What's the biggest L you've ever taken?

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Damn son that's deep

What type of car was it?
2010 civic coupe, 20k miles worth around 13k...smh huge L right there. bought that whip with my own money too 



Well I pretty much wanted to get a another newer whip, so I put my civic up on craigslist to see what kind of offers I could get for it. Lots of interest, and had people come check it out etc. I thought it would be an easy sell so I wasnt sweating it. A few people come through and this lady comes with this shady looking dude who waits in the car as she comes out to greet me. She checks out the car and whatnot, I say I got mad offers and its pretty much the first person to give me 13k that will get it. She seemed really interested and loved the car, and was so certain she wanted it, that she straight up told me she'll come through in 2 days to cop it, and to hold it down for her while she gets a certified check. 

I said ok its cool, and that I would hold it down for her. And being the nice guy I am, I even went the next day to get it factory cleaned, shampooed conditioned all that ($125 cost) on me so it would look fresh when she got it. So in two days as promised she comes through around 5pm, wearing scrubs and pretty much in a nurses uniform. So I ask her what she does, and she says shes an RN who just moved to NY from VA like 1 week ago, and needs a whip now that she lives here. I'm thinking cool shes an RN, a professional, so I should be straight on the funds. We chop it up a bit, tells me her name details etc, and before signing over the title, I ask for her ID etc. She hands me what turned out to be a fake VA ID, and a phony pay-stub.

The shadiest thing that pisses me off when I think about it is that I took her check that she told me was from her bank account in VA. The name of the bank was legit, so I give her the keys, title, and a farewell on her way. At this point I'm thinking 
 thats 13k towards my TL, two days later the money is credited to my account and its all good. Fast foward a week or so later I'm having lunch with my girlfriend and my card is straight up getting denied. I have no idea why since I had money, so I call chase and they tell me my account was frozen due to fraudulent activity 
 I rush on over there and they pretty much tell me that the check was a fake, and since it was an out of state check, they graced me with the funds before they were actually transferred to them as a courtesy. I told them the story and they pretty much told me to hit up the police station asap and file a report and try and catch the thot, and the money didn't exist. 

I go to the police station file a report, show them the fake ID, pay-stub and provide them with the cell phone number she used to contact me. Turns out the number was a disposable one, and all they really had was a picture of how she looked like, but no name address or anything else. They politely told me that I was screwed and to take my L and be more careful next time. Needless to say I was distraught and my dad was pissed as hell, but what can you do. Somewhere out there a woman is driving around in my whip knowing she stole it off an innocent individual who worked hard for it. Whatever though, character is more important than money to me, but I hope karma is a B
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i know it's a good amount of money and all,
but man... I would've wanted that 13 g's in straight cash...
not about to trust anybody, especially not someone off craigslist
Well I pretty much wanted to get a another newer whip, so I put my civic up on craigslist to see what kind of offers I could get for it. Lots of interest, and had people come check it out etc. I thought it would be an easy sell so I wasnt sweating it. A few people come through and this lady comes with this shady looking dude who waits in the car as she comes out to greet me. She checks out the car and whatnot, I say I got mad offers and its pretty much the first person to give me 13k that will get it. She seemed really interested and loved the car, and was so certain she wanted it, that she straight up told me she'll come through in 2 days to cop it, and to hold it down for her while she gets a certified check. 

I said ok its cool, and that I would hold it down for her. And being the nice guy I am, I even went the next day to get it factory cleaned, shampooed conditioned all that ($125 cost) on me so it would look fresh when she got it. So in two days as promised she comes through around 5pm, wearing scrubs and pretty much in a nurses uniform. So I ask her what she does, and she says shes an RN who just moved to NY from VA like 1 week ago, and needs a whip now that she lives here. I'm thinking cool shes an RN, a professional, so I should be straight on the funds. We chop it up a bit, tells me her name details etc, and before signing over the title, I ask for her ID etc. She hands me what turned out to be a fake VA ID, and a phony pay-stub.

