Who Here Has Had A Near Death Experience Before?

Oct 4, 2004
Life is precious. Sometimes when you have a near death experience it reinforces that truth.You shouldn't take each moment for granted cause tomorrow isnever promised . Besides being a passenger in at least 8 car accidents and not suppose to survive birth according to doctors,. I have had other near deathexperiences

- When i just moved a few months later we were cleaning the electrical oven. My mother used the wrong stuff to clean it and she turn the oven on self clean andfor days we smelled fumes. Well a few days later as i was cooking a lot of smoke was coming up and there were large flames in the oven. I open the door and theflames expanded out almost near my chest.. I put out the fire and saved me and my cousin.

- I got caught on fire in my room and i saw my self on fire in the mirror on my dresser .. i swear i had an out of body experience seeing that I was able toact quickly and put out the fire without getting burned

- At work when i had first hired. I was up in the air about 16 feet on pallet on the fork lift. The pallet wasnt very stable it ended up breaking right where Iwas standing and I almost fell off of it along with the broken pieces of wood from the pallet

-I went to a swimming party when I was in second grade. I didnt have much experience swimming as i went down the slide i panic and almost drowned one of myclass mates saved me
Originally Posted by Sun Of Knowledge

being a passenger in at least 8 5 car accidents and not suppose to survive birth according to doctors,. I have had other near death experiences
been shot at mutiple times, first time dude shot right past my head, second time my boy got shot, in his balls.
2 high speed car accidents....couple of scratches and bruises, but no big damage, but if you looked at both cars..you woulda automatically thought that whoeverwas in them is in ICU or RIP..

and a few shootouts around the way....i dont have pics nor am i searching for e-props! but hey..ishh gets a little crazy when your livin that life...good thingi got alot of immature things out of my system while i was young!

i hate seein that white light....and the high pitched ringing noise like someone just took a picture with the worlds largest high powered camera!!!!
when i was like 13 or 14 me and my friend were walking and we were about to cross an intersection and if it wasn't for me dropping to tie my shoe, weprobably both be dead because as soon as i went down nomo this car smashed this other car right in the middle of where we were about to walk
Back when I was a 'lil one living in Brooklyn (Flatbush & East 34th) me and my mom got robbed at gunpoint. She owned an antique shop. I really thoughtit was a game when it happened too.
, but one sudden move and I would have been dead. They stole my moms wedding ring and some money she had on her.

I also got into a car crash were I almost landed in a ditch (cutoffers FTL.).
friend put 'fake' rifle in my mouth.
owner of the house yells and says its real and its loaded.
friend said he was just about to pull the trigger.

the end.
Originally Posted by bamez

friend put 'fake' rifle in my mouth.
owner of the house yells and says its real and its loaded.
friend said he was just about to pull the trigger.

the end.

when i fell off my bike and landed on a small iron fencing thing. i fell on it head first and it pierced my skull about an inch away from my left eye. yallseen the Paint Comic

during tennis practice or whatever i couldnt breathe. i couldnt find air for #@!$
the doctors coudnt find any blood in me

sleep paralysis. i have this frequently. each time u think u gonna die no matter how many times u wake up.

once ihad a cold so my nose was stuffy. i was under the covers and my baby brother jumped on my face and wouldnt move. i was too weak to move him. i REALLYthought that was the end for me. like seriously even moreso then the others stuff i just typed. i really thought my life was about to end if he wouldnt move soi could get some air
When I was 11 I nearly was run over by a car while saving a friend from getting hit. The second time was freshmen year of college, I nearly died from alcoholpoisoning.
earlier this summer i was in a car accident driving a lil 95 Jetta. I was hit in the driver side by a Ford F-350. Right in the door at full speed in two-laneeach way traffic. I had pulled out backwards into the street in the right lane and was trying to U-turn and the truck behind me switched from the right lane tothe left lane and that's when he met my door. The paramedics said the only reason I wasn't dead is because I wasn't wearing a seat belt. Iwasn't expecting the impact at all so when I got hit I immediately dove (or got thrown) to the passenger side. They wanted to pull me out of the car but Iwas determined to get out on my own. I was screaming "Get the #@++ off of me!" and crawling out of the car after they pulled the passenger side dooropen. I didn't have a scratch on me except for bruised ribs, and when I looked at the car the entire driver side was gone from the front door to the backdoor. it was all in the middle of the car. The driver side seat was like 3 inches wide. The tires were straight sideways like those cars in Back 2 the Future.That kind of thing makes you feel like anything that was stressing you before doesn't even matter. I was mad stressed earlier that day and that kindaknocked the stress out of me. I didn't have a classic DMT-style Near Death Experience with an acension to heaven or anything. I just know that if there hadbeen any slight difference than the way it happened, I would have been dead or a quadropalegic. Instead I just got up and walked to the back of the ambulenceand walked out of the hospital with a prescription for vicodin.
3 accidents. I feel off off my 1 story house at nine. Friend almost shot me in the head with his bb/pellet rifle. Ive been hit by 5 cars. i jump in a pool wheniwas really young with no floating gear, and a life guard saved me. lol back in highschool i was a prep black dude, only dated preppy chicks, so i startedtalkin to this hood girl, and i went to one of her parties, a cribs and blood war broke out, i was scared as %%@!. never messed with a hood chick again. lol
Isn't near death experience supposed to be when you feel out of the body?

Well anyways, I don't think I've been anywhere near death besides almost car accidents and drinking (haven't ended up in the hospital) or almostdrowning if that counts.
Dude wanted my DMP 6's, I only have my DMP 11's now.

Cats yappin reckless at highschool functions between rival school, me being on the team.
I almost died in the ER because of my heart condition...my heart rate was triple what is was supposed to be. Ididn't help that the guy next to me died.
Missed getting hit by a car going 80 by a split second when I was in JHS.
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