They ruined the momentum of the show with the whole Supergirl & Mon-El relationship

I’m starting to suffer through CW Superhero Forced Relationship Fatigue

All the shows except Legends have become trash because of all the shipping being done
I forgot how good da women on this show look :blush::evil:. Mmmm mmmm mmmm!! DC & The CW have great taste in picking eye candy.
Charmed is coming back though...

Alyssa Milano in her prime


GRIMM Star Elizabeth Tulloch Has Been Cast As The ARROWVERSE's Lois Lane

Parasite being introduced next episode :smokin.

Da character was so dope on da Superman cartoon back in da day

Barely watch but I caught an so and I gotta say Alex (Chyler Leigh) is looking like a snack more than ever as the director of the DEO.
That's a big get? Eff outta here. That casting sucks.

he's probably still considered a big name in the tv world from 2&1/2m

that show was killing it and cw can't even fathom coming close to those viewership numbers, i think that show was beating bigbang at its peak

How is this a good thing? :lol:

A big "get"? Really? Cryer is a relatively big name for tv but cmon.

Hopefully he got a real dark side in him since he's mainly played weak laughable characters.

This is a joke. It's been 7 months since I last posted in this thread and my last post is on THIS PAGE
New season is only 6 weeks old though.

Also it's pretty clear this show isn't for most NTers.
Having a hard time taking all this refugee/illegal alien talk serious this season when the alien poster child is a blonde hair blue eyed women who would’ve secretly votes for Trump

All I see is MAGA Girl
Having a hard time taking all this refugee/illegal alien talk serious this season when the alien poster child is a blonde hair blue eyed women who would’ve secretly votes for Trump

All I see is MAGA Girl
Supergirl? :lol:

But yeah though, I find this whole actual illegal alien conflict absurd.

They should've never had immigrant aliens being a globally known thing in the first place or at least make it such a huge vocal point.

I remember Star Trek: DS9 covered some of this and again with Star Trek Enterprise. Totally makes sense since that's a sort of utopia future where there's world peace. Covering Earth's acceptance of aliens on a social level took a lot of in depth focus and finesse.

On this show they're literally paralleing it to modern day illegal immigrant issues while ignoring this is all happening in superhero universe where every week the city/country/world is under attack and on this show it's ALWAYS by aliens :lol:

Humans have a legit reason to discriminate and be opposed toaaliens in this context.

I saw the ep that was basically the origin for Agent Liberty and was like damn son got a legit beef :lol:

Also this subplot of this show trying to handle their version of a Punishes like character with Manchester Black is so bad. A complete travesty of writing having J'onn cry cuz he found out MB killed a bunch of murdering bigots.
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