The shadiest thing that pisses me off when I think about it is that I took her check that she told me was from her bank account in VA. The name of the bank was legit, so I give her the keys, title, and a farewell on her way. At this point I'm thinking 
 thats 13k towards my TL, two days later the money is credited to my account and its all good. Fast foward a week or so later I'm having lunch with my girlfriend and my card is straight up getting denied. I have no idea why since I had money, so I call chase and they tell me my account was frozen due to fraudulent activity 
 I rush on over there and they pretty much tell me that the check was a fake, and since it was an out of state check, they graced me with the funds before they were actually transferred to them as a courtesy. I told them the story and they pretty much told me to hit up the police station asap and file a report and try and catch the thot, and the money didn't exist. 

I go to the police station file a report, show them the fake ID, pay-stub and provide them with the cell phone number she used to contact me. Turns out the number was a disposable one, and all they really had was a picture of how she looked like, but no name address or anything else. They politely told me that I was screwed and to take my L and be more careful next time. Needless to say I was distraught and my dad was pissed as hell, but what can you do. Somewhere out there a woman is driving around in my whip knowing she stole it off an innocent individual who worked hard for it. Whatever though, character is more important than money to me, but I hope karma is a B
I'm not a street dude or hood cat or gangsta or anything like that

But a situation like this would make me want to go for the burner
Well I pretty much wanted to get a another newer whip, so I put my civic up on craigslist to see what kind of offers I could get for it. Lots of interest, and had people come check it out etc. I thought it would be an easy sell so I wasnt sweating it. A few people come through and this lady comes with this shady looking dude who waits in the car as she comes out to greet me. She checks out the car and whatnot, I say I got mad offers and its pretty much the first person to give me 13k that will get it. She seemed really interested and loved the car, and was so certain she wanted it, that she straight up told me she'll come through in 2 days to cop it, and to hold it down for her while she gets a certified check. 

I said ok its cool, and that I would hold it down for her. And being the nice guy I am, I even went the next day to get it factory cleaned, shampooed conditioned all that ($125 cost) on me so it would look fresh when she got it. So in two days as promised she comes through around 5pm, wearing scrubs and pretty much in a nurses uniform. So I ask her what she does, and she says shes an RN who just moved to NY from VA like 1 week ago, and needs a whip now that she lives here. I'm thinking cool shes an RN, a professional, so I should be straight on the funds. We chop it up a bit, tells me her name details etc, and before signing over the title, I ask for her ID etc. She hands me what turned out to be a fake VA ID, and a phony pay-stub.

The shadiest thing that pisses me off when I think about it is that I took her check that she told me was from her bank account in VA. The name of the bank was legit, so I give her the keys, title, and a farewell on her way. At this point I'm thinking :pimp:  thats 13k towards my TL, two days later the money is credited to my account and its all good. Fast foward a week or so later I'm having lunch with my girlfriend and my card is straight up getting denied. I have no idea why since I had money, so I call chase and they tell me my account was frozen due to fraudulent activity :smh:  I rush on over there and they pretty much tell me that the check was a fake, and since it was an out of state check, they graced me with the funds before they were actually transferred to them as a courtesy. I told them the story and they pretty much told me to hit up the police station asap and file a report and try and catch the thot, and the money didn't exist. 

I go to the police station file a report, show them the fake ID, pay-stub and provide them with the cell phone number she used to contact me. Turns out the number was a disposable one, and all they really had was a picture of how she looked like, but no name address or anything else. They politely told me that I was screwed and to take my L and be more careful next time. Needless to say I was distraught and my dad was pissed as hell, but what can you do. Somewhere out there a woman is driving around in my whip knowing she stole it off an innocent individual who worked hard for it. Whatever though, character is more important than money to me, but I hope karma is a B

U gotta be kidding me.

That vin number exists somewhere in your records, hers, and insurance companies.

Theres ways to find that car
Somewhere out there a woman is driving around in my whip knowing she stole it off an innocent individual who worked hard for it. Whatever though, character is more important than money to me, but I hope karma is a B
That's the part that gets me the most, like how much of a piece of s*** do you have to be to steal from someone
.  I don't know how long ago it was, but the dealership might have the VIN, if you don't, and you can give that to the police.  That's the only thing I can think of unless you gave her your plates by mistake and she was too stupid to take them off.
I have the VIN number, I gave that to the police as well. They said she probably chopped it up or is using it for herself? I have no idea
I have the VIN number, I gave that to the police as well. They said she probably chopped it up or is using it for herself? I have no idea
Son I'm angry FOR you.

