2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

Be patient man :lol: prices are dropping slowly but surely. Definitely going to have a restock whether it be on NDC, a random NT or some shop site. I have a feeling these will be back

I feel you fam, but rather then wait on that, I'm gonna have to take the talents to NDC EU haha. Rather just pay a friend a little extra and have him cop for me from there. I'm sure they will restock though. Going to try to get as many as I can. But as for now, those Gtown dunks are on the radar. Support my local, as well as pay a little homage to the terminators. I really can't mess with those UNC ones for some reason.
The fact that I had 4 pairs (2 personal, 2 "oops") of shadow 1s and let them all go for $180 kills me to this day. Shoe grew on me so much once I let them go. Now impossible to find for under 300 in my size. As for the tiffs, I hope I share that feeling soon lol. I will literally wear that shoe everday in the summer.

P m sent
So I found my Blue Hemp SBs in the garage and was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to clean the hemp and swoosh? Also, is there any place that sells the same blue laces that the shoes came with? I checked fully laced and they didn't have the color. Any help would be appreciated!
They should have just added hoya on the back like some of the original terminators and the dunk from a couple years back:
Well that sucked, here's some nice pics to look at anyhow....

I don't usually do quote myself 
...but I don't know how many people actually got to see these pics I posted early in the morning of the SOMP release cuz the thread was moving pretty fast at that point. I thought these pics from MIA were some of the best I'd seen of them. I will own a pair of these eventually but I'm resisting paying what resell on them is currently at and trying to find a decent price.
Got bored while searching Craigslist and started offering 225 to everyone that had tiffs for sale in my size
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I've seen a pair on Ebay pretty much going for retail ~ $250.  Demand has really gone down for them since it's no longer the holidays.  This is probably the best time to find a steal before they start disappearing from the market.  

If not right now, then within the next few months, that's probably the best time to get these, if you missed retail. They are so seasonal that a lot of people aren't going to wear them, but for the holidays. People holding to resell won't get the market they want for months and will become impatient. Demand is lower now and supply is still pretty high, which will force sellers to compromise their prices. That will continue for a while until supply starts to dry up, and then prices will start to shoot back up, especially as next holiday season approaches. Keep an eye on prices, they should start dipping and dipping, then it's a game of chicken to see how long you want to hold out before it shoots back up.

Fiat currency is nothing like gold, you cant print it. Watch from 3:15 my point stands, everything you just said, is invalid and inacurate, do your research, gold has been valuable for thousands of years, you are wrong. I aint trying to educate someone who doesnt want to learn but the video above refutes all your claims and would educate you to why gold has value ,if you took half as much time as you did talking and replying in actually listening and watching and learning you would know that, i agree this isnt the place for the discussion, but your reply screamed uneducated on this matter and deserved a reply. Id like to see you carry a barrel of oil on your back or a mighty oak to trade :lol: |I

My dude, you are way out of your league here. Calling me uneducated... you're going to make me go in, aren't you.

For one, a lot of the things referenced in that video are the same things that were said in the Planet Money link I posted - about why gold makes a good "store of value."

The thing is, the difference between "money" and "currency" is really just semantic.

I'm not arguing that paper money has a stronger backing than gold, I'm arguing that gold's "store of value" is rooted in nothing other than a handshake agreement among the world. ...If civilization was wiped out tomorrow and we had to start over from zero, would gold be any more valuable than paper money? ...How valuable would gold be? It doesn't conduct well, you can't build from it... The "store of value argument is a semantic canard" ....What value? It's all just points on a scoreboard anyway. We all buy into it, and in that it gets its power. Just like money. And, because the supply of gold is supposed to be finite, one can argue that it is more stable than paper money because it's less subject to inflation. But, that doesn't mean it actually has value. ...Are you familiar with semiotics and the idea of signifier vs. signified. The map is not the territory and all that?

And, let's get to Mike Maloney for a second... This is a grown man who claims his favorite, most influential book is Atlas Shrugged. Yes, he's a Randian libertarian nutbag. Atlas Shrugged. That book was a revelation to a lot uf when we read it. ...at age 15. (Rand lived by virtually none of the tenets of her philosophy in here personal life, mind you) Your boy basks in the official ideology of angst-ridden over-privileged teenagers eager to justify themselves as special. The official idealogy of wealthy white men (and boys) who want to abolish the government so they can "drive society" and stop giving people handouts, while simultaneously ignoring the fact that they are in the place they are in [to drive society] largely because the country [vis a vis the government] was set up as an aggressive affirmative action model for people, and only people, who happened to look just like them for centuries. So, now, after they've ridden all that wave of policies to put them in the drivers seat, they oh so coincidentally see those kinds of policies as hindering society. There is not a less self-aware group of people on the face of this planet than people like Maloney. Bike riders who think training wheels are the devil.

