Wrestling Thread Mar 5-11 | 3/9 Smackdown - A Night of Craziness

Oct 15, 2000

Tonight will go down as one of the biggest nights in Raw history.

The Rock wrestling? No

A major title change? No

HHH or The Undertaker returning to the ring? No

Sting debuting? GHIMSNo


Alright, enough silliness.

The Rock will once again be live at Raw tonight.  The consensus last week was that The Rock cut a weak promo and was one upped by John Cena, most notably when Cena called out The Rock for having notes on his wrist which seemed to noticeably shake The Great One.  Whether or not this was acting by The Rock, we'll probably never know.  But the real question for tonight is whether The Rock will get his heat back on Cena, or if WWE's plan is to continue to have The Rock look bad and make Cena come across as the much more likable babyface, which we know is their ultimate goal.  I know The Rock has no problem putting people over, but I don't think he'll allow himself to look bad week after week to help Cena get over.  It's one thing to lose a match.  It's another to make yourself come across as a buffoon, especially for someone in The Rock's position.  The most important thing is that these two can have NO physical interaction before WrestleMania.  You have to sell Mania as the first time that Rock and Cena will get their hands on each other.  Raw is in Cena's hometown of Boston, but this typically hasn't necessarily equated to a hometown pop for Cena.

Shawn Michaels returns to Raw tonight to confront HHH about his Hell in a Cell match with The Undertaker.  I'm not sure what they have planned, but after not having HHH and Taker on Raw last week, you would think they will kick things into high gear tonight.  With the Hell in a Cell, I really don't think you need to put Michaels in the match as the special guest referee, but it wouldn't shock me if WWE did it anyway.  Especially if they are looking to set up a HHH vs HBK match at next year's Mania.  Lastly, I've said it previously, but I really hope they take the hood off Taker at some point before Mania to reveal his bald head to the public.  They don't have to do it tonight.  They could even save it until the go home Raw.  But if they don't do it until Mania, it is going to be a major distraction from the match itself.  People will be talking about Taker's look rather than the match.

David Otunga will be facing The Big Show tonight.  Teddy Long has finally realized that Big Zeke sucks.

CM Punk and Chris Jericho had a great verbal exchange last week.  They were definitely better than Cena and The Rock.  However, the problem is that they are almost mirroring the Cena/Rock storyline.  Punk talks about how Jericho is out with his band, doing his game show, dancing on Dancing with the Stars.  Punk is the one who is still in wrestling and is the best in the world at what he does because he's the champion.  Jericho said that even with his hiatus, he's still the best at what he does, and he'll prove it at WrestleMania.  The focus should be strictly on these two competing to be the best in the world.  Leave Jericho's outside ventures out of this.  Jericho laid out Punk last week on the stage, so Punk will be out for revenge tonight.

There was a lot of bad news about WrestleMania in my opinion this past week.  First, we found out that Shaq will not be part of the show as The Big Show will be taking on Cody Rhodes.  There's nothing wrong with this match, but it doesn't feel anything like a WrestleMania match.  Then we got the returning Kane (returning after a huge 8 day layoff) laying out Randy Orton to set up a match no one could possibly care about between these two.  Lastly, it was confirmed that not only is Money in the Bank officially off Mania, but Wade Barrett will be out longer than originally expected and miss Mania.

Speaking of Kane, he destroyed the entire WWE tag team division on last week's Raw (literally) when he laid out Ziggler, Swagger, Kofi, Truth, Primo, and Epico.  Could they make these guys look like any bigger geeks?  And did Zigger and Swagger really need to be involved in this?  Does anyone even realize Swagger is the US Champion?  And continually, WWE asks itself why they can't create new stars and end up blaming it on the talent.
Originally Posted by redsoxmike2000

I hope HBK superkicks HHH by accident at some point tonight...

They're not giving away a spot like that 5 weeks before Mania.  MAYBE on the go home show, but even then, probably not.
Why does WWE continually keep Big Show prominently involved, the latest example being the match with Rhodes? What is it about him, that continues him getting pushed opposed to others?
Looking forward to what should be an awesome raw. I listened to Punk do an interview in Boston this morning and it was entertaining, just got me more hype for his promo with Jericho
Originally Posted by fearthenut

Why does WWE continually keep Big Show prominently involved, the latest example being the match with Rhodes? What is it about him, that continues him getting pushed opposed to others?

Agreed this guy is boring on a mic and terrible in the ring that goes for Henry too, they sre washed up and need to let others get some shine.
The rock will be on raw tonight.. *sets dvr to stop recording 30 minutes after raw was schedule to end*
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Originally Posted by fearthenut

Why does WWE continually keep Big Show prominently involved, the latest example being the match with Rhodes? What is it about him, that continues him getting pushed opposed to others?

Agreed this guy is boring on a mic and terrible in the ring that goes for Henry too, they sre washed up and need to let others get some shine.
Agree on Big Show, disagree on Henry as his character was quite convincing a few months ago. Big Show hasn't come across with anything new in ages, he's just a slug in the ring. Imagine a Ziggler vs. Rhodes feud for the IC title after a month buildup at WM. Now THAT, would be a match.
I have a feeling they are going to let Cena get over on the Rock again tonight. 
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by redsoxmike2000

I hope HBK superkicks HHH by accident at some point tonight...

They're not giving away a spot like that 5 weeks before Mania.  MAYBE on the go home show, but even then, probably not.

Unless they use it as HHH being paranoid about HBK trying to screw him... no honor...
Originally Posted by fearthenut

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Originally Posted by fearthenut

Why does WWE continually keep Big Show prominently involved, the latest example being the match with Rhodes? What is it about him, that continues him getting pushed opposed to others?

Agreed this guy is boring on a mic and terrible in the ring that goes for Henry too, they sre washed up and need to let others get some shine.
Agree on Big Show, disagree on Henry as his character was quite convincing a few months ago. Big Show hasn't come across with anything new in ages, he's just a slug in the ring. Imagine a Ziggler vs. Rhodes feud for the IC title after a month buildup at WM. Now THAT, would be a match.

Ziggler should've keep the us title and have a champion v champion @ wrestlemania..
Big show is a legend. He was around when I started watching WWF in Grade 4 haha. He's still around. Even though hes just sort of there, he plays a big role for the company. WWE I noticed does a good job covering many different bases with their characters. Trust me they need a huge guy like that to make things interesting. 
Initially I thought Ziggler was getting the screw job but someone, DSK I believe, posted in last week's thread that there is just simply no space for him in the WM picture at the moment. You think about it, you've got Cena v. Rock, HHH v. Taker, Punk v. Jericho. Those are some huge names on one WM card. Anyone else involved is lucky to be an afterthought, so all is not lost.
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