27 Things You Had To Deal With As The Only Black Kid In Your Class

Funny even at my age, nothing has changed
These questions and comments stay the same
Especially the" you speak so well"
That ish gets me so heated
Fried chicken day at school was always fun.

"Do you want me fried chicken?"
"How come they didn't give you two pieces?"
"How come you're not eating fried chicken?"
The Doc gif kills me every single time :rofl: :rofl:

- You speak so well (I still hear this to this day).

Let me add to number 21.

"How do you get your hair like that? .
Chick actually rubbed my head after asking me that. I was taken aback.
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I remember those days, I went to a predominately white high school for 2 years and some of these post sound all to familiar..

I remember a convo I had with my white homegirl Jordin..
Her: Chris how do yall get those ripples in yall hair?
Her:Yeah ripples, do yall go to the salon and get it done?
Me:Lmao, u mean Waves? And nah I get my hair cut at a barbershop.. Waves will pretty much come naturally if u brush your hair..
Her:Can I feel them?

Jordin is my homie to this day still lol
I'm in college and I still get those questions and assumptions.

"Your from Africa? Were you ******** next to lions?

"You speak really well, not like those other people"

"You on the football/basketball team?"

"Must have come from a rough neighborhood"
^^ That video tho..smh x LOL at the same time...

I am ALL too familiar with this topic. Was probably a tad worse for me, as I came from k-12 predominately Black; but then did my higher education and professional school at PWIs. Was a straight up culture shock for me. Didnt realize that people could be so ignorant of each other cultures, values, and beliefs. One this is for sure, I realized quick that America is not as diverse as we would like to convince ourselves.
Currently at a 90% white university and all I can say is...


^^ That video tho..smh x LOL at the same time...

I am ALL too familiar with this topic. Was probably a tad worse for me, as I came from k-12 predominately Black; but then did my higher education and professional school at PWIs. Was a straight up culture shock for me. Didnt realize that people could be so ignorant of each other cultures, values, and beliefs. One this is for sure, I realized quick that America is not as diverse as we would like to convince ourselves.
Exact same situation.
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^^ That video tho..smh x LOL at the same time...

I am ALL too familiar with this topic. Was probably a tad worse for me, as I came from k-12 predominately Black; but then did my higher education and professional school at PWIs. Was a straight up culture shock for me. Didnt realize that people could be so ignorant of each other cultures, values, and beliefs. One this is for sure, I realized quick that America is not as diverse as we would like to convince ourselves.

I'm right with you man. It actually threw me waaay off my first few years of undergrad.
damb I kno the opposite feel tho. It was always maybe 3 white kids at every school I went to until high school. I remember we had a white kid wjo wore hoodies everyday n rapped so obviously he was nicknamed eminem/slim shady/rabbit/marshall. In class when slavery got brought up everybody loiked at him to make sure he didn't laugh lol. I remember we watched roots in 8th grade n we all laughed at chicken george n this dude let out the lightest little chuckle like not even a whole laugh. Worse thing ever the goons got on his head quick, "what u laughin at rabbit? This **** funny to u" lmao. I felt bad for dude cuz he was cool as hell too
I can relate to half of the list lol

and im not even black man :smh:

bengali and indian people been calling me black their language since i was a kid :nerd:
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Reading Huckleberry Finn skipping over all the n words, wondering if you weren't in class would they still do this

Not in my case bruh. I went to private school for 9th and 10th grade, predominantly white and my teacher was a little TOO comfortable talking about n Jim
Not in my case bruh. I went to private school for 9th and 10th grade, predominantly white and my teacher was a little TOO comfortable talking about n Jim:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Swear to god some folks when given the chance to say N' in front a black person, will wear that mutha ****** out :smh::lol:
At college.........."Are you on the football or basketball team".  Neither. 
-Whenever the discussion of race came up in a class everyone would look at me for an answer
That was always a somewhat awkward moment for me in class as well.  Knowing that your answer goes a long way in shaping their idea of black people as a whole.  Like being the spokesperson for your entire community. 
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Like Chris Rock said...when the white dudes rap the verse and try to skip over the n word in Gin n Juice. 

But when you're not around they say that **** with the most conviction. 
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So true! Try being a super light-skin black dude with freckles and curly hair. White people will just say the craziest, racist **** around me, and when I throw shade their way it's always, "Whaaat? You're not really black; I'm darker than you and you have freckles!!" So I just make it a point to say the most blatant racist **** around them just to gauge their reaction. And if they say something I hit them with, "Yoo, I'm lighter than you; I can say whatever I want!!"  And the thing about fried chicken is incredibly true . . .Show me a man of any race that doesn't eat fried chicken, and I'll show youa lyin @ss fool!!
Went to an all white school, had none of these experiences, save for the white people saying the "n-word".
This must be a black male thing, I'm usually the only black female in my class and I've never experienced any of this expect the hair thing. Maybe white people are just afraid of black women 
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