2008 Australian Open

A pair of breaks by each player in the first set; looks to be heading to a tiebreaker.

I guess I won't be getting to bed until about 7.
I'm glad Nadal got torched by Tsonga who played unbelievably well. My boy Fed losing the first set though
Ok, I took a nap just to catch this game and I already missed the first set. Good to see Djokovic up by one, but he's going to need major stamina becauseFederer plays pretty consistently throughout his matches while others just get tired and weary. Djokovic has been having a great tournament though. This isgoing to be a good, long match. It already is.
Djoko looks as if this match is being played high in the Colorado mountains.

Fed, on the other hand, just looks flat-out angry.
just too many errors... Djoker's playing well, but his unforced errors aren't helping...
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