2009: BUY GOLD. NOW.

why buy gold now? it's at a near all time high...what about the investors mantra "buy low and sell high"?
when gold has doubled in price in 10 months, this will be "low"... i doubt we get below 850/oz in the next 15 years.
Gold is obviously a buy and hold...when do you assume it will be time to get out? how do you know?
I purchased 4 ounces for $875.00 each back in January and another 5 ounces for $935.00 last week... Keep this thread alive
i will be laughing my @*% off if resell value for gold suddenly plummets . .. you just never what can happen these days..

same with gas prices.. people thought the pump was going to reach a a dollar/gallon by summer.. lolz
Originally Posted by kidUFC

i will be laughing my @*% off if resell value for gold suddenly plummets . .. you just never what can happen these days..

same with gas prices.. people thought the pump was going to reach a a dollar/gallon by summer.. lolz
All I know is i'm gonna be laughing my way straight to the bank!!!

i think it's a bit far fetched to make predictions for the next 15 years, regardless of how much you know.

i doubt people back in '94 had any idea we'd be where we are now.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Patmc13 where you buying gold bullion by the oz?
I get 1 oz. gold eagle coins...I was told these are the best thing to own...

I know the owner of a local jewelry / coin shop in my area, and whenever customers come in and sell their gold coins he usually just holds them and sees if Iwant any of them or not. So he sells them to me just about at market value, and none of those other extra fees cause he just flippin them to the nextperson...
Gold and oil prices tend to rise and fall together based on historic trends. Think about this, the oil price has slumped 33 per cent since the end of Octoberas gold has jumped 36 per cent. This has pushed the gold to oil ratio to extreme levels. Unless the link has been broken, this suggests that either gold has tofall or oil has to rally....
i turned bearish on oil on july 4. i made a lot of money betting on the collapse of oil. and i am now close to being bullish on energy again.

oil went down because of massive demand destruction as economies contracted. gold isn't like oil, it is a store of value, and isn't consumed, so itisn't really connected to financial fundamentals as much as monetary fundamentals. i expect oil to start rising again soon and come close to july levels ina couple years, if not surpass them. the oil bubble was all inflation. oil priced in gold did not go up nearly dramatically as oil priced in dollars.

gold is going up because it is a store of value that is not connected to global aggregate demand. it went up 6% in 2008 as everything tanked. gold is going upbecause of the inflationary risk evident in the central bank policies aroudn the world. oil will go up when the inflation actually bleeds into the economy.

i am not making predictions about what will happen in 15 years, i'm just saying gold will not sell off to current levels in the forseeable future, it'sjust going to go up up up from here. on the short term i expect a pullback, in a months time watch another big move.
Originally Posted by Dey Know Yayo

i turned bearish on oil on july 4. i made a lot of money betting on the collapse of oil. and i am now close to being bullish on energy again.

oil went down because of massive demand destruction as economies contracted. gold isn't like oil, it is a store of value, and isn't consumed, so it isn't really connected to financial fundamentals as much as monetary fundamentals. i expect oil to start rising again soon and come close to july levels in a couple years, if not surpass them. the oil bubble was all inflation. oil priced in gold did not go up nearly dramatically as oil priced in dollars.

gold is going up because it is a store of value that is not connected to global aggregate demand. it went up 6% in 2008 as everything tanked. gold is going up because of the inflationary risk evident in the central bank policies aroudn the world. oil will go up when the inflation actually bleeds into the economy.

i am not making predictions about what will happen in 15 years, i'm just saying gold will not sell off to current levels in the forseeable future, it's just going to go up up up from here. on the short term i expect a pullback, in a months time watch another big move.
you don't think if gold rises it'll be inflation?
in inflation, gold goes up in real terms because there is a flight to hard assets. gold will beat oil in an inflationary recession environment.
I am going to get a 100 Ounces of Silver...Should I wait a few weeks and see what the market is like or should I buy now???...If I buy now I can Lock in ataround $16 an ounce...thoughts?
I just checked out this thread and in the website provided, minimum is 10 ounces of gold per purchase, meaning a minimum of $10,000 is needed to invest inthese.
It may have been answered in the last 28 pages but how much can you sell gold compare to it's current market value?
If an ounce of gold cost $950 right now and I want to sell it, how much am I looking to get for an ounce of gold?
I don't think I'll get $950 per ounce on it, probably less so that the buyer can make some money too.
I guess my question is, in general or on average, how much lower in % do you sell gold compared to the current market value?
Originally Posted by RFX45

I just checked out this thread and in the website provided, minimum is 10 ounces of gold per purchase, meaning a minimum of $10,000 is needed to invest in these.
It may have been answered in the last 28 pages but how much can you sell gold compare to it's current market value?
If an ounce of gold cost $950 right now and I want to sell it, how much am I looking to get for an ounce of gold?
I don't think I'll get $950 per ounce on it, probably less so that the buyer can make some money too.
I guess my question is, in general or on average, how much lower in % do you sell gold compared to the current market value?
I went to a few places and they are around $30.00 - $40.00 under market value...So if you wanna cash out and market value is $950.00 you will getaround $910.00 - $920.00 Cash...
I wanted to invest in it but I slept, gold jumped from around $850 or so to $1,000 to around $950 now. Im thinking about letting the price settle down alittle, and buying Gold traded funds whose stock price reflects an equivalent fraction of the value of Gold. I don't think investing in actual gold bullionwould be a very practical way to invest imo, Im thinking about going the stock route.
DKY- Gold filled that gap
....It might have some more downside but IMOthere is to much going on for it to not test or break 1000 significantly

is this a good buy??? gold is at 950+ right now.

You know damn well that is going to run up towards the end of the auction. Anything under 1000 for that (because of premiums) is probably a pretty good pricefor that assuming you dont get frauded.
DKY: You still believe gold is the way to go? I may have an investment opportunity coming up and this may be the way to go...
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