18 year old shot by Police in Berkley missouri.

There are scholarships and grants for Asian Americans

Maybe you didn't know where to pursue them

As far Affirmative Action they don't tell you, you got in because of it

It also depends on what university you are planning on attendance, if you're a Asian American applying to a school in the Texas, you have a better shot than you would applying to one in California
There are many grants for Asians lol . Most of the diversity grants  include all minority groups lol. 
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Sws can kiss my *** and I've dealing with them my whole life but seeing this asian dude spitting this ******** just annoyed the **** outta me.

Guess I'm used to all the ones I know/knew being some cool humble *** dudes. Never met one blaming black/Latinos for opportunities they didn't get :lol: but I'm sure the white man is a god to this lil NYC kid
Man shut your crying *** up. I would love to have a positive stereotype like that yet you're crying over it. And blaming blacks/Latinos for opportunities you didn't get? Man what!?

You're just a lost ************ cause all the Asians I know here are flourishing

Article I posted was legitimate research done...I wasn't posting **** from some made up troll site so miss with that ********. Never made a comment about Asians and native Americans. You're just sounding like a child right now. Keep blaming black/Latinos for opportunities you didn't get when affirmative action benefits white women more than any other group.
I'm actually a lawyer in NYC now so I'm doing fine with my life.  How about you?  At the end of the day, you're the one wallowing in self pity and hatred, trying to somehow make yourself feel better by putting down other races.  You're no better than those you criticize.
There are scholarships and grants for Asian Americans

Maybe you didn't know where to pursue them

As far Affirmative Action they don't tell you, you got in because of it

It also depends on what university you are planning on attendance, if you're a Asian American applying to a school in the Texas, you have a better shot than you would applying to one in California
There may be scholarships and grants now for Asians Americans, but not when I was growing up.  Even so, I bet there are far more scholarships and grants available for Blacks and Latinos, but let's just pretend Asians are afforded the SAME affirmative action that Blacks and Latinos are.
Sws can kiss my *** and I've dealing with them my whole life but seeing this asian dude spitting this ******** just annoyed the **** outta me.

Guess I'm used to all the ones I know/knew being some cool humble *** dudes. Never met one blaming black/Latinos for opportunities they didn't get
but I'm sure the white man is a god to this lil NYC kid
Did I blame Blacks or Latinos for the lack of any opportunities I had growing up? LOL Reading comprehension > you.   The point of my posts was that EVERYONE, blacks, latinos, asians, etc, ALL face some type of adversity in life.  You either let it keep you from accomplishing anything in your life, or you do something about it.  
I'm actually a lawyer in NYC now so I'm doing fine with my life.  How about you?  At the end of the day, you're the one wallowing in self pity and hatred, trying to somehow make yourself feel better by putting down other races.  You're no better than those you criticize.

There may be scholarships and grants now for Asians Americans, but not when I was growing up.  Even so, I bet there are far more scholarships and grants available for Blacks and Latinos, but let's just pretend Asians are afforded the SAME affirmative action that Blacks and Latinos are.
Most diversity grants typically award funds based on need and merit.  Such awards accept applicants from underrepresented populations in the nation. Asians, Latinos, Blacks, etc all receive funding from such grants. If you can produce data to prove your point I would  like to see it. Otherwise you're just spewing conjecture.
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Most diversity grants typically award funds based on need and merit.  Such awards accept applicants from underrepresented populations in the nation. Asians, Latinos, Blacks, etc all receive funding from such grants. If you can produce data to prove your point I would  like to see it. Otherwise you're just spewing conjecture.
How do I prove a negative?  You're the one claiming that Asians were afforded similar grants and scholarships that Blacks and Latinos have.  So why don't YOU provide the data to support YOUR claims?
I'm not looking for pity. I just care about the history of my people in this country. I'm not turning a blind eye to it because I'm not stuck in situations others are stuck in. Thanks but no thanks.

Living my life being a sucker like yourself doesn't motivate me

Asian adversity doesn't compare to blk/Latino. If you can't understand what communities go through then shut the **** up.
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How do I prove a negative?  You're the one claiming that Asians were afforded similar grants and scholarships that Blacks and Latinos have.  So why don't YOU provide the data to support YOUR cl
How do I prove a negative?  You're the one claiming that Asians were afforded similar grants and scholarships that Blacks and Latinos have.  So why don't YOU provide the data to support YOUR claims?
Its common knowledge lol, anyone who applies to college who is a minority knows that most diversity grants accept applications from all minority groups. You said that  there are far more scholarships for blacks and Latinos than Asians. I would like to see the data.  
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I'm not looking for pity. I just care about the history of my people in this country. I'm not turning a blind eye to it because I'm not stuck in situations others are stuck in. Thanks but no thanks.

Living my life being a sucker like yourself doesn't motivate me
Caring about history and living in it are two separate things.  You want to dwell on the past, that's your prerogative. But how does that help the future?  If you think that there hasn't been any progress over the years in terms of racial equality, you're the one that's blind, not me.
Dude a lawyer but finds himself coming on NT at 3am to try to **** on black/Latinos :lol:

If you're flourishing like that and still got hate and in ya heart then I truly feel sorry for you. Probably still getting emasculated out here so you're trying to make yourself feel good.
Its common knowledge lol, anyone who applies to college who is a minority knows that most diversity grants accept applications from all minority groups. You said that  there are far more scholarships for blacks and Latinos than Asians. I would like to see the data.  
I have no idea how old you are but I'm in my late 30s.  I said when "I" was growing up, there were little to no financial scholarships or grants available to Asians like there were for Blacks and Latinos.  I don't know what it's like presently, but if you're seriously suggesting that Asians are afforded the same financial assistance opportunities that Blacks and Latinos do, I'd love to see YOUR data to support that.
:x @ this Asian dude :smh:

I'll ignore the typical assumption reaction post cuz I disagree with the ignorance shrouded in a message that honestly doesn't need to be told to black ppl AGAIN
I'm not looking for pity. I just care about the history of my people in this country. I'm not turning a blind eye to it because I'm not stuck in situations others are stuck in. Thanks but no thanks.

