Why are we so quick to judge?

because it makes us feel like we know everything about someone instantly, because we hate the unknown and unpredictability
I use judgement as a tool. I do it to either hurt ppl's feelings or compliment and that is always a means to an end. If I'm not doing that I don't judge and reinforce it everyday by not caring when other's judge me.

Whether they put a label on me or if I identify with a label or a specific train of thought w/e that person's assumptions and what they think or say to attack me is really their problem.
It's a defense mechanism I believe.
I've recently begun to become more aware in my daily life and I find myself often thinking of similar things as the op.
We all come from the same source of energy and all face the same fate but we still insist on placing meaningless judgements and labels on each other.
I myself used to be and still am very judgmental at times but I am consciously making the effort to accept everything and everyone as is
We have reached this through hundreds of years of conditioning but that still is not an excuse.
For any advancement in areas such as this or anything related to the human race can only happen from being more conscious.
We can blame media, society, conditioning or what have you but the only answer is just being self aware and fully conscious which is asking everything in this mostlyunconscious world we live in.
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