What can your wife, girlfriend, main chick do to satisfy you better?

Nope, but just about everyone I know born in July is like this when they're young, takes a while to gain that emotional maturity, myself included.
July Bby checking in and yes that emo maturity took forever to kick in. I really don't give a **** these days
Nothing really. I get dome when I want it, sex when I want it, she's a good cook, does laundry, cleans and helps with my girls. I'm fortunate.

The only thing I ever pressured her about was hitting the gym and over the last 6 months she transformed her body, so I'm good.

EDIT: She's Spanish and a little hood, so she can have attitude sometimes, but meh.
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Head is a requirement, I had to cut broads off that wasn't trying to suck ...one joint a couple weeks ago I got her naked n all that n she said she doesn't give head , had to tell her to get dressed n dip :lol: ...blue balls for me tho :smh:

What? I had a chick not want to dome me up recently, but I still pounded with the force of 1,000 Greek gods.

My main chick has problems with random emotional outbursts. She holds grudges and takes a lot of things I say out of context and she gets offended to easy. It's like dating NT.:smh:


brah.. are we dating the same chick?:lol:
-1st and fore most the hypocrisy.
-the excuses she gives me on the reason why she does the **** she do
-she needs to give head more
-she dont do the sexting either
-dont be smashing randomly
Nothing really. I get dome when I want it, sex when I want it, she's a good cook, does laundry, cleans and helps with my girls. I'm fortunate.

The only thing I ever pressured her about was hitting the gym and over the last 6 months she transformed her body, so I'm good.

EDIT: She's Spanish and a little hood, so she can have attitude sometimes, but meh.

Does she have a sister/friend/cousin who's like her?

Asking for a friend...
I told her that one day. Asked why she does that, she said she wants me to tell her she's not and she's beautiful. I said, I do that and you still say it. Then she flipped it and said she just say it cause that's how she feels. I was like bruh, then what are you doing to change it? She went on and talked about how she ain't got time to go to the gym and da da da. Told her this living room is a gym, the park is right up the street for walkin', ain't no excuses. Don't come for me when i tell you that I don't care if you gain weight, i'm still gon love you but if you wanna lose weight DO SOMETHING
Good stuff man. I seriously ignore the, "I am so fat" baits. I don't even acknowledge them.

I had one girl tell me she wouldn't start working out util she did research and found out what makes a trainer, a good trainer. I am like there are plenty of things you can do without a trainer, plus you are cheap so I know YOU aren't paying for a damn trainer. This conversation happened in FEB, she hasn't worked out more than 10 times since then. Still no trainer.
Why can't a ***** just be tired after work? I don't always want to clock out, get home, and talk for an hour. I'm quiet because I had a long day and want to FINALLY relax for a just a few minutes. Just because I'm not saying anything doesn't mean I'm angry at you. Jesus.

FAM. Finally, someone else goes through the same ish.

I think everyone goes through this :lol:

It's a simple generalization but men and women are different

My girl is great (proposing soon) but I wish
1)she cooked more - she can cook but she doesn't like to, even for herself
2)more spontaneous with sex. The sex and head is amazing but she hasn't been the type to randomly top me off. But I know there are things I can do differently and things will be different once we live together.
im always surprised when i hear people say that head isnt like a normal part of having sex? Am i the only weirdo that thinks that head is something that should always happen before sex? 

For me and my girl it is

But sometimes I just want head and head only.
Her only sibling is a brother and her only cousin like her that isn't married is sweet, but she's huge.
She needs to get a better job and make more money. Yall dudes in here letting sex rule your relationships, and losing sight of whats really important.
Seriously go back and read this thread.

-My girl needs to give head more

-My girl needs to give head more

-My girl needs to have more spontaneous sex

-My girl needs to stop nagging

-My girl needs to give head more

Yall dudes really have some shallow objectives out here. But does your girl make within 80% of what you make if she doesn't make more, or an equal amount? If so you have a larger problem than her not wanting to perform fellatio. You're already in a hole with someone who cant even bring stuff to the table financially. Head isn't currency, yall dudes need to wake up.
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I'm agreeable to this.

