Whats The Scariest/Most Shocking Thing You Have Ever Witnessed??

Originally Posted by USA Pride4Life

You should untuck your tails and read his story. He painted a picture with words

Relax. I read the story, and it was a good story but don't act like the guy is Hemingway or something. Nightmarish grammar. Crazy story though!
Originally Posted by USA Pride4Life

You should untuck your tails and read his story. He painted a picture with words

Relax. I read the story, and it was a good story but don't act like the guy is Hemingway or something. Nightmarish grammar. Crazy story though!
Originally Posted by hieu23

I was working at a restaurant and there was this group of black guys next to the window, real professional looking guys, suits and everything. There was one guy who was mainly talking though, next thing I know I heard them say "ay its him, its him" and they point out the window
the main talker gets up and walks out the restaurant, walks up to the guy, and puts a bullet in the guys head in the middle of the day, walks back into the restaurant like its nothing and people are going crazy outside.
i'm sorry. is this supposed to be a joke?
Originally Posted by hieu23

I was working at a restaurant and there was this group of black guys next to the window, real professional looking guys, suits and everything. There was one guy who was mainly talking though, next thing I know I heard them say "ay its him, its him" and they point out the window
the main talker gets up and walks out the restaurant, walks up to the guy, and puts a bullet in the guys head in the middle of the day, walks back into the restaurant like its nothing and people are going crazy outside.
i'm sorry. is this supposed to be a joke?
One day me, my brother, and my dad was walking down the street to buy some groceries and we see this big crowd. The store was passed the crowd so we had to go through it and in the middle the cops taped the outside. Then when we passed the taped off area we see a body with the skull cracked like a watermelon. We found out later on news that he committed suicide. There was bloodstains on the balcony and brain matter, ugh. I WAS ONLY 6 TOO!!!! Luckily I forgot some of it.
One day me, my brother, and my dad was walking down the street to buy some groceries and we see this big crowd. The store was passed the crowd so we had to go through it and in the middle the cops taped the outside. Then when we passed the taped off area we see a body with the skull cracked like a watermelon. We found out later on news that he committed suicide. There was bloodstains on the balcony and brain matter, ugh. I WAS ONLY 6 TOO!!!! Luckily I forgot some of it.
I read the story too, jeeze man that must of been crazy. And yeah, that is a joke above right?
this suv was trying to race and flipped over around a turn

i was shook that day, got to work and i thought the cops were gonna come find me

after the truck flipped i was like OH *$!%
so i kept going till i got this back road b/c i didnt wanna talk to any cops,so i turned my lights off and took some back roads till i got to work

my buddy drove past the wreck after it happened and he said the truck had went all the way to the other side of the road (and this was a big road) he said there was a bunch of cops and *$!%

never saw anything in the news about so i guess the person didnt die
I read the story too, jeeze man that must of been crazy. And yeah, that is a joke above right?
this suv was trying to race and flipped over around a turn

i was shook that day, got to work and i thought the cops were gonna come find me

after the truck flipped i was like OH *$!%
so i kept going till i got this back road b/c i didnt wanna talk to any cops,so i turned my lights off and took some back roads till i got to work

my buddy drove past the wreck after it happened and he said the truck had went all the way to the other side of the road (and this was a big road) he said there was a bunch of cops and *$!%

never saw anything in the news about so i guess the person didnt die
i didn't even have the heart to watch this....i wish there was someway to report this.

Spoiler [+]

its stuff like this that makes you shake your head at how cruel mankind can be. honestly.
i didn't even have the heart to watch this....i wish there was someway to report this.

Spoiler [+]

its stuff like this that makes you shake your head at how cruel mankind can be. honestly.
I thought we were talking about stuff we've seen live. That puppy thing is mild for the internet man. The web is a dark, dark place. That's why I enjoy it so much. Someone posted a narco blog a week or two ago. Some of that stuff was kind of crazy.
I thought we were talking about stuff we've seen live. That puppy thing is mild for the internet man. The web is a dark, dark place. That's why I enjoy it so much. Someone posted a narco blog a week or two ago. Some of that stuff was kind of crazy.
Originally Posted by jaywalkinsince91

