2016 Official NBA Off-Season Thread: Former Greatness

wade took paycuts to keep the team below the tax line

that loyalty wasnt repaid
that his own fault though. if i was a player id do whats best for me , not for my team. at the end of the day, this is a business. these teams arent your fam . 
what i mean is he/they coulda all maxed out then

the owner pays the tax

they did him a favor back then but dont wanna pay now for what they saved back then

its like doubling down on wades "loyalty"
**** no. i already HATED spoelstra with a burning SEETHING passion for years. i thought miami was constantly making stupid trades and deals. i didnt think dragic was the right move. nor his gigantic contract. i said as SOON as free agency started, the common sense thing to do is hit luxury tax to keep this core team together at all costs. instead? we lose every important role player AND wade? WHAT IN TARNATION?

I'm telling you, the Heat making the right decision. This is about 2-3 years from now. A lot of teams just keep players around 3-4 years too long (mark my words, the Knicks will fall into that category with Melo).

It sets them back.

You don't want to be just better than Mediocre in the league (45-50 wins), i.e. Memphis Grizzlies (flame suit on). Worst place to be.

You keep the fans happy, but in due time, you;ll regret it. Lakers did it with Kobe. They kept him around when nobody was offering him $25M per. BUT, that was a tough decision. Kobe is the God here. I see why they did it. But it put the lakers back 5+ years.

And during that time, they stocked up on pics, working on repairing their look, and waiting for the one big free agent who isn't scared to jump on board.

Now the Heat can get an even better look on Winslow. See what he's about. Everyone knows Goran won't be around after this contract is up, hell, probably traded in 2 years. Richardson going to get a ton of run. I love that dude.

You guys gonna be alright. Its Miami. Still a destination for rich athletes

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Loyalty does mean something in sports. The connections people build with their teams is REAL. Chicago will ride for Jordan like CLE will ride for Bron like Philly will ride for AI because what a player pours into a team means everything to a fan.

But context is also key, every situation is different. Bron leaving CLE is perfectly understandable because the ORGANIZATION failed HIM and showed no sign of looking for any real help. Then of course he redeems it all with a title 6 years later so case has been closed.

KD left a team that COULD have won a title last and next year and SHOULD have been in the finals for the second time in their history until HE helped choked it away. He had what he needed to win, but chose an easier path.

Wade gave Miami three titles and what, 13 years? He delivered. If he wants to chase a paycheck elsewhere after all he's given up for the city, let that man walk. Because just like MJ and the Wizards, no one is remembering Wade's last 2 years with the Bulls.

Edit: And on Miami's FO end, it makes sense for them not to retain Wade. Like Casper said, letting him walk is a good move on their end for the future.
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What if Hassan pulls a Deandre and signs to Dallas for max?

That would mean Dallas wouldnt be able to take Bogut or sign Hassan to the max. Which would mean the Warriors cant take Durant.......

Wade is a smart man
I'm telling you, the Heat making the right decision. This is about 2-3 years from now. A lot of teams just keep players around 3-4 years too long (mark my words, the Knicks will fall into that category with Melo).

It sets them back.

You don't want to be just better than Mediocre in the league (45-50 wins), i.e. Memphis Grizzlies (flame suit on). Worst place to be.

You keep the fans happy, but in due time, you;ll regret it. Lakers did it with Kobe. They kept him around when nobody was offering him $25M per. BUT, that was a tough decision. Kobe is the God here. I see why they did it. But it put the lakers back 5+ years.

And during that time, they stocked up on pics, working on repairing their look, and waiting for the one big free agent who isn't scared to jump on board.

Now the Heat can get an even better look on Winslow. See what he's about. Everyone knows Goran won't be around after this contract is up, hell, probably traded in 2 years. Richardson going to get a ton of run. I love that dude.

You guys gonna be alright. Its Miami. Still a destination for rich athletes
like i said before, i cant vibe with disloyalty. especially when our front office has been so vocal about the heat being a family unit, and loyalty, and the culture. we just reneged on all of it. and of all people, we did it to the city's hero. thats what im hurt about. we built someone up to be our hero only to turn on him when it was time to repay the favor. it was only a 2 year contract, at 50 million. this was NOT the kobe situation. and whats the deets on this 40% raise u wanted man. storytime
wade not practicing? what r u talking about? dude is on vacay in spain. he had his best year in years. u cant say hes done when hes clearly still the most dependable player on the team. kobe on the other hand was looking like a cancer in his last couple of years. gigantic contract and not leading the team to wins. if u look at wades abilities and decide its time to cut ties, then u dont know basketball. hes still easily a top sg in the league.

