Wrestling Thread July 15 - Aug 4 | 8/2 TNA - Where MMA Fighters Not Named Brock Go - TITO, Rampage,

So c'mon, who does everyone think is going to debut on Impact tonight as the #August1Warning????

I'm sticking with Jarrett.
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Regarding Jo Jo’s relationship with Justin Gabriel on Total Divas, apparently the storyline is that Gabriel will take advantage of her naivety. This could mean a heel turn coming for Gabriel.

dont know why i find this so funny :lol:

I'm telling ya'll, WWE Inception :lol:

And as far as Shield/Henry/Usos, the Shield have lost momentum, Henry has been a face for two weeks, and the Usos have just started being pushed. Though 400K loss is huge, it's not that surprising.
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I want to send in some questions to MLW Radio Podcast on behalf of NT. If anyone has any questions can they please type them in this thread so I can send them off. I want MSL to dedicate an entire MailBag to just our questions.
I hate when they mix kayfabe and real life in documentaries. It had me wondering if Randy Orton really was as cocky as they say during his legend killer days or just referring to his character.
RT @DieselPower_: @courtbauer Check this out. TNA's arena chart for tonight. Everything with an "X" will be dark. Bad house. https://t.co/q0vvLgo1CL

I don't know why they continue to book these big arenas when they only fill about a fourth of it.

I also saw TNA cancelled two house shows that were supposed to take place later on this month. They're dying fast.
So c'mon, who does everyone think is going to debut on Impact tonight as the #August1Warning????

I'm sticking with Jarrett.

I was thinking Tito or Jarrett..If it's either one it'll be a huge disappointment..Cause they both suck
Welcome everyone to the August 15th edition of Impact!!!!!!!
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Potential Spoiler:

The rumored person sending the videos is
Tito Ortiz.
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Well Jeremy Borash on commentary for another week is a nice treat to start Impact.  The less Taz, the better.
I can't believe they're still doing this stupid Joseph Park crap..And why is Eric Young still on the roster?..Dixie is a worse businessman than Paul Heyman..
I actually dig the Joseph Park gimmick :lol: he has those Paul Bearer facial expressions

So, Suicide is called Manik because Suicide is insensitive?
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