Wanna Be Rappers Plaguing My City FML When A Dream Becomes A Dream?

Originally Posted by Murda He

Wanna know what's real....?

We're damned if we do and damned if we don't.

Cats complain about the state of the music industry all the time, but then they thumb their nose at the up-n-comers for whatever reason. Especially with rap, there's this attitude of keeping the rich rich and the poor starving. I'm a real +##+$... so I try not to "annoy" people. I like to make music, but I can understand if people don't want it thrown in their face like that. I don't plaster my %%$% on FB walls or overload NT with my promo stuff cuz I'm just a regular dude that raps (really well.. 

You know what that's gotten me so far? %%$%. Not a god damn thing.

Everything I have going for me is thanks to my management and street team doing the things you hate. Me? Hell ,I've been trying not to "annoy" people for the last 5 years. I know right. You'd think people would love me. You know what annoys me though? Struggling. I'm annoyed at my dad's huge +!$ nipsco bill every month. I'm annoyed at the housing and job market. So for every 37 people like you that are annoyed by rappers unlike myself -- the ones who actually strive for what they want despite being discouraged EVERY day from doing so -- there's usually one or two people that empathize and respect that it takes a lot of balls to put yourself OUT there.

It's not easy being an entertainer. It's even harder trying to make a break as an entertainer. There are those of us that "Dream" about BET, cars, and chains. I don't have a defense for those types. But for the rest of us that dream about stability by way of using out god given gifts-- you should be more understanding. I mean, I could be robbing you. I really, really could..

with that said...Support real rap..


Peace. I got a studio session to attend. Ya'll be easy.

  the reason why you aint blew up cuz

1. you aint got lucky enough to get seen...

2. you not that good of a rapper...

going big in rtap is like going big to the nba... i mean... talent can only get you so far... exposure, knowing the right people, being in the right  situation...
Wrong and wrong....

1. I have nationwide distribution through my INDY label... luck has nothing to do with it.. it's all networking. Had I have been trying to go major, I'd have been major a while ago (like Freddie Gibbs did...) My whole strategy is to take my Indy label as far as possible to keep from having to feed 100 other "overhead" people before I make my own plate. The money goes farther and last longer... I'm almost there..

2. Image sells faster than talent. Talent sells for much longer. I'm a damn good rapper.. I just have to find my lane... It's all coming, just more slowly that BET would have you to believe. I'm well on my way...
Wrong and wrong....

1. I have nationwide distribution through my INDY label... luck has nothing to do with it.. it's all networking. Had I have been trying to go major, I'd have been major a while ago (like Freddie Gibbs did...) My whole strategy is to take my Indy label as far as possible to keep from having to feed 100 other "overhead" people before I make my own plate. The money goes farther and last longer... I'm almost there..

2. Image sells faster than talent. Talent sells for much longer. I'm a damn good rapper.. I just have to find my lane... It's all coming, just more slowly that BET would have you to believe. I'm well on my way...
Originally Posted by Murda He

Wrong and wrong....

1. I have nationwide distribution through my INDY label... luck has nothing to do with it.. it's all networking. Had I have been trying to go major, I'd have been major a while ago (like Freddie Gibbs did...) My whole strategy is to take my Indy label as far as possible to keep from having to feed 100 other "overhead" people before I make my own plate. The money goes farther and last longer... I'm almost there..

2. Image sells faster than talent. Talent sells for much longer. I'm a damn good rapper.. I just have to find my lane... It's all coming, just more slowly that BET would have you to believe. I'm well on my way...
Originally Posted by Murda He

Wrong and wrong....

1. I have nationwide distribution through my INDY label... luck has nothing to do with it.. it's all networking. Had I have been trying to go major, I'd have been major a while ago (like Freddie Gibbs did...) My whole strategy is to take my Indy label as far as possible to keep from having to feed 100 other "overhead" people before I make my own plate. The money goes farther and last longer... I'm almost there..

2. Image sells faster than talent. Talent sells for much longer. I'm a damn good rapper.. I just have to find my lane... It's all coming, just more slowly that BET would have you to believe. I'm well on my way...
I dj a lot of events where Rappers, Singers, dancers etc... want to make it in the business. I gotta tell you, some of these youngsters at these events come in thinking they've already made it. Acting like they're doing us a favor by performing. Demanding things like a dressing room, 5+ mics for their "BOYS", Wireless mics instead of wired mics. They even go as far as saying something like "Im not performing right now. There isnt enough people in the crowd"......
 When they end up performing, they're rapping/singing over their own vocals. WHAT TYPE OF +%@* IS THAT??? 
Anyways OP, my father always told me "Worry about you and not about others". One of the best advice he's given me. I say you remember it. 
I dj a lot of events where Rappers, Singers, dancers etc... want to make it in the business. I gotta tell you, some of these youngsters at these events come in thinking they've already made it. Acting like they're doing us a favor by performing. Demanding things like a dressing room, 5+ mics for their "BOYS", Wireless mics instead of wired mics. They even go as far as saying something like "Im not performing right now. There isnt enough people in the crowd"......
 When they end up performing, they're rapping/singing over their own vocals. WHAT TYPE OF +%@* IS THAT??? 
Anyways OP, my father always told me "Worry about you and not about others". One of the best advice he's given me. I say you remember it. 
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Originally Posted by Murda He

Wrong and wrong....

