Wrestling Thread Oct 6-19: 10/13 RAW - Ric Flair Returns, Big Show vs Rusev, Todd Crisley

I don't want Rocky out here stinking up any more matches and I don't want stupid Roman to ever come back.
Reigns beating Brock @ Mania for the title.
Reigns beating Brock @ Mania for the title. :x

Still a Reigns fan here, but the thought of Reigns taking 3 F-5's, then pinning Brock after an Edge-hugging Spear makes me wince :x

Angelina Love user to look so good :smh: and Taryn Terrell is what Kelly Kelly thought she was.
Lesnar vs Reigns
Cena vs Rusev
HHH vs Rock
@ WM31?

I wonder if this is going to holdup?

I don't know how I like this. hhh and the rock do not have to be in a main event at wrestlemania stealing jeans and Rollins spots. I know it's to sell more busy and what not. but from a fans standpoint I'm over the both of them.
ziggler isn't anything special guys. he's a bleach blonde c plus player. there's a reason they had to put the charismatic r truth with him to give his character the boost it needs

Johnny Hotbody pops for Ziggler

I know Brother Gosling will get upset, but Ziggler really needs to mature his character. He's becoming Val Venis.

This is where a Mick Foley would have came in handy. Foley gave Randall and Edge such great rubs which helped progress their characters. There are just no real characters in the WWE right now. Nobody worth a damn really.

haha my dad does mark out for ziggler. I just joke. he is a hell of a talent. but from a character development standpoint he needs a make over. but then again majority of the roster needs a makeover.
There's no reason for Rock/HHH to face each other in 2014. They put on great matches for for the IC and World titles, built each other up, and there's nothing left. This would have to be nothing but HHH still seething that he was never legit THE man in the eyes of the fans.
Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

As many of you would likely expect, TNA did recently make a play for CM Punk. It was said to be done in similar fashion to how they reached out to Alberto Del Rio, which is through an intermediary who is friends with Punk. This really shouldn't come as a surprise as why wouldn't they at least send "feelers" to one of the top "free agents" in the business? It's worth a shot.

The idea was that Punk would be the top star of the company with pay similar to what Hulk Hogan was making when he was with the promotion - aka leaps and bounds ahead of everyone else.

TNA was hoping that Punk could be their flagship star and if he signed with them, could help them get a strong television deal.

Punk reportedly expressed zero interest in working for TNA, or in pro wrestling in general. The company is continuing talks with Alberto Del Rio and one source says it's "only a matter of time: before we see him in TNA.
Lesnar vs Reigns
Cena vs Rusev
HHH vs Rock
@ WM31?

I wonder if this is going to holdup?

Brock would have to carry Reigns the whole match. Could Reigns keep up when on the mic with Heyman in the weeks leading up to their match, if they did have it? I honestly would like to see Rock vs Reigns. Brahma Bull passing the torch maybe? Rock will be willing to give the rub to his fam. Reigns comes back cocky and arrogant, and Rock is the one who has to knock some sense into him. Reigns wins and maybe has some personality out of it as well.

I say keep it old school with Jeans and Rollins' feud and let it end at WM31. Have them one up each other in matches til their final match against each other.

Need to at least have all the titles defended and no comedy matches on a WM, but we know that aint happening.

Let's see how much the Full Metal Mayhem match is edited in a few. Their PPV this Sunday sounds interesting, but should be free.
EC3's character has definitely evolved as one of the biggest pricks in TNA, and not a fan of Rockstar Spud, but he definitely has that underdog appeal.
Seriously? Your champion is not coming back till January? That's terrible.

Brock's gotta be out there doing PPVs.
:smh: @ the Reigns hate

Sure he's not great on the mic but by WM season, i think he will definitely improve.

His spear is the best since Rhyno/Goldberg.
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Seriously? Your champion is not coming back till January? That's terrible.

Brock's gotta be out there doing PPVs.

You would think that they would help make the other belts mean something while Brock is away, but it won't happen.

There is no excuse for the WWE not to build up superstars, rivalries, and add more Prestige to the titles..
D-Von always convulses his legs like he didn't fap for 2 months then caved in and let off a good one.
I think the idea behind Brock not being around is to push the network as the only chance to watch the champion in action. think back in the day hogan would defend the belt 2 times a month or whatever. and there was only 4 ppv a year. I don't think it's the worse idea. but I agree they deff have to force themselves into making the other titles mean something. which boggles every ones minds why they don't do this to begin with
-Source: F4WOnline.com

Undertaker vs Brock LesnarWWE has been keeping Paul Heyman off television because they don’t want to draw attention to Brock Lesnar being off programming and missing the monthly PPV events. That, and with the WWE World Heavyweight Champion gone, they just don’t have any relevant material for Heyman to work with. In the past they’ve paired him up with guys like CM Punk, Ryback and Curtis Axel, but with his one and only client holding such a prestigious place on the roster right now, it’s likely they don’t want to water down Heyman’s role by partnering him with anyone else.

Currently, there are no plans to bring Lesnar back to TV prior to the Royal Rumble PPV in January. While the show is still several months away, there are talks of running Cena vs. Lesnar III as the co-main event, followed by the Royal Rumble match itself.
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