You know it's an awful TV show when the child actor tells you to quit watching it

Leave it to the members of NT to completely disregard what this thread is actually about and turn this into a "greatest sitcom" discussion.

Do none of you seriously realize that you are proving to be a product/prawn of what this kid is saying?
Always disliked the show. Never thought it was funny+a very dislikeable cast IMO even in the Charlie Sheen era
Anyway the kid makes 300k an episode not a millie
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talk about biting the hand that feeds you. easy to say something like this after you've made enough money to be comfortable.

and can we relax with someone always bringing race into the discussion? every thread seems to be filled with cheap comments referring to the superiority of "black" [insert phrase here] to "white" [insert phrase here] and vice versa. stop letting your color define you.

and :lol: at him having an ace of spades tattoo
show is for white people... i never seen the appeal to it....corny just like all the white tv shows on tv
Its actually the opposite. Black comedies are all terrible.... Martin, Jamie Foxx, Everythign Tyler Perry has ever done, the parkers, the game, all complete trash. Founded on stereotypes and the corniest of jokes. I'm black FYI

especially seinfield
Ban everyone who speaks ill of the greatest sitcom ever made.
Fresh Prince of Bel Air says hello.
no even close and i grew up on fresh prince, seinfeld is bar none.
Something I've been saying for years. So much of our subconscious is programmed.


Cosby show was for White people...

Guess that sucked to.

Racial arrogance at its finest, NT doesn't disappoint.
When biting the hand that feeds you goes terribly wrong. The show has always been bad, but sometimes you just keep your mouth shut especially when it deals with your employer. He'll definitely be blackballed after his time on the show is over. Child actors have a short shelf life to begin with and a rant like this doesn't help his case. Hopefully, his parents didn't blow through his money because they're past indicates that they are scum as well like the Evangelical that brainwashed him into saying these things.

Is there any thread on NT that is safe from race. Both "black" and "white" comedies are terrible. The last decade plus of sitcom programming, save for a few shows, have proven that it is the lowest form of television.
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I used to watch the show all the time when Charlie Sheen was on it. I watch it every once in awhile now, but its not the same anymore.
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