What are the pros and cons on working overnight

Feb 24, 2009
i just got a job (stocking), but the bad thing is that im going to be doing overnight shifts sunday - wednesdays 8p til 6a.m. i want to know the pros andcons.
You can do some running around when everyone else is at work
Dinner is breakfast

You're gonna be sleepy as hell
If you haven't done it before the first 4-7 days are gonna be hell because you're tired but you can't fall asleep
you will miss out on the nights when people are doing stuff. overnight people are different than day people, most of them are weird as hell
Usually have a lot of free time.
But if you work on the weekends you can't party or chill w/ friends.
I loved my time working overnight, worked...slept till 1pm/2pm then had the rest of the day to do w/e if I had work at night.
more money (overnight usually pays more)
free time if you finish your job quickly
can prob chill, listen to your iPod while stocking
Can prob smash during the day since everyone else will be at work until 5pm

no time to chill if you working while it gets warmer (all your friends wont see you like that)
sleep pattern will be knocked off
-you avoid heavy traffic going to work.
-you can sleep in.
-most jobs are a bit more laid back during the graveyard shift.

-it may be tough to adjust.
-if there's an event going on, you'll miss out.
-you won't get to enjoy a beautiful sunny day
Originally Posted by Kidskillz858

Your social life is going to suffer and take a hit with your family & friends .
I did overnight stocking for one year during college. I will never do overnights again, lol. It was terrible, but I paid off some bills becauseI didn't have the time or energy to spend money. That was my goal though, to work overnight for a year, pay off bills and be done with it. I was countingdown the weeks at the end,
. Once I reached my year, I gave my twoweeks notice.

I used to work Sunday trough Thursday 12am to 8am (w/OT sometimes
). Couldn't really do anything on Saturday night, since I was going in at midnight to work. Summer's will suck, trying to sleep in the middle of the daywhen it is 90-100+ degrees out is no joke.

-Sleep cycle will be off
-Social life will take a huge hit.
-Since your internal clock will be thrown off, you will always feel fatigued, even on off days
Pros: everyone who I've worked overnight with seemed to be somewhat "off" which made for my entertainment

Cons: working opposite hours as my girl FTL!
i did this for awhile, with similar hours

at my work, REAL laid back, worked with 1 other co-worker
i took some naps
got to do my HW
its pretty quiet and peaceful

i got used to sleeping 4 hours a day

sometimes it gets boring
no more social life
hours go by sllooowww

but honestly, i had it pretty easy..i had a ps3, tv, and internet

good luck!
Originally Posted by OHyeah10

you will miss out on the nights when people are doing stuff. overnight people are different than day people, most of them are weird as hell
true that how i was when i use to work overnight
It depends.. I've been on 3rds for a month now but its pretty chill/laid back.
I work helpdesk/1st level support so its pretty much babysitting the servers,applications,etc..

Less supervision, its like 3 or 4 people in the datacenter depending on the night.
Don't have to take off for appointments
Rotating shifts = 3/4 day weekends depending on what rotation your on
The whole shift is like an extended break sometimes..

Rotating shifts..yea the extra off day here and there is cool but it screws your sleeping pattern up even worse.
Hard to plan stuff except on off days..and that sometimes doesn't match up with you peeps

My best advice..load up the ipod/zune/whatever full of music. Turn your phone OFF when you get home. And figure out the best sleep pattern for you so youwon't be crashing around 3 am.
All the pros and cons are pretty much covered. I will advise u not to take the gig if you are in school cause u won't have time to do your school work.That's the reason I switched from night stock to day stock. I miss it, it is a lot more laxed and chill. U also don't have to worry about customers allin your way.
I worked overnight for 5 years from the hours of 10pm-6am. These are my pros and cons.

*Always had free time during the day to handle business at banks, job interviews, etc.
*Breakfast(dinner) after work FTW!!!!
*Overnight jobs are pretty laid back and people are usually cool
*Traffic avoidance on streets and grocery stores if you go directly after work
*Your social life WILL BE COOL if you're off on the weekends and hit clubs..... You will be the most alert patron in the club.

*You will be tired as hell until you get your pattern down. First week FTL!!!!
*If you dont go to sleep directly after work and stay up and do something, then go to sleep noonish.....Your day is officially over(You lose days)

Honestly, if you're not in this job for the long run like I was with mine, just set 3 alarms and get your money.
Originally Posted by wanksta23

i did this for awhile, with similar hours

at my work, REAL laid back, worked with 1 other co-worker
i took some naps
got to do my HW
its pretty quiet and peaceful

i got used to sleeping 4 hours a day

sometimes it gets boring
hours go by sllooowww

but honestly, i had it pretty easy..i had a 360, tv, and internet and free roam to skate around the airport without anyone spying on me

good luck!

had to adjust some things, but that pretty much sums it up
I work overnight and have been doing it for three years. I work Sun-Thurs so I have Fri/Sat off.

- Able to run errands without the hassle of traffic or places being crowded
- Nothing important happens in the morning so you won't miss anything during primetime.
- During the heat you will be working and driving during the coolest time of the day.
- If you're lucky enough to get weekends off then even better because you won't miss out on anythng.
- Graveyard pays more.
- Job is more laid back.

- If you're married or live with your girlfriend I woudn't recommend it because your sex life will suffer.
- It's hard adjusting to a regular sleep schedule on the weekends sometimes. I've mastered it though.
- The first few weeks will be hard but with time it will be easy.

That's all I can really think of, hope it helps.
Thanks for the replies, but yea im going to be working just four days sundays-wednesdays which it isnt bad i get 3 days off thursdays, fridays and saturdays
, the only bad thing would be that i have classes mondays wednesdays andfridays in the mornings
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