82nd Annual Academy Awards: March 7th @ 8pm Est (ABC)

Martin and Baldwin are killing it

Platinum lounge
My man Christoph
. Was better then Pitt in Inglorious.

Now Up in the Air or Inglorious Basterds needs to win and I'll be set.
Wow that little animated character interview piece failed hard (except the one for UP, that was decent).

UP with the win
Tarantino better win best screenplay. Normally I'd say he would be a lock for best director, but I can't see the committee picking anybody other than Cameron.
Originally Posted by ChineyRoyal

Damn, this guy did Toy Story? He shouldv'e won a long time ago.

When they said Toy Story, I was like "Who the hell writes Toy Story?" Like, it's one of those movies you never give thought to outside the actual film because it's just so great that you don't have to think outside of it.
UP is in no way shape or form better than Fantastic Mr. Fox, but you knew it would win.
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