What would you do? Vol. You can't come back to my house!!

That's a bad spot to be in though, to be the only one. Then they look at you sideways like you're wrong. I think this situation might be just an age thing. Generally younger people don't see it as an issue. I know I didn't when I was younger, but that's besides the point. You should do it regardless of age. I guess when you get older and have your own place, you see it differently. Idk.

think you hit the nail on the head. now that i think about it, i didnt really think about it as much when i was younger. to be honest, when i was younger (college or HS) we really didnt have hosted get togethers like that because no one had their own place. if we werent still living at home, we were doin the apt+roommate thing, so it would be hard to coordinate a big get together like that. Furthermore, ALL of us were struggling financially as starving students, so no one would have the disposable income available to just kickdown a couple hundred bucks to put something like that together. Any time there was a get together, it was assumed that everyone chips what they can and we make it work.

age and stable income often bring more social responsibilities, its just the way it is (atleast for me). that being said, even at my age (early 30's) i got some close friends who are still strugglin financially. with most of those guys, the cheap factor is a non-issue. They arent being cheap, they are just broke. Situation like that, 10 out of 10 times, I got you. I'm asking you to come kick it knowing full well what your financial situation is. I'm not trying to make it a financial burden for you just to hang out. I ask you to go out to the bar with me for some drinks, 9 out of 10 times I will try to pick up the bill or pay a bigger portion of it, maybe a proportion commensurate to our respective income/salaries. Its all done with the understanding that once they get on their feet (if ever) they will return the favor. If they never get on their feet, i dont even see it as a loss. im still living good, and if i can help make my boys life a little bit less crappy, then that is surely worth a few bucks outta my pocket. the problem is the straight out cheap fools. my cheap friend (to be honest, hes not even that cheap, just very very selfish and lazy) is not hurtin for money. dude's got multiple houses, multiple cars including his daily driver 5 series bimmer, and probably brings home upward of $200K a year. stop bein a lil B, stop by the store and pickup a bottle of scotch on your way over you bum.
Mojo you are cool in my book, so don't take this personally. I really do not like it when the HOSTS of a party asks (I do bring a bottle) people to bring a bottle/six pack/chip in/etc. You are hosting the event! When I host events at my place, I don't ask people to bring anything whatsoever,

nor do I ask for them to chip in. It's evident you want people over, hence you hosting the event. With that said, I cover everything. I've ordered fights/Superbowl parties/get togethers/etc. and I have not once asked people to chip in or bring a bottle. For what? Don't have a party/host an

event if you're not willing to cover everything. I know I'm going to spend money. It's my choice to have the party.

The way I look at it, if I have to/feel the need to ask people to chip in to my event at my house I don't need to have the party. That's just the way I feel about. No beef to you or anyone else who disagrees.
I always put down whatever is asked, ask if I can provide any food/bring something anyway, and bring my own bottle/soda to share with the entire party.

If one of my friends said I wasn't allowed to come back after taking my bottle (which was supposed to be used for the party) at the end of the night...I probably wouldn't be friends with them in the first place.

That's just my opinion.
I hate cheap people like that. Thankfully in my groups, everybody's happy to contribute and will do it without being asked. There's been some people in the outer circles who've acted like that, *****ed over chipping in for dinners, bringing things, contributing little to charity events.

That being said, I wouldn't stoop to that level. Sucks that he pulled it but it doesn't have a huge impact in the grand scheme of things. If he showed up, ate everything while everyone but him chipped in and affected them, I might think differently. It doesn't matter that he was late, that was his call but it doesn't sound like blatant disrespect (though it's cheap & corny).

If everyone's cool with him, invite him again at some point and if it or something similar happens, call him out at that point.
I don't know about the rest of you guys but if I decide to invite people to my crib....it's at my expense....I tell people that i'll make food and what drinks I have and if they offer to bring over anything then thats on them and I appreciate it.

If someone brings over a full bottle and it wasn't even opened and they want to take it back home...it's theirs to take...no qualms.
 I try to put on a good "show" and make sure my guests have a good time and get enough to eat. All I'm asking is for a little help to the costs, and/or help in refilling my liquor cabinet.

Mojo you are cool in my book, so don't take this personally. I really do not like it when the HOSTS of a party asks (I do bring a bottle) people to bring a bottle/six pack/chip in/etc. You are hosting the event! When I host events at my place, I don't ask people to bring anything whatsoever,
nor do I ask for them to chip in. It's evident you want people over, hence you hosting the event. With that said, I cover everything. I've ordered fights/Superbowl parties/get togethers/etc. and I have not once asked people to chip in or bring a bottle. For what? Don't have a party/host an
event if you're not willing to cover everything. I know I'm going to spend money. It's my choice to have the party.

The way I look at it, if I have to/feel the need to ask people to chip in to my event at my house I don't need to have the party. That's just the way I feel about. No beef to you or anyone else who disagrees.

no offense taken. my wife gives me grief about the same thing. she is in the same boat as you are (hosts = hosting, no expectations of guests).

i mean its somewhat illogical and unfair, but i just come down hard on my boys, not anyone else. if im having a big get together with friends that arent necesarily my inner circle, or my wifes friends, i really couldnt care less if they bring anything or not. i just hold my boys to a higher standard, cause i kinda see it as a mutual understanding that we always should be doin what we can to help each other out.
OP ask yourself this -

Are you going to ruin a good friendship just because your boy (is cheap) took 1 bottle home after a get together?

