2013-2014 NBA Thread - IND @ WAS and OKC @ LAC on ESPN

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I need to go to ATL one day. Women waiting for a dude, don't even gotta treat them nice you just gotta be straight.
Hibbert tryin to be serious 

***** please
My prediction of what will happen to Donald Sterling is being taken with the understanding of how long Marge Schott owned the Reds without being stripped of the team.

Look at how the reports are coming out, all this "allegedly" and "reportedly the voice of" talk.

This will get swept under the rug and nothing will happen, no matter how much you (and I) want this to be the last time for him. It won't be.

Like SHUGES said: long money.
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Hear what Snoop Dogg has to say about Sterling. Search "@SnoopDogg" on instagram and play the video where he's wearing shades and a red coat lmfao
Dat backlash is amazing. Holy ****

:pimp: **** the clippers. Growing up around white people for the majority if my life and never experiencing any type of racism makes me feel furious when this dude says the **** he did
i mean what can anyone really do? "shame on your donald sterling. stop feeling that way" 

you gonna fine him? you gonna suspend him? what does that really accomplish?

you gonna take away his team? that won't happen

you're gonna bully a guy like him to not have those racist sentiments? that **** is ingrained and ain't going anywhere

David Stern was asked about taking the team away from Sterling the last time he $&@^ed up. Stern said that, legally, there really isn't anything the NBA can do unless Sterling does something criminal. Being a racist prick is reprehensible, but it's not against the law. As far as a boycott goes, that cold end up hurting all the decent, non-rich people who work for the Clippers, like office staff, etc.
My prediction of what will happen to Donald Sterling is being taken with the understanding of how long Marge Schott owned the Reds without being stepped of the team.

Look at how the reports are coming out, all this "allegedly" and "reportedly the voice of" talk.

This will get swept under the rug and nothing will happen, no matter how much you (and I) want this to be the last time for him. It won't be.

Like SHUGES said: long money.
  I know, why are they saying "allegedly", literally a tape of dude clearly talking
Guarantee TNT will say something about this situation before the day is over.

It's too big of an issue for the NBA right now for TNT to avoid.

Clippers will wear all black shoes tomorrow at least i'm sure watch. :smokin
:smh: @ Sterling

Nothing new with this clown. He been racist and will continue to be a racist POS.
I wonder if shorty tried to blackmail him or if she just recorded this outta spite after he stopped tricking on her?
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Broussard basically said that Sterling views himself as a slave owner and the players are his slaves. He views them the way a slave master would view his slaves, only for work and making more money.

Nothing new. Same way Gilbert acted when Lebron left, like a slave escaped the Plantation.
Dat backlash is amazing. Holy ****

:pimp: **** the clippers. Growing up around white people for the majority if my life and never experiencing any type of racism makes me feel furious when this dude says the **** he did
Right, not the owner, but the team, which is prominently black :smh:
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Bill Simmons

1 hr  · 

I'm on national TV - today and tomorrow. If you were me, how would you use that forum as well as this Facebook forum plus my Twitter forum to go after the Unfrozen Caveman Racist NBA Owner Donald Sterling? How would you mobilize Clippers fans to protest him on Tuesday night? How would you pressure the NBA into keeping him away from Clipper home games and making him sell the team? Respectful/reasonable suggestions please...
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Bill Simmons
1 hr · 

I'm on national TV - today and tomorrow. If you were me, how would you use that forum as well as this Facebook forum plus my Twitter forum to go after the Unfrozen Caveman Racist NBA Owner Donald Sterling? How would you mobilize Clippers fans to protest him on Tuesday night? How would you pressure the NBA into keeping him away from Clipper home games and making him sell the team? Respectful/reasonable suggestions please...

Well for starters he has to take a stand on this. He's got the biggest platform available. ESPN during the NBA Playoffs.
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