2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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JA, J, BigMike, Dirk, JD, Allen, O, JRS, Chester, Shuges, Osh, JPZ, BHZ, Dub, Kev, H3at, FinallyFamous, ShoeKing, Proshares, DoubleJ's, we need to do a better job stomping out trolls from our NBA thread.

No more of what happened the last 2 years, we need to get it under control before NT truly becomes unbearable.

Some way, some how, we gotta clean these threads up. Let them enjoy the Hater threads built for mindless trolling, but no more in the season threads.

2015 is WIDE open. No way the Heat make a 5th run. And no way an aging Spurs team can make a 3rd run. That means both conferences will have new opponents in the Finals.

Bron, Melo, Love, Wiggins, Jabari, going to be one helluva off-season.

Let this thread be great once again. :pimp:


Curling bro.
I honestly think LeBron leaves Miami. He shouldnt care about what people think anymore, he just put up 30 and 10 in the Finals and is still being killed by the media meanwhile everyone else around him contributed nothing. He needs to leave.

I would gain respect for dude if he leaves, because it would prove that hes given up on this "I care what people think about me" thing and wants to win over everything.

I see you plotting for the repeat already, of course you'd want Bron Bron to leave the 305 :lol: :lol:

I still think Bosh is the goner out of the 3 despite what he's been telling the press. He's going to pull a Seth Rollins.
I think it's the opposite. If Wade opts in, LeBron opts out. That 20 M pretty much kills the chance for the team to add add quality help.

A lot of people talk about how close they are with each other and the organization, and I think there's truth to it. I think Lebron will give Wade another year to see how he performs (vs. opting out, signing a new deal that will lock him up), even though the writing seems to be on the wall. They were just in the Finals, so I think it might be hard to turn around and jump ship, even for the guy who did the Decision.
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I think it's the opposite. If Wade opts in, LeBron opts out. That 20 M pretty much kills the chance for the team to add add quality help.

Yea, I'm thinking that as well. Bron will probably be the last one to act. If either Wade or Bosh decide to opt in, I think it's a sign Bron is good as gone, cause if they were working together ala 2010 as a unit that clearly wouldn't be the course of action to take. Just don't have any flexibility at that point to add any quality players. Riles is going to have to do a better selling job now than he did in 2010 especially to his "son" Dwayne.
Wade needs the 20 million to cop bionic knees for the next title run man, he gotta take that bread.
Take 20M or take 1/4 of that to try and win a title that you will get no credit for?

Shouldn't be a hard choice for Bosh and Wade.
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I think lebron should go overseas and never look back at the NBA again. Disgrace.
I would personally like to give thanks to everyone in this thread who passed over this without responding. @CP1708, @Proshares, @erupt107th, @do work son, all y'all.


(No sarcasm. Seriously. Thanks. It freaking warms my cold heart that I'm the only person to quote this pile of crap response, and me quoting comes 3 pages after it was said. Eeeeeeeexcelent. 

Carry on...
Depends on if he's getting paid the same amount, if so then maybe, but if not, hell no. You really think D-Wade can hold up for another 4 years?

Get all you can while you're still able to do it. These guys took marginal paycuts (around 2 mil each) to come together initially in the prime of their careers, it's completely unreasonable to expect them to do it again when especially for the first time Miami ownership this season showed a propensity to be cheap in some of their personnel moves. They won 2 titles and went to 4 straight finals, they did about as well as can be expected. It has to raise some questions going forward for all 3 of them, and they need to make the best decisions for themselves. Giving into the owner's ways is not going to be a good look when they go back to the collective bargaining table in a few years.

They make so much money in excess off all of these stars in merchandising, advertising, and ticket sales why should they be the ones making all the sacrifices when these dudes have billions. You want ot be or maintain the best you're going to have to open up the checkbook. Dr. Buss did it for years before all the other owners *****ed and moaned about how the system was unfair, yet there about to become victims of their own creation.

It really depends on what wade believes. He said he feels fine and Grover said he has 4 more good years.

Let's say wade and the heat agree to 4 years 60 mil and they end up keeping lebron.

Other scenario is take the 40 mil over the next 2 years and lebron bounces.

If I'm wade and I believe I can still play, I'm taking the longer deal and playing with lebron.
Wade can make it easy for Lebron to just opt out and sign a new, long-term deal with little hesitation. He just needs to opt out and sign a smaller one for himself.

Unfortunately, status, getting what he's owed for all he's done word to Kobe, and just the sheer amount of money he'd leave behind probably makes this unrealistic.
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I think it's the opposite. If Wade opts in, LeBron opts out. That 20 M pretty much kills the chance for the team to add add quality help.
Yea, I'm thinking that as well. Bron will probably be the last one to act. If either Wade or Bosh decide to opt in, I think it's a sign Bron is good as gone, cause if they were working together ala 2010 as a unit that clearly wouldn't be the course of action to take. Just don't have any flexibility at that point to add any quality players. Riles is going to have to do a better selling job now than he did in 2010 especially to his "son" Dwayne.
I agree. I think Wade knows he will never see 20 M on a future check ever again, and I kinda think he has become complacent with 3 rings. Also with new players incoming, his role will definitely be diminished.
That field goal percentage record gets even crazier when you factor in the amount of 3's we shot. The 91 bulls only shot 21 threes....... Even if we didnt break the record numbers wise, this has to be considered the greatest shooting performance ever.

These are all done great pics. Say what you want about DBD, but the threads were in need of pics, I was begging for pics and now I have pics. That TD Champagne one :pimp:
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Wade is the reason the big-three came together, he became a living legend.

If he opts in tho this summer he will be hated.

The irony. :lol:

Miami fans owe him everything. Scumbags.
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nah they can keep sefolosha just off the bench

i think they can experiement with reggie starting next season and lamb coming in off the bench

i think cousins ibaka and adams would do work
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