Take this to Reddit. There's tons of smart folks on Reddit. Experts of all cloths. Someone's bound to help you out.

There's ways, man. Ways to wreak vengeance.
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Son I'm angry FOR you.

Take this to Reddit. There's tons of smart folks on Reddit. Experts of all cloths. Someone's bound to help you out.

There's ways, man. Ways to wreak vengeance.
Idk man...i'm not really about that using messageboards to find her life 
 way to publicized for me. But if theres anything I can do with the VIN i'd love to know, i'm sure she still must be using it somewhere
Idk man...i'm not really about that using messageboards to find her life 
 way to publicized for me. But if theres anything I can do with the VIN i'd love to know, i'm sure she still must be using it somewhere
I'm not saying put any personal info online, man. But there are legal, automotive, investigative experts out there who could probably help you loads more than the police are capable of or care to.
I admire your maturity about the situation and i hate it happened to you. As mentioned, there's got to be a way to track it.

I agree with you, money isn't everything.
Son you need to be posting that pic ALL OVER the Internet. There are too many angles you can attack. I would do my best to have her pic on the national news.
But I don't even have a name number location anything, just her face and my VIN. If something can really be done with those two things I may have to visit my local police station and ask for copies of the ID. She was quite dark in complexion and the picture wasn't at all clear. After we carefully looked at it, it was obvious that it was fake. I should've examined it more carefully, but I was sort of naive and excited to sell it quickly too in retrospect 
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Well I pretty much wanted to get a another newer whip, so I put my civic up on craigslist to see what kind of offers I could get for it. Lots of interest, and had people come check it out etc. I thought it would be an easy sell so I wasnt sweating it. A few people come through and this lady comes with this shady looking dude who waits in the car as she comes out to greet me. She checks out the car and whatnot, I say I got mad offers and its pretty much the first person to give me 13k that will get it. She seemed really interested and loved the car, and was so certain she wanted it, that she straight up told me she'll come through in 2 days to cop it, and to hold it down for her while she gets a certified check. 

I said ok its cool, and that I would hold it down for her. And being the nice guy I am, I even went the next day to get it factory cleaned, shampooed conditioned all that ($125 cost) on me so it would look fresh when she got it. So in two days as promised she comes through around 5pm, wearing scrubs and pretty much in a nurses uniform. So I ask her what she does, and she says shes an RN who just moved to NY from VA like 1 week ago, and needs a whip now that she lives here. I'm thinking cool shes an RN, a professional, so I should be straight on the funds. We chop it up a bit, tells me her name details etc, and before signing over the title, I ask for her ID etc. She hands me what turned out to be a fake VA ID, and a phony pay-stub.

The shadiest thing that pisses me off when I think about it is that I took her check that she told me was from her bank account in VA. The name of the bank was legit, so I give her the keys, title, and a farewell on her way. At this point I'm thinking :pimp:  thats 13k towards my TL, two days later the money is credited to my account and its all good. Fast foward a week or so later I'm having lunch with my girlfriend and my card is straight up getting denied. I have no idea why since I had money, so I call chase and they tell me my account was frozen due to fraudulent activity :smh:  I rush on over there and they pretty much tell me that the check was a fake, and since it was an out of state check, they graced me with the funds before they were actually transferred to them as a courtesy. I told them the story and they pretty much told me to hit up the police station asap and file a report and try and catch the thot, and the money didn't exist. 

I go to the police station file a report, show them the fake ID, pay-stub and provide them with the cell phone number she used to contact me. Turns out the number was a disposable one, and all they really had was a picture of how she looked like, but no name address or anything else. They politely told me that I was screwed and to take my L and be more careful next time. Needless to say I was distraught and my dad was pissed as hell, but what can you do. Somewhere out there a woman is driving around in my whip knowing she stole it off an innocent individual who worked hard for it. Whatever though, character is more important than money to me, but I hope karma is a B

Dogggg whaaat? Like yeah I wanna say I'd murder her but if she drove that thing out of state I'm not even sure how to find her. Even with the VIN number. ****, I'm not even sure how a PI would find her.