But, please, go ahead and continue to call me uneducated, when you are referring me to threads about the Illuminati on a sneaker message board. :rolleyes

And, now, I'm done.

That rant has to cost me at least one picture, right?...
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I did not call you un educated in all matters, just in gold and its value, so im sorry if thats what you took from that, i dont know what your talking bout, none of that made my point invalid but ok cool starry bra, ill have to agree to disagree with you on this one bip, :smokin

Gold has many uses


And about its conducting properties

The concentration of free electrons in gold metal is 5.90×1022 cm−3. Gold is highly conductive to electricity, and has been used for electrical wiring in some high-energy applications (only silver and copper are more conductive per volume, but gold has the advantage of corrosion resistance).
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I did not call you un educated in all matters, just in gold and its value, so im sorry if thats what you took from that, i dont know what your talking bout, none of that made my point invalid but ok cool starry bra, ill have to agree to disagree with you on this one bip, :smokin

All good.

Debates on message boards are argument by proxy anyway, meaning you are unlikely going to convince me and I'm unlikely to convince you. Others will read the back and forth and make their own decisions - the two parties arguing are the least likely in the whole "room" to have their minds changed.

One more pic to repent.

Nice pickup!  How was DXC today?  I was thinking about going but money has been tight lately with all my pickups so going there wouldn't have been a good idea either.
It was my first one, so I really didn't know what to expect. It seemed like every table carried the same exact stuff (releases from 2011 to now, or "SNEAKERHEAD APPROVED" stuff like Atmos AM1's and Dorenbechers), so nothing really caught my attention (except for my pick up, of course lol).
All good.

Debates on message boards are argument by proxy anyway, meaning you are unlikely going to convince me and I'm unlikely to convince you. Others will read the back and forth and make their own decisions - the two parties arguing are the least likely in the whole "room" to have their minds changed.

One more pic to repent.


I see your way of thinking and respect the point you were trying to make, i just share a different view on that matter, i will read up on the second point you brought up and get back to you, Bisons correct? Beautiful. :smokin peace brother
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It was my first one, so I really didn't know what to expect. It seemed like every table carried the same exact stuff (releases from 2011 to now, or "SNEAKERHEAD APPROVED" stuff like Atmos AM1's and Dorenbechers), so nothing really caught my attention (except for my pick up, of course lol).
That's what I was afraid of.  It seemed like most of the tables the last time I went had basically the same stuff minus a few gems here and there.  The ones that did catch my attention was way out of my price range.  Anyways, congrats on the pickup.  I don't believe I've seen anyone wear those cali's lately.
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Anyone know if niketown or mercer had any somps left? My pop works in grand central and want to see if he can swing through if anyone knew.

Mac Dollasss :lol:

should change it to Mac Donaldssss

Haha so I made the page big whoop. Yes my fat *** has 5 pairs all autographed. You guys are here trolling and trying to flame but no one here would think about shooting me a message and chop it up. I'm a reasonable dude and by all means I help when I can. It's not my fault my buddies and I ended up with multiple pairs. Instead of talking **** why not simply ask if I would be negotiable on selling pairs.

Somebody has to know this guy. They're all autographed too

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I can't understand why anyone would think about spending more money on this shoe because the box is autographed or why resellers think this makes the shoe so much more valuable. To me its disrespectful to Nigel to go stand in line to get the shoes where he's signing autographs for people who he thinks actually want his shoe and are happy to get his autograph..... to then turn around and try and resell them.
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Anyone know if niketown or mercer had any somps left? My pop works in grand central and want to see if he can swing through if anyone knew.
Call NTNY tomorrow and ask to speak with someone in the SB dept to have them check (2nd Flr). Don't just ask whoever answers the phone. They don't always provide accurate info
I did not call you un educated in all matters, just in gold and its value, so im sorry if thats what you took from that, i dont know what your talking bout, none of that made my point invalid but ok cool starry bra, ill have to agree to disagree with you on this one bip,

Gold has many uses


And about its conducting properties

The concentration of free electrons in gold metal is 5.90×1022 cm−3. Gold is highly conductive to electricity, and has been used for electrical wiring in some high-energy applications (only silver and copper are more conductive per volume, but gold has the advantage of corrosion resistance).
Silver is the best conductor of electricity in the world. It is used in everything from solar panels to computers, silver is also antibacterial and is being studied and used in modern medicine, not to mention real silver-ware and jewelry. But the main driver is technology. You can get an ounce of physical silver for less than $30 as opposed to $1400 for gold. 

Precious metals are why i like gold and silver swooshes on the low lol

Anyway, to each his own. 
I can't understand why anyone would think about spending more money on this shoe because the box is autographed or why resellers think this makes the shoe so much more valuable. To me its disrespectful to Nigel to go stand in line to get the shoes where he's signing autographs for people who he thinks actually want his shoe and are happy to get his autograph..... to then turn around and try and resell them.

Extremely well said.
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