I'm talking during the regular season, he wasn't practicing. Lebron saw this. Dude was practically questionable to play in so many games. A GAME TIME DECISION. You don't see what these guys see. You're talking about a player having one of his best seasons in a couple of years as if Wade found the magic Benjamin Button pill. Who the hell cares if he had one of his best seasons. The boy is 34 with thread on his tires like he's a 40 year old.

Father time is undefeated bro.
Chicago didn't do anything for Jordan. He was underpaid the vast majority of his career lol.
I'm not familiar with contracts from back then other than they pale in comparison to today's even prior to this offseason.

But Chicago did a great job of putting pieces around him for about a decade.
I'm talking during the regular season, he wasn't practicing. Lebron saw this. Dude was practically questionable to play in so many games. A GAME TIME DECISION. You don't see what these guys see. You're talking about a player having one of his best seasons in a couple of years as if Wade found the magic Benjamin Button pill. Who the hell cares if he had one of his best seasons. The boy is 34 with thread on his tires like he's a 40 year old.

Father time is undefeated bro.
while true. results are results. he lost weight and boom. the flash is back. out here carrying us through the post season. dont count old players out. jeffersons old *** was key in the cavs victory. in our first championship old *** payton was key. so was old *** shaq. age doesnt always coincide with production. HOWEVER, time will eventually win. but until that point.... those players are useful
lakers were stupid to be loyal to kobe when he was washed. heat arent that stupid. i wish my organization wasnt as dumb as they are. these are smart business decisions. 

Such a tough call to make though. This is where the difference between Kupcake and Riley come into play. Kupcake isn't running that team. He wouldn't dare make that call and say see ya to Kobe.

The Lakers can afford it though. With a $150M per year TV deal, they were playing with house money. While it stunted them, I don't fault them for keeping him around. They saw dark times were ahead.
Dragic could probably get traded this season, but honestly, with out Wade, he gets the primary ball handling duty, he's ball dominant and Wade was ball dominant, so this actually might work.

Bosh will play a handful of games, but will have to shut it down.

Winslow is solid, his second season will be better than his first, as long as he's getting shots up. Teams were leaving him open and daring him to shoot, he has to make them pay.

Richardson, that guy will be just fine.

Whiteside, he'll get more touches, we'll see if he can expand his game, and keep his head.

Plus Riles will have money for next year, the Heat will be fine, it just sux right now because of how they handled easily the best player in Heat history.
Dragic could probably get traded this season, but honestly, with out Wade, he gets the primary ball handling duty, he's ball dominant and Wade was ball dominant, so this actually might work.

Bosh will play a handful of games, but will have to shut it down.

Winslow is solid, his second season will be better than his first, as long as he's getting shots up. Teams were leaving him open and daring him to shoot, he has to make them pay.

Richardson, that guy will be just fine.

Whiteside, he'll get more touches, we'll see if he can expand his game, and keep his head.

Plus Riles will have money for next year, the Heat will be fine, it just sux right now because of how they handled easily the best player in Heat history.
say it again for the people in the back. dragic is hit or miss. dude played trash most of the time hes been in miami but then turned up THIS post season. we still have ZERO plays for whiteside. if its not a lob, or an offensive rebound... he doesnt get the ball. richardson will be fine. winslow is a DRAG on offense. he has no offensive game whatsoever. this year is a tank
yeah i just get upset when i hear dudes switching teams over players but its really not that significant nor does it effect me but it bugs me.  yeah you right.
im loyal to my team(not players though, this is basketball, business ) . im a loyal dude in real life and i pride myself on that. 

i dont know who yung thug or hoochie man are though. this is a business though and there is no loyalty . you dont agree on that? 

Every team has them though. Think about die hard GSW fans, dudes who were kids and loving RUN TMC back in the day. Then the dark days came. Now, you got people in Texas who are GSW fans.

I'm seeing this with my Rams. Been a die hard since i was 6 years old in 1980 (Super Bowl: Pitt vs. Rams). Now i have to deal with people who want to root for a team. Its cool. We suck. Its expected. But this is why I think LA, in general, sucks as a sports town. Lakers and Dodgers fans are loyal, but such a huge population here isn't from LA.
u wanted a FORTY percent raise? o_O u gonna have to drop some background info on how u even came to that valuation, word to Dame, and Mr. Wonderful, and Mark Cuban

I'm worth it. Gotta believe in yourself. I ended up getting it plus some. Just took a loss for 9 months.
Every team has them though. Think about die hard GSW fans, dudes who were kids and loving RUN TMC back in the day. Then the dark days came. Now, you got people in Texas who are GSW fans.

I'm seeing this with my Rams. Been a die hard since i was 6 years old in 1980 (Super Bowl: Pitt vs. Rams). Now i have to deal with people who want to root for a team. Its cool. We suck. Its expected. But this is why I think LA, in general, sucks as a sports town. Lakers and Dodgers fans are loyal, but such a huge population here isn't from LA.
Bandwagon fan too 

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