whats the craziest thing you did as a teen/youngin?

i went number 2, creamy and watery when i was in the elementary in Manila. i was so embarrass. it was during class too. had brown shorts and white polo t. that thing dripped down my legs to my white socks inside my leather shoes. |I
Told this one before but I'll make it shorter

Went to the mall with my mom

Had to use the bathroom (pee)

Couldn't find one

Went to the cut of this clothing store (starbury)

Peed on some starbury merch

Met back up with my mom like it was all good

And it was
 Me and my little brother (he was like 7 or 8 ATM) were in a mall we had never been in before and he had to pee so bad he was crying, we couldn't find the bathroom, so we went into those hallways behind the stores and he peed there. I feel so bad about that.

I'm not the best at telling stories...

Got head for the first time my Freshman year of HS outside my house. Was the same night Boise State did that trick play against OU. (weird how I remember things)

Me and my friends used to drive around and throw eggs at cars 
 We would sneak into gated communities, park the car, get out w/ eggs, hop a fence that led to a main street and throw eggs. One car saw us, the dude got out and started yelling at us. We freaked out, hopped the fence, got in the car, drove out of the neighborhood as calm as possible. The dude we saw yelling at us was trying to get into the gated community when we drove out 
 My friend still has some egg stains in his car.
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