left out four loose birth control pills on the counter (like out ofthe packaging) andd at like 2 am one night, i stumbled into my kinda drunk and saw em. I popped all four of em and went to bed.

big mistake

i woke up in the middle of the night with my nuts killin me like no other. im talkin, sharp, blueballs pain alright? idk whats goin on, but i try to go back tobed. wake up few mins later cuz my hands and fingertips were tingling and i had a throbbing headache.

idk what to do, but i managed to convince my beezy that we dont need to use a condom cuz one of us is on the pill.

sooo any advice from yall? anyone else go thru tha same thing? howd you get over it?

ok guys so i went to the doctor yesterday to talk to him about my nut pains and it turns out that i effed up pretty bad. I started gettin tenderness around mypecs n their retaining a lil bit of water. They been botherin me a hellaa lot n idk whatsup. Well, at first my doc didnt believe me, i go into his officeright? this is basically the convo:

doc: hi there, how you doin? i see youre havin testicular pain (after the routine bs q's he asked me)
me: yeah, its getting pretty bad
doc: you know what could be a cause?
me: well if i took 4 birth control pills, would that do it?
doc: --starts laughing. my ++*!+% DOCTOR started laughing. he thought it was a joke. 15 seconds later when he calmed down, hes like yepp that would do it... soyou dont know what could have caused the pain?
me: ...
me: i told you i took 4 of my girl's bc pills
-doc got all serious
doc: .. why would you do that?
me: cuz i wanted to see what would happen
doc: so you took four
(im startin to get pissed now cuz i dont think this man's taking me 100% seriously. im lance armstronging over here worrying bout growing d-cups and theother stuff nt told me)
me: yeah. so what should i do?

the dude tells me to change into that white-dress thing, disappears, and comes back 15 min later with a diff doc who asked me questions for a hella long time.******ed questions bout fam history and cancer and std's and idont even kno.

they leave, come back and tell me that i gotta come back in and talk to a diff doctor, and the next appt is in two days (which is tomorrow now). in themeanwhile, i have to stop taking birth control pills.

ok and yeah, my g/f's screename is dakota and yea that was her post. shes hella pissed at me right now cuz she found out that it dont matter if im takinbirth control, she can still get pregnant, and she said some stupid @$@ bout messin up her cycle or w/e. shes basically not talkin to me no more cuz she thinksi lied to her so i dont have to use a condom.

->oh and i appreaciate all the help, it really made me realize how serious it was. Ill post what happens at this next appt tomorrow
oh boy...
idk what to do, but i managed to convince my beezy that we dont need to use a condom cuz one of us is on the pill.
in the midst of all this your able to throw in a blatant joke.

I would call ducktales.
But, it seems serious.... go to the hospital??That woulda been the first thing that would have popped up in my head instead of asking NT doctors to check the pain in my balls. no mo'
B, you ain't supposed to have all that estrogen in your system. That pain you felt was your nuts dying. You're waking up tomorrow with man-boobs.
Originally Posted by CrimsonCloudAttire

B, you ain't supposed to have all that estrogen in your system. That pain you felt was your nuts dying. You're waking up tomorrow with man-boobs.

LOL. Son just invented the first surgeryless sex change
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