Zoom Kobe 8 system NikeID thread ***NO SET DATE (yet) WHEN THESE WILL BE TAKEN DOWN***

Yeah all your IDs I've seen posted were hot tpg, interested to see them anyway.
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Only the back half is white like the rendering. i was expecting it to look like the upper on the Graffiti coming out on the 17th. 
well i guess at least they made it so the ones releasing the 17th are unique and cant be duplicated on ID
damn, only the back half looks like the rendering. looks smudged smh
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yeah that's what i was saying. I should have known and waited to see how it looked like first than assume it'll look like the Graffiti pair. :smh:
Yeah I see the problem you have with the color, I've just come to realize I'm not a fan of the graffiti print.
I feel like all of the ID upper options look so generic, besides the holiday pattern. :x

I agree that's the only pattern I like, the lakers colored one used on the countonkobe is really dope I may do that one next

TPG that sucks man, thanks for posting though, now I know what it looks like. It's disappointing for sure.
I agree that's the only pattern I like, the lakers colored one used on the countonkobe is really dope I may do that one next

TPG that sucks man, thanks for posting though, now I know what it looks like. It's disappointing for sure.
Youre 100% right

These are what I ordered

For me The swoosh was the biggest issue.

The translucent outsole to stadium grey mid looks good in real life

Finally decided on the dark grey swoosh since yellow doesn't work into the upper well and white was too dominant over the whole thing and in trying out purple it just got lost in the upper.

basically the main thing to take away from ids are looking at many real life examples and then combining off of realworld pics not renderings.

Like with this cw i made sure i saw how everything would come together thanks to these pics...

Example of how the transulcent outsole will go into the midsole...

How the upper looks in general...

this determined the swoosh color for me. Saw that the upper had hints of dark grey...

Same as above upper shows hints of dark grey...

And finally a pick from earlier in the thread by someone who went with the same laces concept...
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I'm gonna contribute here... My new ID inspiration. Kobe 8 "Jaspers" (Based on the Kanye X Louis Vuitton Jasper collab)

.... Wish they offered brown for the heel tab and liner to make it more true to the design. But I think dark grey does the job. About to order these tonight.


View media item 530971
You be the judge. It looked better on the rendering with the white being evenly distributed across the upper. I might as well had use the black/grey instead.
This is terrifying and unacceptable. You need to be in touch with Nike getting the biggest voucher possible because this is complete ********. I am entirely horrified about how mine is going to come out now because the entire point of the graffiti is being able to distinguish that it is in fact graffiti and not just ******** smudges. Those shoes look great, but not what you ordered. Get on the phone brother. ASAP.
i like everything about those except the execution on the graffiti pattern from Nike.  Green swoosh with the red liner and red sole and gray midsole looks really good. you should send them back and do the same thing again but with a different upper.  maybe the black coral snake upper and black out the gray line in the middle?
but yea that **** looks nasty man like when you printing something and you pull on it a little before its finished 
 horrible execution... they really ******g this **** up... nike just need to go with solid uppers instead of disappointing people like that... not even fade colors might be to hard for them to get it down correctly. get your money back man tell em were all pissed on the outcome of the graffiti option.
I guess my last post was deleted. No more editing bad words.
With that....the graffiti outcome is disappointing. Massive letdown.
Sole Reaver is right, it's a poor job by Nike and looks nothing like the rendering. The only part on the pattern that came out good was by the heel, if the entire mesh pattern was consistent like that it would look great. It's a shame Nike isn't giving this shoe better options, the Lebron and KD models have better options to work with IMO. Oh yeah almost forgot, my ID's come in today and I am very excited, just hope they came out good. It's the pink holiday pattern with a dark grey swoosh and poision green sole.
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Yeah I'm gonna let them know I'm not happy and see what they say. Just my complaint isn't gonna make them fix it I don't think but at least they know so once they get more complaints they'll look into it. Those that ordered the black/white might not think it's a problem. I'm specific to how I want my ideas to look so that's just me. I returned them yesterday but will let them know about it later. Free returns you get your money back so that's the safeguard when **** don't go as planned. The time you don't get back but it is what it is. I'm disappointed but it's not gonna stop me from iDing any more. Just wait like I did with the Coral pattern when other finished iDs are posted then order. What they need to do is put out finished iDs with all the colors so we know what we're dealing with. Sorry for the wall of text. Let's see more iDs!
Oh yeah wanted to point out that the translucent red sole is not as vibrant as the picture depicts. The red lining is brighter than that. At least looking at the side of the sole. Don't know if the grey midsole made it darker because the sole is transparent. The bottom looks brighter though. Just one thing to consider if you plan to do red lining and translucent red sole.
yes I totally agree, they need to put finished IDs out somewhere visible on the website to see what the final product looks like, even if they just snapped some pics and threw them up next to the ID when you are making one, that would be great
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