☆☆ 2012 NBA Finals ☆☆ The King has been crowned; Heat win 2012 NBA Finals! Bron Finals MVP.

Originally Posted by CP1708

Mike has a point, he's basically saying if they trade Paul, they're dead anyways, blow it all up and start fresh, getting Billups and Turiaf gives them a year to struggle, then they have all the money in the world, they'll have a top 3 pick since they would then suck royally, draft a stud, sign a free agent with all that money to play with said stud, and start over from there.

Take the Clips deal, they get average players, longer contract issues tied to them, and maybe a nice pick or two.  The picks are tempting, the money for average deals is not.  Its the type of half @#$ trade that doesn't make you a power player, but doesn't make you the #1 pick in the draft either, mediocre forever.  The Knick deal lets you bottom all the way out, luck into a star kid, and then try to come up from there, ala OKC style. 
The only real difference here is Chauncey Billups. The rest of those guys kind of wash out.

The only larger contracts they'd have to deal with are those of the young kids that you WANT to put around your future, right? Aminu and Bledsoe don't have terrible contracts, they're kids.

It could very well net them the overall #1 pick though my dude. They have the Timberwolves first rounder, unprotected.

With the Clippers as well, they can take on a bad contract like Trevor Ariza.

I mentioned it the other day, but let's say the clippers sign DeAndre to 8 million/yr deal this year. They'd sit at about 52 million. Kaman/Foye/Aminu/Bledsoe is 20 million in contracts, and only about four million of that is tied to the young kids, while the other 16 million is off the books after this year. Do you think the Hornets would fret over having two young prospects worth 4 million dollars? Probably not.

The Hornets can also tack on the terrible deal of Trevor Ariza's if they want to, because that's about 22 million, and the Clippers still have space to eat up that contract of his, and anyone else they want to tack on, they could even throw in Jack to get even lower.

By 2012-2013, they can get their salary cap to about 20 million. Plus have the unprotected Minnesota first rounder.

Or you can have Chauncey Billups, and no free draft picks.

In the 2012 draft, they can very possibly get two top-10 draft picks, and then still have all the cap room in the world to work with.

Let's not forget either, under the new CBA, you have to wait 6 months to sign an extension, and if you sign an extension, you can't get traded for six months.

It's all about the cap space of the Clippers and their unprotected first rounder to me.. You can throw on contracts you don't want like Ariza and Jack, and you can get a really good first rounder out of it too. If you're New York, all you're getting is cap relief, but Clippers can offer more cap relief, so to me, it just doesn't make a ton of sense.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by CripwalkinK

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

How would the Lakers sign Tyson Chandler exactly?

I doubt Hornets want any long-term, expensive deals.
Veteran's deal? MLE? I still need to look into the new CBA's FA policies.

That's fair though cause Hornets would want players coming off the books in a hurry.

Clippers' offer would be intriguing as well, probably the best on the "table" at this point.
No, more like you have no idea what you're talking about.
That was more of a side note to the post but yeah I admit it, dude clearly wants a long term deal, that's my bad.

But back to what I was trying to get at, Bynum would be an attractive piece for the Hornets, he's already better than anyone the Clips or Knicks could offer. I don't know if the Lakers would entertain the idea of trading him to get to Paul but if I'm the Lakers, I'd rather grab a PG than a C at this point, contrary to what Chris 'Sources Say' Broussard was saying on ESPN the other day.
the heats @ maverick this christmas day on the opening season game
the reason why i find this funny cause the heats are going to be playing the mavericks @ their house when the mavericks players get their rings
the heats should be mad
and yeah i do in fact the mavs to be them again
Can we stop with the made up trade scenarios? Y'all are acting like NBA GM's are browsing through NT trying to find some good concepts and trying to make them work..This isn't NBA 2k12..Maybe CP3 goes to the Knicks..maybe the Lakers..Maybe the Clippers..Who knows? Just let it play itself out and we'll see..And everyone in here is biased towards a certain team so they pretend whichever deal their team would make is best..I know the Knicks deal would be trash, but so is 85% of the trade offers you guys are making up

To the dude that posted that CP3 won't push for a trade to the Knicks, what exactly are you proving? That he's not gonna go to the Knicks this year? So what? That just means he's willing to wait till free agency and test out the waters..That might mean another team but it most likely means he's willing to wait and come to NYC or one of the other options he has..I swear some of you dudes would agree to CP3 going to the Nets for Sasha Vujacic before ever agreeing to any type of deal including the Knicks
Another possibility would be for the Clippers to take on Emeka Okafor.

It would require the Hornets paying 8 million over the next two years, but that's a whole hell of a lot better than taking on almost 40 million of Okafors contract.

