"502 Bad Gateway" Vol: Am I alone?

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

It only happens to me if I visit through www.niketalk.com. If I use niketalk.yuku.com it doesn't happen
Happens through both URLs. And here's a screenshot from when I opened this thread... 

it is going to reduce the clutter that people like to add. a page only loaded half way, let me go make a post about it when other people are experiencing the same thing and have already made posts
Been getting it a lot the past 2 weeks or so but I just refresh the pg and it immediately goes to what I had clicked on/opened.

I've also been getting error pop up screens in the middle of typing posts but its nothing other than that. I usually just x it out and continue to post.
Just got redirected to the pg for 502 error on the general pg.


Here's the one that some times pops up when I try to make a post

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Been getting the same as Zik as well. On mobile more so than desktop if that helps.
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