Living my life being a sucker like yourself doesn't motivate me

Caring about history and living in it are two separate things.  You want to dwell on the past, that's your prerogative. But how does that help the future?  If you think that there hasn't been any progress over the years in terms of racial equality, you're the one that's blind, not me.

Yea progress cause I can drink from water fountains and eat at white establishments. The system is damn near the same...it changed a lil but not enough to say race issues are over.

But I'm sure these new blacks got you thinking **** all gravy
Caring about history and living in it are two separate things.  You want to dwell on the past, that's your prerogative. But how does that help the future?  If you think that there hasn't been any progress over the years in terms of racial equality, you're the one that's blind, not me.
Only a Grade A IDIOT would deny the influence that HISTORY has on today's society. Would you say the same about a disease from the 1800's making its way into contemporary society? That is prob the most ignorant and dumbest comment on all of this thread. What books have you read that lead you to these conclusions, what studies can you cite that backs your opinion. You sound and look very STUPID right now, you really do.
I have no idea how old you are but I'm in my late 30s.  I said when "I" was growing up, there were little to no financial scholarships or grants available to Asians like there were for Blacks and Latinos.  I don't know what it's like presently, but if you're seriously suggesting that Asians are afforded the same financial assistance opportunities that Blacks and Latinos do, I'd love to see YOUR data to support that.
Again can you prove that with empirical data? If not its just conjecture.
Dude a lawyer but finds himself coming on NT at 3am to try to **** on black/Latinos

If you're flourishing like that and still got hate and in ya heart then I truly feel sorry for you. Probably still getting emasculated out here so you're trying to make yourself feel good.
I was actually up doing work and decided to take a break on Niketalk.  The only one with hate in the heart is you.  I meet people of all races, economic and social backgrounds in my life and profession and judge people individually, not as a group - something you can't seem to do.
:lol: you're a joke. Like I said you're still out here getting emasculated so this is how you make yourself feel better. I ain't mad at you.
Again can you prove that with empirical data? If not its just conjecture.
You're the one spewing conjecture.  If there were no scholarships or grants available when I was applying to colleges, how do I prove a negative? Do you not understand the fallacy or your request?  YOU'RE the one suggesting all minorities are on equal foot, so why don't YOU provide the data to support YOUR claim?
You're the one spewing conjecture.  If there were no scholarships or grants available when I was applying to colleges, how do I prove a negative? Do you not understand the fallacy or your request?  YOU'RE the one suggesting all minorities are on equal foot, so why don't YOU provide the data to support YOUR claim?
 Most diversity grants give all minorities the opportunity to apply for funding.  I would think that such scholarships are distributed evenly based on need and merit. Just because YOU didnt know about such scholarships doesn't mean that  they didnt exist. 
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Dude a lawyer but finds himself coming on NT at 3am to try to **** on black/Latinos :lol:

If you're flourishing like that and still got hate and in ya heart then I truly feel sorry for you. Probably still getting emasculated out here so you're trying to make yourself feel good.

I was actually up doing work and decided to take a break on Niketalk.  The only one with hate in the heart is you.  I meet people of all races, economic and social backgrounds in my life and profession and judge people individually, not as a group - something you can't seem to do.
If you're being sincere you're just naive and should seriously stop trying to compare what you went through or w/e you think Asians are going through now to the black or Hispanic struggle.

If you're not and I can kinda get a sense of that, you're extremely ignorant. It's severe.
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Yea progress cause I can drink from water fountains and eat at white establishments. The system is damn near the same...it changed a lil but not enough to say race issues are over.

But I'm sure these new blacks got you thinking **** all gravy
Changed a little?? We have a BLACK president for crying out loud.  Keep living your life thinking how bad blacks have it and see how far you get.  You can keep trying to belittle those who disagree with you, but it doesn't phase me.  Seems to me that you're the emasculate one that has to resort to personal attacks to hide his own insecurities.  
Yea progress cause I can drink from water fountains and eat at white establishments. The system is damn near the same...it changed a lil but not enough to say race issues are over.

But I'm sure these new blacks got you thinking **** all gravy

Changed a little?? We have a BLACK president for crying out loud.
 Keep living your life thinking how bad blacks have it and see how far you get.  You can keep trying to belittle those who disagree with you, but it doesn't phase me.  Seems to me that you're the emasculate one that has to resort to personal attacks to hide his own insecurities.  


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Obama is biracial but it's cool you follow the one drop rule.

This asian dude is oozing sws rhetoric
Changed a little?? We have a BLACK president for crying out loud.  Keep living your life thinking how bad blacks have it and see how far you get.  You can keep trying to belittle those who disagree with you, but it doesn't phase me.  Seems to me that you're the emasculate one that has to resort to personal attacks to hide his own insecurities.
 You say move forward as if the "past" is not the present. You're the type of IDIOT that would say jim crow is no longer here, meanwhile the stats, studies, and lived experiences clearly show that we've not moved on as much as some would purport. But the cognitive dissonance (yes, look it up IDIOT) of people like you is what holds our nation back from moving forward.
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