Yo, NT what happens after you die?

Nobody knows, just as nobody knows what the correct religion is. You most likely decompose and cease of exist.
Originally Posted by Unphased4

You get buried and a ceremony is held for you.


as a Christian i believe in a Heaven and a Hell. Of course i intend to go to Heaven. what i can't get pass is the concept of eternity. i mean can youfathom things NEVER ENDING in a larger realm...? definitely dont want to spend forever burning in a pit of fire. but who knows? in the end it's all aboutfaith and/or what you believe in or chose not to.
i think..... that life as we know it now is just a preparation for the afterlife....... like death is just the beginning.
(yes i'm one of those people)

i'm not quite sure about what comes after, seeing as i've never died. but i don't necessarily believe in heaven/hell ( i really don't agreewith anything that was proposed by a religion) but i do think that there is some higher power, and we are here for a reason and for a greater purpose.

Originally Posted by worldbeefreeg

You die end of story. Nothing more nothing less. An eternal sleep. You didn't exist before you were conceived and it goes back to that way.

exactly. no heaven or hell imo
You gotta go to Heaven, cuz we livin in Hell
(So it's your life)

Singer vocalizes
and RZA...and GZA, and GHOOOOOOOOST....
Originally Posted by worldbeefreeg

You die end of story. Nothing more nothing less. An eternal sleep. You didn't exist before you were conceived and it goes back to that way.

Ive been contemplating the idea of heaven and hell more and more lately but this statement is a really good point imo.
Originally Posted by Raginl3ull

We experience death everynight. You can't recall how long you have been unconscious between the moment you fell asleep to the time you woke up. Without a clock or the sun, you would have no clue.

Ragin, that is the most logic theory I've heard thus far in regards to death.

I mean sure granted, we can all be awaken by those who are awake around us...but in the grand scheme of things this is the perfect way to describe the timeelapsing.
Whatever you believe in that's what happens.

Personally I hope that there is some type of after life system with either an opportunity to go back and live a new life or stay in Heaven.
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