12/1/09 Spacejams

Originally Posted by SW33TS1NC3R1TY

Originally Posted by The J Collector

They should put some light blue clearish soles on the bottom , that'd be fresh and keep them from yellowing as quick......

something like this not exact ,just a rough idea below \/-\/
just like the original ones

I've posted this as well.....JB, make them with TINTED BLUE SOLES, have them come out every month for 12 months straight, keep them on the shelves foreveryone and thier grandmother to wear, price them so we can have one pair to wear on our feet and another on our hands if we wanted too, and back up theBrinks truck to the stores to haul away all the cash!....it's a no brainer....
I'd rather pay $400 for another pair of 2001 retros.

I havent bought a pair of Jordans since 2004 and I will continue to not buy anything until they make them how they used to.
Had three pair when they last released and recently sold my last pair. Im not really caring about this release and the madness it will bring lol. Good luckwith that
This thread should get locked, It's like a bunch of girls crying about the same #!++ for years. Shame on this forum.
^^^ exactly......do us all a favor an lock it up since no one wants em. More for me. If half of u actually wore your shoes maybe Nike/JB would make betterquality (not that I'M complaining). People sayin I still got my pair of OG's DS. They know the cheaper they make em the sooner you'll need anotherpair. You brought it on yourselves. There just shoes......wear ur sh**
oh snap, i didn't know this thread existed.... well anyway i'm not voicing my opinion until i see ACTUAL pics of whats gonna hit shelves
I'm in and i'm out...
Originally Posted by kicks4days

Are these going to fit true to size? Were the CPD XIs true?

The CDP XI were very much true to size...the one thing Nike/Jordan didkeep intact from OG was the tight front toe box on the CDP XI...
you know, the seven hour push as some refer to....you have to break them in a good several hours before the uncomfortness goes away...

All XI that have released have been a true to size run since the 01 retros...
I don't remember how the OG XI ran as I was 13.....(showing my age)

on a side note...
the CDP XI/XII thread pushed 300+ pages...
we are in May and on page 34....record? could the eggplant foams have a run for the money finally? Mods?
can't wait for these to drop, wish i was into sneakers the first go round (and my folks could afford em LOL)...let the countdown begin!!!
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