Wrestling Thread Mar 5-11 | 3/9 Smackdown - A Night of Craziness

Oksana looks like the type of girl who ties you up because you owe someone money then threatens to cut off your penis...and you still have a boner
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

What ith going on with Thwagger'th hairthtyle?

Again, the statement last year is still in play

"We made a pact that if we did not think one of us could physically continue, one of us would take the other out". Maybe HBK ends it for HHH this year or maybe it is for next year.

Either way, that line needs to be brought back up in coming weeks.
HHH was too busy trying to figure out how to bury Shawn to come out and stop the non sense.
Ryder vs Swagger vs Santino at WM? Won't even be mad at that. Maybe throw in Justin Gabriel.

Teddy trying to take advantage and taking all the belts to Smackdown with him tonight lol.
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

This is setting up something awful at WM XVIII



Team Teddy with Santino, Kofi, Aksans, and some other dude against the Ace Team of Zigg, Swagger, Otunga, and Vickie. 
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