1999 AJ V(5) 12 years unworn?

Makes me want to take out my CDP 5s 
Originally Posted by thuglife67898

Just bought these on ebay 275 :smile: (will post my own picture when i get them) so these should be fine to wear? also should i just rub retro brite on the side mesh?

if those are DS thats a helluva deal

nice score
i have and bought mine the day they released IV's too but i gotta give to this retro is by far the best quality retro i ever bought. i worn mine often and the leather didnt crease at all. actually other than the yellowing in the obvious places over time only the 3m on the tongue started to show signs of aging in my opinion these shoes are rare the quality is a easy five outta five nice pickup
Originally Posted by thuglife67898

sweet glad to know and just wondering how much would i be able to resell these for? i thought these would be worth more than 275?

yea I would think so too
Honestly, you could rock those for a while fam. You might as well enjoy a shoe if you paid that much for it.
Dang I cant believe you guys have shoes that is that old and are wearable. I had some like four years old and the sole came str8 off of em. Me being me I still gotta doe.
Dam those are nice. I would wear em if they start to crack stop wearing them and get the CDPs.
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