What Children Teeth Look Like Growing In

Aug 4, 2010
Dont know if thread exist, looked on first 3pages. if it does continue to flame and delete 
The permanent are present under the baby teeth.


This person either already has permanent teeth grown in or they lack some permanent teeth to replace the baby teeth.
i had 2 extra permanent front teeth that werent letting my baby front teeth fall out..had surgery to get the babies removed, the extras pulled down, and the regular permanent to come down
Not only is that a kid's skull, but someome shaved the mouth down just to show baby teeth.
Watchu know 'bout dat desecration?!?
My co-worker showed me that same pic a few months ago. He said if we as adults went through what kids go through we would go crazy from the pain.
Originally Posted by cs02132

i had 2 extra permanent front teeth that werent letting my baby front teeth fall out..had surgery to get the babies removed, the extras pulled down, and the regular permanent to come down

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