[| -- 2/4 Official Los Angeles Lakers @ Toronto Raptors Post 7PM EST (Vol. Kobe 50+ Again?) -- |]

Raptors did their thing tonight!
It was so close but Kobe is just simply Kobe...

Oh well, big up to J O'Neal - he played very well tonight.
His best game as a Raptor.

I thought that Lakers would have dominated...

* Time to watch Cavs vs. Knicks.
Originally Posted by SJSneakerheadIII

Originally Posted by TheFoteenth

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

82. W.
Happy we got the win.

Its always nice to pull out a sloppy game.

Hope they bring it for tomorrow.
Place was buzzing tonight, too bad Bosh got injured.

Glad to see Kobe & Pau playing well.
Originally Posted by BallinBoykz

I love Joey Graham.
I also love JO's 9 blocks.

I hate our team.

Kobe did his thing...

JO has 9 blocks? wow! didnt seem like it
Weird thing I saw with the minutes by Phil. Pau with 45?
But stillheld Kobe down at 38 min. I wonder why the difference? Maybe Phil is trying to pace him as he knows he'll need fresh legs later on down the line?

I dunno, just struck me as weird that Pau would have 7 more minutes then Kobe.

Anyhoo, glad we got the W. Big game tonight.
his swag after that block.. all in vain since we took the L but itsstill appreciated. maybe it'll make some teammates raise an eyebrow and make them want to put forth the same kind of defensive effort.

joey-G had the game of his career last night leading the team with 24. im really liking his play the more time he gets. he attacks aggressively, he doesn'tsettle for one too many jumpers. he plays with intensity on the defensive end, hes still got a lot to improve in terms of team D but ill take his effort heartand hustle over bumario moon.

im gonna miss anthony parker when the year is up, if hes even in toronto until then. dude is a consummate team player, pure class. a good b'ball IQ andjust quietly goes about doing his work. great complimentary player, you never see him complain. i secretly wish he'd return to the raptors
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