I dont think I'd sell a $13 k item till money cleared completely unless the transaction was done at the persons home.

But then again, you did see her ID. Maybe even took a picture of it. And I might've fell for the RN thing too. But still I have to say, until that cash is in my hand idk if I'd let go of the car. I damn sure will never take a check from a stranger after this story.
I have the VIN number, I gave that to the police as well. They said she probably chopped it up or is using it for herself? I have no idea
PROBABLY? Nah, homie. Then you "probably" should go back to the police station and "probably" see what can be done.
Well I pretty much wanted to get a another newer whip, so I put my civic up on craigslist to see what kind of offers I could get for it. Lots of interest, and had people come check it out etc. I thought it would be an easy sell so I wasnt sweating it. A few people come through and this lady comes with this shady looking dude who waits in the car as she comes out to greet me. She checks out the car and whatnot, I say I got mad offers and its pretty much the first person to give me 13k that will get it. She seemed really interested and loved the car, and was so certain she wanted it, that she straight up told me she'll come through in 2 days to cop it, and to hold it down for her while she gets a certified check. 

I said ok its cool, and that I would hold it down for her. And being the nice guy I am, I even went the next day to get it factory cleaned, shampooed conditioned all that ($125 cost) on me so it would look fresh when she got it. So in two days as promised she comes through around 5pm, wearing scrubs and pretty much in a nurses uniform. So I ask her what she does, and she says shes an RN who just moved to NY from VA like 1 week ago, and needs a whip now that she lives here. I'm thinking cool shes an RN, a professional, so I should be straight on the funds. We chop it up a bit, tells me her name details etc, and before signing over the title, I ask for her ID etc. She hands me what turned out to be a fake VA ID, and a phony pay-stub.

The shadiest thing that pisses me off when I think about it is that I took her check that she told me was from her bank account in VA. The name of the bank was legit, so I give her the keys, title, and a farewell on her way. At this point I'm thinking :pimp:  thats 13k towards my TL, two days later the money is credited to my account and its all good. Fast foward a week or so later I'm having lunch with my girlfriend and my card is straight up getting denied. I have no idea why since I had money, so I call chase and they tell me my account was frozen due to fraudulent activity :smh:  I rush on over there and they pretty much tell me that the check was a fake, and since it was an out of state check, they graced me with the funds before they were actually transferred to them as a courtesy. I told them the story and they pretty much told me to hit up the police station asap and file a report and try and catch the thot, and the money didn't exist. 

I go to the police station file a report, show them the fake ID, pay-stub and provide them with the cell phone number she used to contact me. Turns out the number was a disposable one, and all they really had was a picture of how she looked like, but no name address or anything else. They politely told me that I was screwed and to take my L and be more careful next time. Needless to say I was distraught and my dad was pissed as hell, but what can you do. Somewhere out there a woman is driving around in my whip knowing she stole it off an innocent individual who worked hard for it. Whatever though, character is more important than money to me, but I hope karma is a B

Damn my dude you came with the realest most ****** up story in this thread :smh: :smh:

No joke bruh you a good dude to take the L, but I'd be on the hunt til this day for that broad
Damn homie, I ain't no killer but don't push me. For 13k somebody's getting bodied, that's not chump change. This thot I went to high school with owes me $2.50 for lunch money I lent her in high school one day. I politely reminder every time I see her that I want my money. I'm petty with my bread and can't let **** slide.
Damn homie, I ain't no killer but don't push me. For 13k somebody's getting bodied, that's not chump change. This thot I went to high school with owes me $2.50 for lunch money I lent her in high school one day. I politely reminder every time I see her that I want my money. I'm petty with my bread and can't let **** slide.

That'd what I'm saying, I'd be in the courtroom like this.
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Dudes really think im spreading ducktales on this heartaching L 
 I mean what else can I do in my position? I don't want to go that 4chan/reddit route for privacy reasons, I went to the police idk 
 dudes on here willing to kill someone for 13k...not me 
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Biggest L I've heard from anyone here in the thread, wow bruh.. Smh.
 Who originally bought the car for 13k, you or your pops? Can't just let 13K ride away like that, unless you parents making 6 figures, or you have a really good job. 
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