2013-2014 NBA Thread - IND @ WAS and OKC @ LAC on ESPN

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Gibson and Augustin really the difference with the bulls.

No one thought DJ would have this impact after the raps released him
Wizards offense stagnates way too much.. we don't have enough guys who can create their own offense

Gonna be an interesting second half let's see how Wittman adjusts
These ****** can't let the crowd get into this game. Chicago is gaining momentum and the crowd will take Washington right out of this game.

Augustin should be strapped right now. No reason why him and Heinrich should be skating around the Wiz right now.
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Next to no good discussion goes on anymore. On a rare occasion that they actually stay on topic during a game, all they do is complain about everything. There are next to no rational people left, but they have the gifs on deck like no other.


Look no further than this travesty to see what Spurstalk is like now

I would a loved to see that thread after ray hit that 3 in game 6 lmao
Other than the missing free throws, BS calls, letting them get offensive rebounds, letting their bigs cuts to the basket with ease, turnovers, John's jumper not working...

It was a pretty nice first half. We own the boards second half we out this ***** with a W.
Gibson and Augustin really the difference with the bulls.

No one thought DJ would have this impact after the raps released him

i thought he would be decent but not this good

i loved the signed minus the first week or two where he looked really bad :lol:
The only reason why Chicago is up, let alone keeping up with us is free throw's and offensive rebounds. Like I know ****** can box out, it's not that hard

Wizards were 25th in the league in FT percentage. Them missing FTs shouldn't be a surprise. Shoulda woulda coulda. ...
lets go knicks!

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