Wrestling Thread Oct 6-19: 10/13 RAW - Ric Flair Returns, Big Show vs Rusev, Todd Crisley

:smh: @ the Reigns hate

Sure he's not great on the mic but by WM season, i think he will definitely improve.

His spear is the best since Rhyno/Goldberg.

So if he wins the RR and WM, DBry's time really has passed, huh? With Brie riding his coattails, Rains being Cena 2.0, I just don't see him having another magical title run. Or at least, having the same amount of steam. DBry is on the Magnum TA path :smh:
Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

As many of you would likely expect, TNA did recently make a play for CM Punk. It was said to be done in similar fashion to how they reached out to Alberto Del Rio, which is through an intermediary who is friends with Punk. This really shouldn't come as a surprise as why wouldn't they at least send "feelers" to one of the top "free agents" in the business? It's worth a shot.

The idea was that Punk would be the top star of the company with pay similar to what Hulk Hogan was making when he was with the promotion - aka leaps and bounds ahead of everyone else.

TNA was hoping that Punk could be their flagship star and if he signed with them, could help them get a strong television deal.

Punk reportedly expressed zero interest in working for TNA, or in pro wrestling in general. The company is continuing talks with Alberto Del Rio and one source says it's "only a matter of time: before we see him in TNA.

"Is that....is that TN JUNK in the impact zone?!"
- It was noted earlier this year that the payoffs for WrestleMania XXX ended up being way better than what was expected by the talents. Many believed that the WWE Network launch would hurt WrestleMania bonuses but that apparently was not the case.

Payoffs are now in for the first pay-per-view events after WrestleMania with the new formula and they were described as “really bad.” This could be a sign that talents are being paid based on pay-per-view revenue and that they’re not receiving anything extra from the pay-per-view revenue that’s been eliminated due to the Network.

There are reportedly some talents who are being taken care of and some who have deals in place that prevent something like this from happening to them. That is not the case with the majority of talents on the roster.

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-Vince McMahon and The Rock met on Monday but it’s unknown what all was discussed. There was talk that they may have met to discuss a possible WrestleMania 31 match against Rusev but a source says that is not in the plans, at least right now.

Vince is reportedly still interested in doing Rock vs. Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 31. Rock does not have a deal with WWE that obligates him to another match but sources say there is some sort of “verbal agreement” between he and Vince.

The belief is that Vince is hellbent on getting Rock booked for WrestleMania 31 and is willing to compensate him properly to do so.

You would think that they would help make the other belts mean something while Brock is away, but it won't happen.

That IC Title has been defended like every week since it's been put on the Show Off :smokin

Ziggler bringing back the workhouse prestige to the title!! #TeamAlpha
I think it depends on who the champ is. The US Title what little prestige is had left in the last year or so. Never got defended. 

But Brock is the WWE equivalent to a mythical creature so he should defend it as such. Should be like Bowser.
I think it depends on who the champ is. The US Title what little prestige is had left in the last year or so. Never got defended. 

But Brock is the WWE equivalent to a mythical creature so he should defend it as such. Should be like Bowser.


@ the Reigns hate

Sure he's not great on the mic but by WM season, i think he will definitely improve.

His spear is the best since Rhyno/Goldberg.
I don't hate Reigns.

I just think it's a matter of too much too soon.

He's okay in the ring, and "meh" at best on the mic. His Shield counterparts are leaps and bounds better than him in both of those categories.

He needs some seasoning before WWE straps the rocket to his back. I mean Summerfest was his first singles PPV match.

DBry should get another title run and if anyone should face Brock at Mania it should be him, but there's a better chance of Vince turning black and rocking an afro than that coming to fruition.

Especially with Scumbag Brie leeching off DBry doing the Yes chants.

When she does it I know Shovel and Shovelette be backstage like

"See Daniel Bryan's Yes chants aren't special. The WWE Universe would do that for anybody"
NTWT Secret Santa Questionnaire:
-Once your entered, you will need to fill out a questionnaire. I still have everyone’s from last year, but a lot can change in a year so you can send me a new one OR I can use your one from last year. These will need to be sent to me by Monday, November 3rd.

I'm just going to post the questionnaire below instead of emailing it to everyone like last year. Just copy and paste it, then fill it out. Try to be specific as possible. Last year I had a lot of people telling me their elf wasn't thorough enough.

Once you fill out the questionnaire, email them to me at ntwtsecretsanta@gmail.com or you can PM it to me on here (I prefer it to be emailed).

