What would you tell your 18 year old self?

Eat more
Learn how to swim
Smash anything that moves (not really)
Disregard "love"
Have fun
Go on a trip around the world after college, before 9to5 hell

Im good with the $ thing but I guess invest like everyone else said. But that isnt really on 18 yr old minds.

Pick up internet marketing as a hobby
Invest your settlement money
stay I school , p*ssy can wait
Mature, this world is cruel and unforgiving ...
Stay in school.
Be more respectful of your elders.
I'd probably tell him to do right by that girl, she's a keeper.
You have the ability to get As in almost every class in undergrad... make sure you do it.

Sow more oats. Bang every hot girl that hits on you... if you don't get it out of your system, it's going to cause relationship problems for you later.

When Nando calls you to go out that one night... DON'T GO.

When Darrell calls you to go out that other night... DON'T GO.

When Rudy calls you go out that other night... DON'T GO.

Aside from those pit stops at county jail... you're a good kid and you will make a lot of good decisions. I promise any heartache and disappointment you will encounter will pass. Life is good, enjoy the journey as much as the destination.
Don't talk out loud about problems before thinking about a solution.
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Going to community college was the right choice

Going away to school is what you make it
Stay Focused School is everything 

Save Up

Read the signals that chick was sending you when she ask you to come over & study 

Dont go out with that bird she a liar 
-Hit the gym, and lose weight
-Be more outgoing
-Figure out what you want to do before you go to college
-Save up money
-Stop wasting your time on her
Don' t go down that wrong path...

Cherish your youth

Stop being greedy and selfish

Don't drop out of college

Follow your passion for drawing.
Good question

I'd tell myself to take my time and be okay with the down times. I don't always need to be "up"; destress whenever possible
I tell my current self the same things

I guess as far as like reshaping my past / regrets?
****.I guess I'd say:

Stick with tree.
Pills are dumb.
Girls are dumber.
"If you're not having fun then what's the point?"
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