well the earliest one but not the worst was when i was 4.
So i was only 15 days past being 4 and my mom decided to wake me up hella early on halloween to have a late celebration with just us. so i'm juiced for a full day of mother son bonding (she had just gotten married a couple months before so her career and marriage took up all of her time) at the planetarium and sfc zoo so we wake up around 6 to get ready and drop my brother off at school by 730. Around 645 i'm ready and my mom goes to start getting ready, acouple seconds later i hear yelling and cursing so my mom storms out of the room saying fu(k you and this is enough. she snatches up me and my brother and puts us in the car so we drop my brother off and i'm asking what time we're gonna go to the zoo and she says right after she goes back to the house to grab something we'll go to ihop and then begin the day. So we get back to the house and as soon as we walk in dude is standing there with a bottle in hand slurring and leaning into her ( he's 6'3 roughly 220 my moms is 5'7 140) saying he's sorry and it won't happen again so she tells me to go to my room and start playing with my toys to which i oblige but i begin patiently rushing ( asking what time it is and everything else kids do to nag their parents into hurrying up) so i pass out from it being so early and i wake to a crashing sound and screaming, my room was across from theirs so i get up to go see what's going on and right when i ball my fist to knock on the door the door cracks straight down the middle and i could have swore thunder struck so i step back and i hear thunder again but this time the door splits open and my mom comes falling through the hole in the door bloody from head to stomach so i back up and immediately grab the nearest hard object to me (a duck on wheels with a string) and run to pick my mom up but she doesn't budge. As i attempt a second time dude breaks the rest of the door down walks through whats now just a slanted panel with debris dangling and tells me go back to sleep and that this was all a dream but i don't listen so he picks me up (all 2'10 50 pounds of me) and tosses me down the hall and snatches her by the hair back into the room and i hear "there's no going back now" float down the hall way so i kick into overdrive and rush down the hall and cut the corner into her room and i see him on top of my mom shaking her by the neck so i use every muscle i didn't have and launch the toy at him hitting him in the back and apparently it was hard enough for him to turn his attention my way and as soon as my mom saw that window of distraction she punched him in the throat and made a dash for me (she was leg in high school for her track team) so we make it down the hall and not even 5 feet from the door he tackles both of us into the wall so i play hurt but my mom's only thought is getting me out so she pops back up and i see something come from his side and she bounces off the wall again then he comes from the other side a hook of equal quickness as she's falling and her head swings back again. i don't remember much after that but i remember waking up in the car and we're down the street from my brother's school and the interior of the car which was white leather before is now burgundy brownish and glossy, so we zoom past the school and end up at the police station which was right up the street and when my mom tells them what happened they say they'll have someone meet us back at the house cause it's lunch right now. We walk outside and dude is waiting in the parking lot with a gasoline tank crying, so my mom walks back inside and ask him something that made him walk outside with her but when we get back outside dude is gone, we go to pick up my brother and the lady says that his father picked him up acouple minutes ago (my father was in the feds for a string a bank heist so it could only be one person) so my mom rushes back to the house and as we near the corner that goes down our block we hear screams and smell smoke. So my mom cuts the corner at about 30mph and slams on the brakes screaming, i look up and the house is a big ball off orange coated with black smoke. So my mom runs up the stairs to the door but before she gets to the second step my neighbor snatches her and tells her that nobody's inside and she collapses, right then one of my uncles comes around the corner hauling +!#, sees my mom on the floor in my neighbors arms and doesn't even stop the car before he hops out and catches dude with a right hook sending him into a slow slump. he manages to make my mother speak cause she had went into a silent sob the kind kids get when they're really about to ball out tears, her only words were " MY BABY!!!!" and with that came a blood curtling cry not even suitable for the most brutal horror film. So my uncle tells her that he's alright and that he had picked him up and dropped him off with my grandma acouple blocks away because he came over to the house to stop by and deliver me a late birthday present but we weren't there and dude was covered in blood and acting funny so he went to get my brother then came to find us..................long story short they found dude and he went to jail for 10 years and the cops who didn't help my mom were reprimanded also my uncle was charged with assault but the neighbor ended up dropping the charges.
Originally Posted by jaywalkinsince91