If you have any questions I'm on twitter @Jordcurt

Here's the final list. I don't expect to receive a questionnaire back from every name on this list. If you're missing, let me know ASAP.

Shorty Doo Wop
B Sox
Peep Game
Fat Boy 915
Joe Cool 23


Email sent :D
That wrestlmania 31 card is shaping up to be terrible. Let me get my Vince Russo on and book this **** for Vince:
Pre show
Shamus vs Zayn
Sandow vs Miz

Cesaro vs Orton
Usos vs Ascension (c) vs Itami/Balor (tornado tlc)
Ziggler vs BNB
Bryan vs Neville
Aj (c) vs Naomi vs Paige vs Nattie
Sting vs The Rock or Shovel (wcw's own vs wwf's own)
Cena vs Rusev
Taker vs Brock pt 2 (taker causes brock the title)
Harper vs Bray
Ambrose vs reigns vs rollins (c) (after cashing in on brock)
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That wrestlmania 31 card is shaping up to be terrible. Let me get my Vince Russo on and book this **** for Vince:
Pre show
Shamus vs Zayn
Sandow vs Miz

Cesaro vs Orton
Usos vs Ascension (c) vs Itami/Balor (tornado tlc)
Ziggler vs BNB
Bryan vs Neville
Aj (c) vs Naomi vs Paige vs Nattie
Sting vs The Rock or Shovel (wcw's own vs wwf's own)
Cena vs Rusev
Taker vs Brock pt 2 (taker causes brock the title)
Harper vs Bray
Ambrose vs reigns vs rollins (c) (after cashing in on brock)

I don't think both Vince's would be capable of coming up with such an epic card. You forgot austin....
Man if and that's a big if austin comes back it will be to host wm 31 and set up a fued with somebody to main event wm 32 in his home state. Might be wrong tho wm 31 is just a couple hours drive from his home.
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That wrestlmania 31 card is shaping up to be terrible. Let me get my Vince Russo on and book this **** for Vince:

Guest Host: Stone Cold

Pre show
US Title: Sandow vs Miz(c) (Winner: Sandow)

Tag Titles(Tag Team Elimination): Usos vs Itami/Balor vs. Zayn/Steen vs. Ascension(c) (Winner: Itami/Balor)
IC Title: Bray Wyatt(c) vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Adrian Neville vs. Luke Harper(winner: Harper)
Andre The Giant Battle Royal(winner: Cesaro, the battle royal streak lives on)
Paige (c) vs Charlotte (Winner: Paige)
(Special Guest Ref Stone Cold)Sting vs. Orton(Winner: Orton, plants seeds for Austin/Orton @ WM32 if Punk's still being beta)
Rock vs Rusev (Winner: Rock who proceeds to clap Lana's cheeks in the middle of the ring)
Taker vs. Cena (Winner: Taker)
Brock vs. Bryan (Winner: Bryan)
Ambrose vs Reigns vs Rollins (c) (winner: Ambrose)

Tweaked it a bit.

Now THAT would be a perfect card. :pimp:
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Tweaked it a bit.

Now THAT would be a perfect card. :pimp:

No Bryan? Zayn? Bnb? Aj? Naomi? Na this card sucks and lol at bray holding a title. If he ever wins one he should leave it in the ring and cut a promo talking about he doesn't do it for gold that's not his m.o he does it to hurt people. Or something cooler like that
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It's a rough draft leave me alone. :lol:

And the Bray logic wouldn't really work since he wanted to win the WWE World Title earlier @ MITB.

And Zayn, idk where he'd fit in the card besides the battle royal.
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My card>>>>>> your card.
That battle royal has to go! I know it's to get guys on the card but screw it. If you make the show cool if not woke harder next year b. One match I forgot to add:
Big slow vs steen (steen washes him in under 3 min)

Edit: you know dam well if austin comes back he's facing brock, Cena or taker. I would love orton but Na they won't do it.
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My card>>>>>> your card.
That battle royal has to go! I know it's to get guys on the card but screw it. If you make the show cool if not woke harder next year b. One match I forgot to add:
Big slow vs steen (steen washes him in under 3 min)

Edit: you know dam well if austin comes back he's facing brock, Cena or taker. I would love orton but Na they won't do it.


I know about the battle royal but I want Cesaro to keep the battle royal streak going! :lol:

And in a perfect world it would be Austin/Punk at 32 but Phil's too beta for wrestling. Austin/Orton would be almost as perfect and it could set up Orton becoming the Legend Killer again all the way till WM32. :pimp:

And besides, your card doesn't have Lana's cheeks getting clapped.
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