What do you do to relax?

Originally Posted by SalviBoy7

Go for a drive on the beltway/highway. Usually at night. Windows down.

i second this...

if gas is not an factor, jump on the highway and riiiiiiide....
Smash while I listen to R. KELLY 
My fave thing to do is to smoke a blunt then go for a nice drive at night to some chill out music.
Cooking with the TV on (either sports or PBS) relaxes me.

If someone enters the kitchen though I start flipping out!
Go to the gym and do some cardio makes me forget all the stress while bumping some music. Also sometjing I learned in yoga is to just sit down and listen to Urself breath. That $*%% really works.

Breathing techniques
Listen to music (Right now I'm hooked on that 500 Days of Summer soundtrack)
Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

Listen to some piano sonatas and chill.

I think I'll give this a try. Wish I could vap some green but its all good.

Yea our nights down here have been real nice lately but my car started acting up today. Its always something.

Relaxing is overrated to me. You can relax when you sleep. Clearing your mind is more like it and I hoop for that.

Being able to relax healthy wise is pretty important.
Have a few drinks and listen to some music. Nujabes FTW
Take a drive at night or when the sun is going down.
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