2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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Lance was made a scapegoat when in reality him and David West were the only ones that consistently showed up in the playoffs.
I am shocked the pacers have done nothing to fix their point guard problem.

I guess they are waiting on mike james to name his price
I really cant believe that the Timberwolves are gaining leverage
still dont understand the lance contract... coulda had a longer one in indy with more money... but whatever i hate the pacers so this is a good thing
Trying to get a max later down the road
Obviously I am biased but I just cant imagine a team led by prime Lebron not being a no 1 seed in East. Only competition is Chicago, but I dont think Rose can ever come back with his old self after suffering two season ending injuries. Obviously Cavs got some holes that need to be filled but two elite East teams from last year (Indy and Miami) regressed and I think Cavs fill that absent top spot this yr. It is still July so obviously a lot can change though.
Indy been done.

Idk why they're holding onto Hibbert still. Trade him while you can.

They tried, no one wanted to pay him 30 mil for two years.

I think this deal for Lance is smart. IF he can be smart and get his **** together, he'll get a big contract after this one is up. However, I don't think he'll ever get his **** together. Since his HS days, I thought he was mentally challenged.
Am I the only person that has NO problems what so ever with Lance's antics on court?

They don't bother me one bit would have loved him in Dallas.

Larry and Rick are tight so he must have told him to stay away.
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Biggest problem with Rubio is he still shoots like a middle schooler learning how to not shoot with both hands.
Lance Stephenson is just an idiot

the on court hi-jinks aren't a huge deal but him openly ignoring larry's advice to knock it off is

makes me wonder how much off court advice he's ignoring as well

dude just seems destined to do stupid ****
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