1. I have nationwide distribution through my INDY label... luck has nothing to do with it.. it's all networking. Had I have been trying to go major, I'd have been major a while ago (like Freddie Gibbs did...) My whole strategy is to take my Indy label as far as possible to keep from having to feed 100 other "overhead" people before I make my own plate. The money goes farther and last longer... I'm almost there..

2. Image sells faster than talent. Talent sells for much longer. I'm a damn good rapper.. I just have to find my lane... It's all coming, just more slowly that BET would have you to believe. I'm well on my way...
All I'm saying is.. I'm eating.. I ain't rich, but I'm working in the field of my choosing, doing what I love, and making head room. A lot of  ya'll got jobs ya'll hate with no upward mobility. I don't
at ya'll though.. I pity you. I think it's because of this that ya'll laugh at cats like me that have the fortitude to buck the system and try to be something different than a worker bee drone.  Like dude said earlier, almost everybody wanted to hoop or be a movie star as a kid. Only some of us still believe in that possibility. The rest of ya'll that forgot how to fly, laugh at us that still try to --  out of some latent insecurity or envy or something. I can't call it..
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Originally Posted by Murda He

Wrong and wrong....

1. I have nationwide distribution through my INDY label... luck has nothing to do with it.. it's all networking. Had I have been trying to go major, I'd have been major a while ago (like Freddie Gibbs did...) My whole strategy is to take my Indy label as far as possible to keep from having to feed 100 other "overhead" people before I make my own plate. The money goes farther and last longer... I'm almost there..

2. Image sells faster than talent. Talent sells for much longer. I'm a damn good rapper.. I just have to find my lane... It's all coming, just more slowly that BET would have you to believe. I'm well on my way...
All I'm saying is.. I'm eating.. I ain't rich, but I'm working in the field of my choosing, doing what I love, and making head room. A lot of  ya'll got jobs ya'll hate with no upward mobility. I don't
at ya'll though.. I pity you. I think it's because of this that ya'll laugh at cats like me that have the fortitude to buck the system and try to be something different than a worker bee drone.  Like dude said earlier, almost everybody wanted to hoop or be a movie star as a kid. Only some of us still believe in that possibility. The rest of ya'll that forgot how to fly, laugh at us that still try to --  out of some latent insecurity or envy or something. I can't call it..
Originally Posted by djaward

I dj a lot of events where Rappers, Singers, dancers etc... want to make it in the business. I gotta tell you, some of these youngsters at these events come in thinking they've already made it. Acting like they're doing us a favor by performing. Demanding things like a dressing room, 5+ mics for their "BOYS", Wireless mics instead of wired mics. They even go as far as saying something like "Im not performing right now. There isnt enough people in the crowd"......
 When they end up performing, they're rapping/singing over their own vocals. WHAT TYPE OF +%@* IS THAT??? 
Anyways OP, my father always told me "Worry about you and not about others". One of the best advice he's given me. I say you remember it. 
this is part of the reason i can't #$%* with local cats. I respect people as much as the next, but you gotta pay your dues before you can be demanding %$*#. i've run into this a couple times and just felt like GOING OFF, BLATANT DISRESPECT, i mean, they act like they are doing me a favor by performing at a show with national acts...when dudes who have accomplished a lot like Fashawn and Dom are more level headed than some local schmuck there's a problem, but it also shows how cool those guys are.
Originally Posted by djaward

I dj a lot of events where Rappers, Singers, dancers etc... want to make it in the business. I gotta tell you, some of these youngsters at these events come in thinking they've already made it. Acting like they're doing us a favor by performing. Demanding things like a dressing room, 5+ mics for their "BOYS", Wireless mics instead of wired mics. They even go as far as saying something like "Im not performing right now. There isnt enough people in the crowd"......
 When they end up performing, they're rapping/singing over their own vocals. WHAT TYPE OF +%@* IS THAT??? 
Anyways OP, my father always told me "Worry about you and not about others". One of the best advice he's given me. I say you remember it. 
this is part of the reason i can't #$%* with local cats. I respect people as much as the next, but you gotta pay your dues before you can be demanding %$*#. i've run into this a couple times and just felt like GOING OFF, BLATANT DISRESPECT, i mean, they act like they are doing me a favor by performing at a show with national acts...when dudes who have accomplished a lot like Fashawn and Dom are more level headed than some local schmuck there's a problem, but it also shows how cool those guys are.
can we add clothing designers to this list?

people fail to realize they suck is the problem. i got no problem w/ people with talent pursuing their dreams. But some people need to look at their product and realize its trash.

I also hate it when dudes be following me trying to get me to listen to their CD.
can we add clothing designers to this list?

people fail to realize they suck is the problem. i got no problem w/ people with talent pursuing their dreams. But some people need to look at their product and realize its trash.

I also hate it when dudes be following me trying to get me to listen to their CD.
Originally Posted by Murda He

Wanna know what's real....?

We're damned if we do and damned if we don't.