If dude is cheap, then this **** ain't new to you. He's been cheap all of his life, and all of his friendship with you. So why, now, of all times would you just dead him like that?

I'm not saying what he did was right, but at the same time, I wouldn't drop a friend over something so petty.

I myself have cheap friends, and sometimes you have to straighten them out and tell them how it is. But don't end/ruin a friendship over something like that.

If you just met the dude not too long ago, then whatever. Thats understandable. But if this is a long term friendship then thats ****** up bruh
if hes a good homie then id let him know about the boto and whut not, make sure he knows whuts up next time around... i wouldnt trip over seomthing like that.
OP ask yourself this -

Are you going to ruin a good friendship just because your boy (is cheap) took 1 bottle home after a get together?

If dude is cheap, then this **** ain't new to you. He's been cheap all of his life, and all of his friendship with you. So why, now, of all times would you just dead him like that?

I'm not saying what he did was right, but at the same time, I wouldn't drop a friend over something so petty.

I myself have cheap friends, and sometimes you have to straighten them out and tell them how it is. But don't end/ruin a friendship over something like that.

If you just met the dude not too long ago, then whatever. Thats understandable. But if this is a long term friendship then thats ****** up bruh

:lol: I'm not going to ruin the friendship behind it, but I just think it was a tacky move is all.

bro you made wings and frys and u wanted everyone to bring a bottle :lol:

Yes. I made wings and FRIES. What's wrong with that? We knew it wasn't a dinner type thing. Just finger food.

I'm just glad this thread got a little run. I didn't think anyone would respond to it.
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no offense taken. my wife gives me grief about the same thing. she is in the same boat as you are (hosts = hosting, no expectations of guests).
i mean its somewhat illogical and unfair, but i just come down hard on my boys, not anyone else. if im having a big get together with friends that arent necesarily my inner circle, or my wifes friends, i really couldnt care less if they bring anything or not. i just hold my boys to a higher standard, cause i kinda see it as a mutual understanding that we always should be doin what we can to help each other out.
Cool. I understand and respect that. I took it as you asking everyone that was invited to bring something. My fault for assuming. I understand

where you are coming from. Your close boys will normally look out for you. I know when my friends host something I ask if they need me to bring

anything or help them watch the house and stuff.
everyone bring a bottle?  u r either the heaviest drinkers on earth or ur trying to get free liquor on da low.  

u can get wings and fries for 7 bucks and most bottles cost at least 15. im starting to wonder whos the cheap one here.
everyone bring a bottle?  u r either the heaviest drinkers on earth or ur trying to get free liquor on da low.  

u can get wings and fries for 7 bucks and most bottles cost at least 15. im starting to wonder whos the cheap one here.

This. Cheap hosts want you to bring a $30 bottle and they grilling hamburgers and chicken legs. Fools ain't even grilling steaks and wings, they hitting you with store brand burgers and the family pack of chicken legs for $0.99 a pound.
Nothing wrong with having people over for wings and fries, but a bottle each is OD. If this was a fancier dinner and he bought a bottle of liquor or wine, then took it. Then that's a little tacky and lame.

But just a chill night with wings and fries, a bottle per person is a lot. The guests are probably spending more per person than you are for the food, and yeah it's in your house and you're hosting.. but that's a bit much. 
everyone bring a bottle?  u r either the heaviest drinkers on earth or ur trying to get free liquor on da low.  

u can get wings and fries for 7 bucks and most bottles cost at least 15. im starting to wonder whos the cheap one here.

After coming back into this thread and reading more, what dude did is still kinda corny but it definitely seems like OP is cheap as hell. I was thinking this was some big spread he prepared (and all he had leftover was wings & fries when dude showed up late) since he was specifically asking everyone to bring a bottle but JUST chicken wings and fries? :smh:

There's a cost associated with hosting parties.
It is tacky as heck to take your bottle back home with you but it is equally tacky to ask guests to bring a bottle when you are only serving some raggedy *** wings and fries. With that being said my pops taught me that you never show up at a man's house without a 12 pack of beer. That rule has always served me well. If there is a lady of the house bring her a bottle of wine, that always goes over well too. Ps best believe I'm taking down at least 6 them brews though lol.
I went to a party and the chick asked me to bring a bottle so I did. She was annoyingly drunk, her spot was burning up and there were too many people for that amount of space, and she was the only person there I knew. :smh:

Stayed for about 30 min then bounced without saying anything, but I left the bottle.

Talk to your friend about it and get that understanding of the situation to prevent awkward situations and you being annoyed by him
If it was just that one time and you've known him that long I wouldn't end a friendship over it. But if he continues to do it I would have a talk with him.
everyone bring a bottle?  u r either the heaviest drinkers on earth or ur trying to get free liquor on da low.  

u can get wings and fries for 7 bucks and most bottles cost at least 15. im starting to wonder whos the cheap one here.
it aint even that... its more like a pay if forward type of thing... you bring a bottle over, then i will bring a bottle over next time... the host usually cooks the food and we bring the drinks... we dont do burgers and hotdogs though... its always good food... hot pot, pho, korean bbq... usually a feast...
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