When Im seeing someone, I have this habit of wanting to give him head when we wake up in the morning. I mean it's usually all hard and that ish turns me on so...[/quote

this! Every morning should begin with sex!
Then what? Do you go to work? Do you contribute to the financial dynamic of the household in a meaningful way? Do you have a job with upward mobility prospects? Cause this isnt anything. Anyone can provide sex, you're not bringing anything tangible to the table with that.
It's 2015 almost 2016 - can't we ladies have a little fun and not only participate in the humorous and honest conversations that occur on a forum that we love, But also joke around with one another?

I'm single, yes, but so is 75% of NT so why does it matter? Oh, I forgot, We have a vagina so it matters A LOT. Get over it.

Once I have a man, which I'm not rushing on anyway, he will be very pleased and certainly not whining on a forum about why his girl ain't making him happy.

Love you guys [emoji]10084[/emoji]️[emoji]128513[/emoji]
Yup because all a man needs is sex and everything will be ok. Go do something man.
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Seriously go back and read this thread.

-My girl needs to give head more
-My girl needs to give head more
-My girl needs to have more spontaneous sex
-My girl needs to stop nagging
-My girl needs to give head more

Yall dudes really have some shallow objectives out here. But does your girl make within 80% of what you make if she doesn't make more, or an equal amount? If so you have a larger problem than her not wanting to perform fellatio. You're already in a hole with someone who cant even bring stuff to the table financially. Head isn't currency, yall dudes need to wake up.

Or maybe income is a non-issue in their relationship which is why they didnt mention it...
You ever just eat her out?

No because she always wants sex after I start. It may not be right after I start and regardless if she orgasms or not she'll want it.

I enjoy eating her out so I'd have no problem if there were times where I only did that as long as she did the same for me.
Seriously go back and read this thread.

-My girl needs to give head more

-My girl needs to give head more

-My girl needs to have more spontaneous sex

-My girl needs to stop nagging

-My girl needs to give head more

Yall dudes really have some shallow objectives out here. But does your girl make within 80% of what you make if she doesn't make more, or an equal amount? If so you have a larger problem than her not wanting to perform fellatio. You're already in a hole with someone who cant even bring stuff to the table financially. Head isn't currency, yall dudes need to wake up.
Currency don't show affection either kiddo

Money and financial stability is a not a replacement for love and/or sex. Most women complain that their men are affectionate with them (my wife does but i'm working on it and improving) and thier men make bounds more than them, can they not want their hand held, be told their beautiful, or want flowers because it's wednesday?

I reckon I get your point, sex isn't everything but I'd assume if there were other issues they'd be brought up.
Seriously go back and read this thread.

-My girl needs to give head more
-My girl needs to give head more
-My girl needs to have more spontaneous sex
-My girl needs to stop nagging
-My girl needs to give head more

Yall dudes really have some shallow objectives out here. But does your girl make within 80% of what you make if she doesn't make more, or an equal amount? If so you have a larger problem than her not wanting to perform fellatio. You're already in a hole with someone who cant even bring stuff to the table financially. Head isn't currency, yall dudes need to wake up.

Or maybe income is a non-issue in their relationship which is why they didnt mention it...

Exactly. Eventually I'll be the major breadwinner but she makes 6 figures and currently more than doubles my salary

Income is not an issue, but heaven forbid they dont get a BJ! Then we have some problems!!!

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

As I said in my original post I'm planning on proposing soon so obviously it's not a major issue. Just something I wish was different.

You can be very happy and still wish something was different.
:lol: what a silly perspective to introduce with all confidence. It ain't just about sex... It's about money! The hell? Who even said it was all about sex? Dudes are mentioning minor tongue in cheek issues, here you come with a major one most have already figured out before getting deep into a relationship.
The endless complaints about sex said it for them. Its far from silly, but yall have fun being with leeches because they can do XYZ in bed.
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But maybe they aren't complaining about income because that isn't a issue? What if they have wives or girls who have lucrative careers but just need to give head more? Stop assuming and complain or leave.
I mean I did ask the question of "Does your girl make 80% of what you make, equal or more" with the intent of clearing that up. Please see above.

So if she doesnt do one of those three things and dudes are complaining about sex then you're lost because you have bigger things to worry about
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