Cats complain about the state of the music industry all the time, but then they thumb their nose at the up-n-comers for whatever reason. Especially with rap, there's this attitude of keeping the rich rich and the poor starving. I'm a real +##+$... so I try not to "annoy" people. I like to make music, but I can understand if people don't want it thrown in their face like that. I don't plaster my %%$% on FB walls or overload NT with my promo stuff cuz I'm just a regular dude that raps (really well.. 

You know what that's gotten me so far? %%$%. Not a god damn thing.

Everything I have going for me is thanks to my management and street team doing the things you hate. Me? Hell ,I've been trying not to "annoy" people for the last 5 years. I know right. You'd think people would love me. You know what annoys me though? Struggling. I'm annoyed at my dad's huge +!$ nipsco bill every month. I'm annoyed at the housing and job market. So for every 37 people like you that are annoyed by rappers unlike myself -- the ones who actually strive for what they want despite being discouraged EVERY day from doing so -- there's usually one or two people that empathize and respect that it takes a lot of balls to put yourself OUT there.

It's not easy being an entertainer. It's even harder trying to make a break as an entertainer. There are those of us that "Dream" about BET, cars, and chains. I don't have a defense for those types. But for the rest of us that dream about stability by way of using out god given gifts-- you should be more understanding. I mean, I could be robbing you. I really, really could..

with that said...Support real rap..
I'm feeling a lot what you're saying. Freddie Gibbs said something similar (bolded part) a few weeks ago at Duke. He had them white kids shook though

I haven't listened to any of your music, so I can't pass judgment on that yet, but from what I reading you love what you do and you understand how the business works. I had a rant about the "up & comers" a couple months ago on my blog. I don't mind supporting up and comers, it's just the oversaturation has soured fans, everyday people, etc. to these dudes coming in our face and inundating our FB, Twitter, and email with BS music.
Originally Posted by Murda He

Wanna know what's real....?

We're damned if we do and damned if we don't.

Cats complain about the state of the music industry all the time, but then they thumb their nose at the up-n-comers for whatever reason. Especially with rap, there's this attitude of keeping the rich rich and the poor starving. I'm a real +##+$... so I try not to "annoy" people. I like to make music, but I can understand if people don't want it thrown in their face like that. I don't plaster my %%$% on FB walls or overload NT with my promo stuff cuz I'm just a regular dude that raps (really well.. 

You know what that's gotten me so far? %%$%. Not a god damn thing.

Everything I have going for me is thanks to my management and street team doing the things you hate. Me? Hell ,I've been trying not to "annoy" people for the last 5 years. I know right. You'd think people would love me. You know what annoys me though? Struggling. I'm annoyed at my dad's huge +!$ nipsco bill every month. I'm annoyed at the housing and job market. So for every 37 people like you that are annoyed by rappers unlike myself -- the ones who actually strive for what they want despite being discouraged EVERY day from doing so -- there's usually one or two people that empathize and respect that it takes a lot of balls to put yourself OUT there.

It's not easy being an entertainer. It's even harder trying to make a break as an entertainer. There are those of us that "Dream" about BET, cars, and chains. I don't have a defense for those types. But for the rest of us that dream about stability by way of using out god given gifts-- you should be more understanding. I mean, I could be robbing you. I really, really could..

with that said...Support real rap..
I'm feeling a lot what you're saying. Freddie Gibbs said something similar (bolded part) a few weeks ago at Duke. He had them white kids shook though

I haven't listened to any of your music, so I can't pass judgment on that yet, but from what I reading you love what you do and you understand how the business works. I had a rant about the "up & comers" a couple months ago on my blog. I don't mind supporting up and comers, it's just the oversaturation has soured fans, everyday people, etc. to these dudes coming in our face and inundating our FB, Twitter, and email with BS music.
Originally Posted by FuzzyRobot

Im sorry, but that is an ugly album cover.
It's cool.. I don't take it personal. But for what it's worth, just like with my music, everything on the cover is saying something more...... which to me, is better than the  money, cars, clothes, and %#@# formulaic approach. For starters.. there's the cell shaded comic look...which ain't hard to understand if you've ever read me posting in a Batman, Marvel, or DBZ thread. But aside from that, there's the landmarks from my home town, subtle nods to the illuminati conspiracies surrounding rap these days, the visual metaphor involving the Gibbs logo and me as a Predator incarnation, etc etc..  it is what it is though. Obviously I disagree w./ you, but everyone is entitled to their opinion.
Originally Posted by FuzzyRobot

Im sorry, but that is an ugly album cover.
It's cool.. I don't take it personal. But for what it's worth, just like with my music, everything on the cover is saying something more...... which to me, is better than the  money, cars, clothes, and %#@# formulaic approach. For starters.. there's the cell shaded comic look...which ain't hard to understand if you've ever read me posting in a Batman, Marvel, or DBZ thread. But aside from that, there's the landmarks from my home town, subtle nods to the illuminati conspiracies surrounding rap these days, the visual metaphor involving the Gibbs logo and me as a Predator incarnation, etc etc..  it is what it is though. Obviously I disagree w./ you, but everyone is entitled to their opinion.
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