Why do females glorify being petty as if it's cool?

Sep 16, 2010
I'm starting to see it more and more on social media as far as women making a status about being petty. Like, when did it become "cool" to be petty and brag about it? It's even got to the point that I see chicks making hashtags #teampetty.. Smh! What's so bad is, you have chicks around me age(29 and up) doing this. I get it, you got to defend yourself, but what sickens me is when people brag about it. I just don't get it. Am I the only one that thinks this is Juvenile?
I'm starting to see it more and more on social media as far as women making a status about being petty. Like, when did it become "cool" to be petty and brag about it? It's even got to the point that I see chicks making hashtags #teampetty.. Smh! What's so bad is, you have chicks around me age(29 and up) doing this. I get it, you got to defend yourself, but what sickens me is when people brag about it. I just don't get it. Am I the only one that thinks this is Juvenile?

Yes you are. #teampetty checking in. #2wrongsmakesuseven. FYI... I'm a guy
They been that way. Trying to figure out when it became acceptable for dudes to be petty and admit to it. An abundance of men tweeting about being petty in these streets. Real different.

I hate instagram if it wasnt for my "MUA business" I would not have one.

This all started with that "you cant sit with us" garbage. and shows like hip atlanta and that house wife garbage.
Its just a bunch of mean girls from high school getting to re live their glory days.

I was just saying this to my girls the other day.
Its ok to me be nice, its cool to be sweet.

Trust me it is not the majority us women. Please do not use Instagram as a gauge for anything.
If you look at instagram you you think 60-70 black and hispanic men are gay.
Believe it or not there are more people who dont have instgram than there are people who do.
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Social media is like google targeted adds. You get what you ask for. On twitter I follow magazines, newspapers, and intellectuals/columnists that I enjoy. I come across interesting rumination or just some interesting article I would never find on my own....

Now as for instagram, let's just say I'm not there for the captions 
Social media is like google targeted adds. You get what you ask for. On twitter I follow magazines, newspapers, and intellectuals/columnists that I enjoy. I come across interesting rumination or just some interesting article I would never find on my own....

Now as for instagram, let's just say I'm not there for the captions :lol:  

:lol: :pimp:
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