Search results

  1. KingdomFlatbush

    Renting Vs. Buying

    Those of you who made one choice over the other, what made you decide to rent a spot vs buying a crib outright or vice/versa? I need to find a new spot but tired of being at the mercy of landlords and arbitrary rent hikes. On the other hand rent is a fixed expenditure and there is ideally no...
  2. KingdomFlatbush

    Dude who pays all his girl's bills sparks debate on Twitter

    Thoughts? For the record I don't have an opinion one way or the other about this. If a dude wants to pay all his girl's bills AND pay off her student loans AND improve her credit AND contribute to her savings because his bread is that heavy, more power to him? I guess if you got it like that...
  3. KingdomFlatbush

    How do the following salaries stack up in your area?

    $40k per year $50k per year $65k per year $80k per year This includes relevant costs such as rent, utilities, transportation, food, some debt, and social life. After taxes of course. Whether you're single or have children should factor into it as well. Was reading a post on Reddit and it's...
  4. KingdomFlatbush

    Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

    I'm surprised there's no thread on this sadistic *** game. Basically ninja Dark Souls. Anyone else playing this? I'm at the Ashina Castle area and keep getting ****ing ambushed by ninja on the rooftops. I killed a bunch of ninja on one roof, thought I was good, then I hear this loud ***...
  5. KingdomFlatbush


    How do y'all feel about this topic? Cliffs: ADOS are American Descendants Of Slaves. Not Jamaicans, Hatians, Dominicans, Nigerians, or other black national groups. The idea is that this group specifically holds "blood equity" within the United States. Black slaves allowed for the US to...
  6. KingdomFlatbush

    Can anyone understand this? (Finance)

    I might be buggin but my finance professor is from China and not the best at writing things in English I'm looking at the guidelines for my final research paper (25% of grade) and I can honestly say that to me this **** don't make no got damn sense I emailed my professor but i was wondering if...
  7. KingdomFlatbush

    Ancient Egyptian Discussion

    I was actually really interested in that other thread and wanted to make some posts :lol but it was closed because of the Kangz reference I'm on mobile so I can't really gather sources and citations but I would like to discuss and learn more about the attitudes that some have regarding the way...
  8. KingdomFlatbush

    Horizon: Zero Dawn Thread (PS4)

    Didn't see a thread for this. Bought the game on Tuesday but been so busy with work and school that I only just cleared the prologue/tutorial and am on like the first story quest. Will say this: I think I've been playing for all of 1.5 hours and I already feel like I'll enjoy it more than FFXV...
  9. KingdomFlatbush

    Screaming Feminist Causes a Scene

    I support feminism but this video made me "Hugh Mungous" **** like this gives the movement a bad name, any movement really.
  10. KingdomFlatbush

    Segregation, the Neighbor that Won't Leave

    Long read but good: Basically, black families--even those with good salaries-- are more likely to live in poorer, more crime-ridden neighborhoods because they feel more comfortable around their own...
  11. KingdomFlatbush

    Are You Cool With Your Girl's Best Friend?

    Just needed some experiences. Does she like you? Dislike you? Hate your guts? Was she **** blocking like hell when you were originally trying to score? Do you or her secretly want to smash one another? Need some insight on hating *** besties.
  12. KingdomFlatbush

    Harriet Tubman to Replace Jackson on $20 bill Cool stuff
  13. KingdomFlatbush

    RIP Alan Rickman

    Man I just got the New York Times alert :{ If you didn't know, Alan Rickman played Snape in the Harry Potter movies. ****'s crazy :{
  14. KingdomFlatbush

    New Patrice O'Neal Album in December Patrice O'Neal is one of my favorite comedians. His perspective on women is hilarious and insightful and his appearances on Opie and Anthony were classic radio :lol
  15. KingdomFlatbush

    Checks vs Direct Deposit

    Such a simple thing that we take for granted. Years ago, at my first job, I used to have to drive to work and beg someone to give me my physical check which was usually like 90 bucks :lol Another job I had (which I still loved) I had to manually fill out an invoice sheet every other week and...
  16. KingdomFlatbush

    Do you Solid Snake people you know in public?

    Simple question. If you see someone you know in public, not like a close friend but maybe somebody you might occasionally have contact with, what do you do?
  17. KingdomFlatbush

    I barely remember High School

    I graduated from HS 5 years ago and I just realized that I barely remember the **** :{ I mean, almost nothing. I remember clearly like two or three football practices, and maybe four of the campuses of our away games. The rest is a blank. I only remember the name of two coaches; one because he...
  18. KingdomFlatbush

    Office Dress Code

    What's acceptable to wear in your office? I just copped a bunch of dress shirts for my new job, but I didn't get any ties. I haven't worn a tie to a job interview since 2011. What about pants fits? I bought a bunch of Dockers pants, but I didn't like the way the regular fit was hanging off of...
  19. KingdomFlatbush

    Bankers of NT, how them credit card commisions looking?

    I got a new job. New job has direct deposit. New job told me to go to my bank and they'll give me a slip of paper that I can give to HR to get my direct deposit situated. I go to my bank. Tell them I want a direct deposit slip. "Mr Flatbush, you've been with us five years and we want to thank...
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