What's your "berserk button"?

Jun 1, 2013
"The Berserk Button is one type of Trigger, where the response to a minor or generally insignificant thing is one of extreme anger."
- TV tropes
People at work trying to tell me something when I have a phone up to my ear.
People thinking it's alright to touch me in regular everyday interactions.
People who mispronounce words that they have to use everyday/are an integral part of their job.
Women at work calling me "honey/sweetie" because they don't know my name.
The long *** drive-thru at Starbucks in the morning. Buncha junkies. Go eat a real breakfast.
- people not giving enough space when standing in line.
- changing lanes/turning without signaling.
- people that stop and talk to each other with their carts in the aisle at a grocery store.
- stores charging additional fees just for a plastic/paper bag.
Anyone under 25 who listens to Nas or Biggie.

This ain’t 1998, Bruv.
The classic problem every man struggles with:

Me: I'm about to go through this drive-thru, you want anything

Girlfriend: No I'm not hungry

Me: Ok

-I get my order-

Girlfriend: Let me get some of your fries


It used to upset me when someone didn't say thank you.

Then one day my sister in passing hit me with "Are you holding the door because you genuinely want to be nice, or are you acting nice just to get a thank you as a reward"

So I decided that if I genuinely want to be nice, then I should be indifferent to the thank you.
“can I ask you something?”
“Yeah what’s up?”

If the person takes upwards of 1 minute to ask, I get livid. Like yo, you JUST ASKED me a question and now you’re requesting to ask another question, and now I have to wait all this damn time for you to finally ask what you originally wanted to ask, when you could have began this entire got damd interaction by asking the question you really wanted to ask in the first place.
People who dont respond to calls/text/emails in a timely manner or at the last minute
Trolling of any kind, especially towards hip-hop
LeBron fans who feel the need to respond to any criticism with "But MJ/Kobe insert random negative stat or event"
People who think Yeezy jumped over the Jumpman
People who think Kanye made Jordans popular (1s especially)
People who claim to be woke
People who use the terms black girl magic or unapologetically black or lit
Women who get mad if you offer help in any way or assume you want to holler when your just trying to be a gentleman
Ugly chicks with attitudes
People who wait till the last minute to cancel plans, even though their the ones who made the plans
People who love cracking jokes but hate taking them back
Friends who cut your feet off when you talking to women
People who dont know what they want to eat even though they went to a specific establishment
When you sell something on EBay but the buyer wont pay immediatly or tells you after the fact they'll pay later
People who are not black and have never been around black people, just touching my hair without my permission. "Oh WOW it's so curly!" Whilst running their cheeto powder covered fingers through my hair. Yes I flex for that
People who are not black and have never been around black people, just touching my hair without my permission. "Oh WOW it's so curly!" Whilst running their cheeto powder covered fingers through my hair. Yes I flex for that

Serious question...

People do this???
old ****s that dont know how to use the self checkout computer
annoying ****s that that use the self checkout line and pay with small bills + coins
broke ****s that buy a large amount of groceries in the self checkout line and use multiple cards to buy them
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