well the earliest one but not the worst was when i was 4.
So i was only 15 days past being 4 and my mom decided to wake me up hella early on halloween to have a late celebration with just us. so i'm juiced for a full day of mother son bonding (she had just gotten married a couple months before so her career and marriage took up all of her time) at the planetarium and sfc zoo so we wake up around 6 to get ready and drop my brother off at school by 730. Around 645 i'm ready and my mom goes to start getting ready, acouple seconds later i hear yelling and cursing so my mom storms out of the room saying fu(k you and this is enough. she snatches up me and my brother and puts us in the car so we drop my brother off and i'm asking what time we're gonna go to the zoo and she says right after she goes back to the house to grab something we'll go to ihop and then begin the day. So we get back to the house and as soon as we walk in dude is standing there with a bottle in hand slurring and leaning into her ( he's 6'3 roughly 220 my moms is 5'7 140) saying he's sorry and it won't happen again so she tells me to go to my room and start playing with my toys to which i oblige but i begin patiently rushing ( asking what time it is and everything else kids do to nag their parents into hurrying up) so i pass out from it being so early and i wake to a crashing sound and screaming, my room was across from theirs so i get up to go see what's going on and right when i ball my fist to knock on the door the door cracks straight down the middle and i could have swore thunder struck so i step back and i hear thunder again but this time the door splits open and my mom comes falling through the hole in the door bloody from head to stomach so i back up and immediately grab the nearest hard object to me (a duck on wheels with a string) and run to pick my mom up but she doesn't budge. As i attempt a second time dude breaks the rest of the door down walks through whats now just a slanted panel with debris dangling and tells me go back to sleep and that this was all a dream but i don't listen so he picks me up (all 2'10 50 pounds of me) and tosses me down the hall and snatches her by the hair back into the room and i hear "there's no going back now" float down the hall way so i kick into overdrive and rush down the hall and cut the corner into her room and i see him on top of my mom shaking her by the neck so i use every muscle i didn't have and launch the toy at him hitting him in the back and apparently it was hard enough for him to turn his attention my way and as soon as my mom saw that window of distraction she punched him in the throat and made a dash for me (she was leg in high school for her track team) so we make it down the hall and not even 5 feet from the door he tackles both of us into the wall so i play hurt but my mom's only thought is getting me out so she pops back up and i see something come from his side and she bounces off the wall again then he comes from the other side a hook of equal quickness as she's falling and her head swings back again. i don't remember much after that but i remember waking up in the car and we're down the street from my brother's school and the interior of the car which was white leather before is now burgundy brownish and glossy, so we zoom past the school and end up at the police station which was right up the street and when my mom tells them what happened they say they'll have someone meet us back at the house cause it's lunch right now. We walk outside and dude is waiting in the parking lot with a gasoline tank crying, so my mom walks back inside and ask him something that made him walk outside with her but when we get back outside dude is gone, we go to pick up my brother and the lady says that his father picked him up acouple minutes ago (my father was in the feds for a string a bank heist so it could only be one person) so my mom rushes back to the house and as we near the corner that goes down our block we hear screams and smell smoke. So my mom cuts the corner at about 30mph and slams on the brakes screaming, i look up and the house is a big ball off orange coated with black smoke. So my mom runs up the stairs to the door but before she gets to the second step my neighbor snatches her and tells her that nobody's inside and she collapses, right then one of my uncles comes around the corner hauling +!#, sees my mom on the floor in my neighbors arms and doesn't even stop the car before he hops out and catches dude with a right hook sending him into a slow slump. he manages to make my mother speak cause she had went into a silent sob the kind kids get when they're really about to ball out tears, her only words were " MY BABY!!!!" and with that came a blood curtling cry not even suitable for the most brutal horror film. So my uncle tells her that he's alright and that he had picked him up and dropped him off with my grandma acouple blocks away because he came over to the house to stop by and deliver me a late birthday present but we weren't there and dude was covered in blood and acting funny so he went to get my brother then came to find us..................long story short they found dude and he went to jail for 10 years and the cops who didn't help my mom were reprimanded also my uncle was charged with assault but the neighbor ended up dropping the charges.
Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

Originally Posted by hieu23

I was working at a restaurant and there was this group of black guys next to the window, real professional looking guys, suits and everything. There was one guy who was mainly talking though, next thing I know I heard them say "ay its him, its him" and they point out the window
the main talker gets up and walks out the restaurant, walks up to the guy, and puts a bullet in the guys head in the middle of the day, walks back into the restaurant like its nothing and people are going crazy outside.
i'm sorry. is this supposed to be a joke?
did this dude really just call my tragic story a JOKE?
Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

Originally Posted by hieu23

I was working at a restaurant and there was this group of black guys next to the window, real professional looking guys, suits and everything. There was one guy who was mainly talking though, next thing I know I heard them say "ay its him, its him" and they point out the window
the main talker gets up and walks out the restaurant, walks up to the guy, and puts a bullet in the guys head in the middle of the day, walks back into the restaurant like its nothing and people are going crazy outside.
i'm sorry. is this supposed to be a joke?
did this dude really just call my tragic story a JOKE?
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