Kaman, Foye, Gomes, Aminu, Bledsoe+picks for Paul/Emeka. It works out, but whether they'd want to do that is another issue.

After this year, they'd be off the books of Kaman and Foye, but owe Gomes 4 million, and the two rookies 4 million collectively.

So, pay 8 million to those three guys, two of which are prospects, or keep Okafor's terrible contract for another 28 million for two years.

Once again, even after keeping all those guys, at the end of 2011-2012 season, the Hornets would sit at 20 million in salaries, with their own first round pick, and the Clippers first round pick.

And before boohoo-y Knicks fans thinking I'm hating on them, it's not about that. At all.
. I just think Paul to the Clippers is the best deal I can think of off the top of my head that makes total sense for BOTH teams.
Originally Posted by KenJi714

please LA do no sign Tyson Chandler.


Don't worry...He won't. I'd LOVE to see him but come on. We have NOTHING to give! LOL
some of you are forgetting. Tayshaun Prince might sign with the Clippers and we will most likely do a S&T and theres a very good chance we would get Kaman back.
I actually see the clips going after Dwill instead of Paul. I think chris has made his mind up and wont sign anywhere but NY. Seems like you can still convince Dwill. The Nets also might be willing to get something for him since he already declined the extension. Gonna be a fun season.
Deron Williams>>>>>>Chris Paul

too bad the Knicks dont have a chance to get him.

ugh, read this article. As I stated yesterday, DWill is opting out because if he signs the extension RIGHT NOW, it will be a 3 year 57.34 million dollar deal with the nets. (1 year 18 million from his previous extension and 2 years 39 for the new extension.)

Since Deron is opting out, under the new CBA, The Nets can offer him 101 million over 5 years in the summer. If the nets get stupid, and he wants to walk, He gets 4 years 74 million. So tell me, why would you sign that extension with the Nets RIGHT NOW? This is why Paul's agent asked for the trade to the Knicks, his agent wants him to get traded to a team that could offer him more money (Although it seems he is aware of the lack of a package the Knicks can put together for his client and his client seems content on taking the 4 year max the Knicks can offer)

Same thing with Dwight.

So all these go to the Clippers, Go Here, Go there stuff with Paul, Dwill, or Dwight will not matter in these player perspectives because he loses money either way. I do think Paul would play the year for the clippers as an example so New Orleans gets something back for him walking, but I think his heart is set on NYK. Ever since the toast at the wedding.

Sorry for the rant but the pipe dreams are becoming too much. lol.
Originally Posted by Zyzz

Deron Williams>>>>>>Chris Paul

I've said this for years... Chris better stay his @#! out west if he knows whats good for him.

Deron, Wall, & Pooh in regular rotation... unhealthy for the spirit.
Chris Paul
Dwight Howard
Chris Paul
Dwight HowardChris Paul
Dwight HowardChris Paul
Dwight HowardChris Paul
Dwight HowardChris Paul
Dwight HowardChris Paul
Dwight HowardChris Paul
Dwight HowardChris Paul
Dwight HowardChris Paul
Dwight HowardChris Paul
Dwight HowardChris Paul
Dwight HowardChris Paul
Dwight HowardChris Paul
Dwight HowardChris Paul
Dwight HowardChris Paul
Dwight HowardChris Paul
Dwight HowardChris Paul
Dwight HowardChris Paul
Dwight Howard

C'mon man.
 Can we talk about something else NBA related?

How dumb can we be to not for one second know that Paul is going to the Knicks unless Dwight is traded to NO or Paul to the Magic.

Lets move on.    Boki Nachbar is back!!!!!!!!!  
Well, VC3, our boy Johan Petro was the first one at Nets facilities.

 at Boki randomly popping up
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

How would the Lakers sign Tyson Chandler exactly?

I doubt Hornets want any long-term, expensive deals.

both bynum and odom have team options after this year.
but it wont happen because the hornets need young players in return which the lakers have none

Mid Season form for Johan. ( I need a new Net I can hate Since Outlaw is most likely gone.)       
And per my rep, The Nets and Magic ARE NOT going to London for the two games. So The Nets will have 34 homes games (Counting Pre-season) at the Rock since the Nets were the home team for both games.
Jason Jones: Per ESPN, Kings have made contact with agent for J.J. Barea

JA please tell me Cuban is gonna throw a ton of cash at him.........
Originally Posted by VC3FAN

Mid Season form for Johan. ( I need a new Net I can hate Since Outlaw is most likely gone.)       

I know that feel.
them Jared Jeffries days for us...I mean dude looked like a Magikarp.
Originally Posted by CripwalkinK

Originally Posted by krazy88s

Well, VC3, our boy Johan Petro was the first one at Nets facilities.

 at Boki randomly popping up

Nachbar's back in the league?!??!

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