What are some of your strictest personal rules??

Apr 15, 2004
If theres kids outside playing i ALWAYS slow down.
Even if theyre not in the street.....ball could roll away or sumthin.

If i know more than someone and were speaking in a group i dont try to make them look stupid.
Hate wen people do that.

Thong sandals.
Only for the beach.

I dont call or text if ive had too many.
Learned the hard way.

Never make fun of someone who makes an honest living.
Say hi to people. Acknowledging someone's existing is one of those inalienable things that everyone deserves.

Always hold open doors and usually let the other person go first. And don't care if people don't say "thanks" just means they were brought up a different way.

Saying thanks, please, excuse me and sorry. Maybe too much but it's a natural reflex at this point.

Never smash a girl that a friend already has. Just seems desperate and dishonorable to me. Plenty of girls out there, even if the opportunity arises, I don't think twice.

Think through decisions w as many other perspectives in mind.

Giving the right of way, meaning, if me and someone else is approaching an escalator, I always slow down and let them take it first, usually put my hand out as a signal.
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U sound like an alright guy

Never smash a girl that a friend already has. Just seems desperate and dishonorable to me. Plenty of girls out there, even if the opportunity arises, I don't think twice.

So never date an ex of a friend?
Nope, esp not date, but even smash. Not part of my personal code.

Also always own my mistakes. Accountability resonates just as much as excuses and blame do, just on the opposite side of the spectrum.
Never forgive anyone who underestimate you from day one ...expand until you inadvertently crush their insignificant universe.
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I don't give personal second chances.

I just don't.

That goes for men and women.

I wont hold it over your head though.
I got a bunch, but here are three

1. Don't show up to someone's house empty handed when invited over. At the very least being a soda or a pizza with me

2. I dont call fouls in pickup games unless they are blatantly bad, it ruins the flow of the game to be calling all the little stuff constantly

3. It's always better to walk in to a class a little late, than it is to leave a class a little early. In my experience most professors dont mind if you are 5-10 late, but they will definitely notice you leaving 5-10 early
Never burn any bridges at work, especially with co-workers. Fake it if you have to.
-Admit when you're wrong.

-Try to take the time to have a conversation with one stranger every day.
Let chicks exit the elevator 1st

Never talk to/smash anybody my fam or homeboys dealt with

I don't mix money and friends

Try to treat everybody with respect, but disrespect towards me is never tolerated no matter who or where I'm at ...ain't letting **** slide
If you're wrong, say you're wrong. Along with that if you have done wrong, there's nothing wrong with saying "I'm sorry".

If you don't know something, or don't understand, don't lie about it, just say you don't know or understand and ask for guidance or direction to get to a level where you do know/understand.

Don't make excuses.

Don't say anything about someone that you wouldn't say to that person.

Own what you say or do, be accountable.

Don't keep doing the same thing and expect a different result.

Be honest with yourself.

Appreciate the worth that someone brings to the table.

Give props when they are due.

Know when to walk away.

Don't become complacent or stagnant in life.

Inspire your children to be better human beings that you are.

Also, at work if you must engage, then screw up, never down.

If you must cheat on your significant other, don't do it, but if you must, only screw someone with more to lose than you.

If you put your hands on another human being then be prepared to kill or die behind it.

If you have dirt on your best friend, take it to the grave with you. No matter what.

Call your mom more often, because once she is gone, that is it. I know from personal experience.
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- Never date/smash a friend's ex/jumpoff.

- Be honest at all times. You cannot f--k with the truth.

- Your reputation takes years to build. It takes seconds to destroy. Always guard it.

- Don't make major decisions based on emotion. Be rational and stoic. Think ahead.

- Never compromise your goals for someone/something else. Look out for yourself first; the rest will follow.

- Brotherhood/friendships should be maintained. Return favors, treat your homies in kind, and surround yourself with the best people.

- You are who you associate yourself with. You are the average of your 5 closest friends.

- Remove all negativity from your life (bad people, bad influences, bad habits).

- You can control the outcomes of most things in your life. Don't be a spectator to your own life.

- Humility + confidence + self-awareness + knowledge

- Think like you do. Act as they do.
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Say no and mean it
Speak from a place of love
No judgement
No complaint when work is given around

Be mad (temp) not angry (long term)

Speak dont talk

Big protects little
Respect the elders and ancestors

Fix your own plate.... (double meaning)
Don't drink or do drugs. Most other stuff mentioned here is true in general but do have exceptions for me
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