Whats the first thing you text a girl after you get her numba vol..........HEY

Hulu & Hang [emoji]128513[/emoji][emoji]128513[/emoji][emoji]128513[/emoji][emoji]128513[/emoji][emoji]128513[/emoji][emoji]128513[/emoji][emoji]128513[/emoji][emoji]128513[/emoji]
"You tryna kick it" is a solid opener.

No matter what her response the idea is planted in her mind that you are there cause you want to get it poppin.
If shorty continues to respond after that...she was put on notice from day one.

You just saved yourself 3 days of of pointless "how's your day going"

Works equally good on hood chicks as well as hipster chicks.

Holla back.
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"You tryna kick it" is a solid opener.

No matter what her response the idea is planted in her mind that you are there cause you want to get it poppin.
If shorty continues to respond after that...she was put on notice from day one.

You just saved yourself 3 days of of pointless "how's your day going"

Works equally good on hood chicks as well as hipster chicks.

Holla back.


Gets right to the point and you'll see if you even have a chance.
I got a friend with a pole in the basement.

Do you do outcalls?

So where we gonna do this at?

What size bed do you have?

I know this nice hotel, I'd like to take you.
Agreed with Diego. Asking "when are we kickin it"/"you tryna kick it" is the perfect opener. Straight and to the point. If she doesn't respond, you save yourself the trouble of figuring out whether she was up for it or not. Also saves on your data plan if you ain't about that unlimited life.
Tf is mujer
Mujer is Spanish for "woman."

An even better alternative to mujer is "puta."

Pronounced poo•ta.

So next time you find yourself courting a spicy senorita, refer to her as this.

She'll be like puddy in your hand, b.

Trust me, I'd never steer a NTer wrong :wink:
Man if y'all gonna text in Spanish say this,

"Hijueputa, que culo tan relleno. Quieres mi leche?"
Mujer is Spanish for "woman."

An even better alternative to mujer is "puta."

Pronounced poo•ta.

So next time you find yourself courting a spicy senorita, refer to her as this.

She'll be like puddy in your hand, b.

Trust me, I'd never steer a NTer wrong :wink:
Why do I have a feeling I'm going to get slapped :lol:
Hello heavenly blessed beauty whose inner beauty and kindness is divine & everlasting
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