911 phone call charges?

Apr 1, 2007
My friend had to call 911 on his cell, something serious happened while playing bare tackle football.

How much would they charge his cell? (San Francisco)
why would they charge him?
i've never heard of this, if anything its free since 911 is registered as an emergency number and you can dial it without service on your phone
It's not free, an ambulance came and took him.
Does anyone know how much it would charge? (Approximation)
Originally Posted by JDMFanatic

It's not free, an ambulance came and took him.
Does anyone know how much it would charge? (Approximation)


your OG post you said it like they would charge him for making the call

why would they charge his cell anyways
911 wont charge you....he will get a bill later in the mail for the ambulance fee around 50-??? bucks depending how far the ambulance had to drive and whatkind of treatment they gave him inside the ambulance
he will get a bill later in the mail for the ambulance fee around 50-??? bucks depending how far the ambulance had to drive and what kind of treatment they gave him inside the ambulance
You must be crazy.. as low as $50 for an ambulance ride??
you are charged a tax for 911 on your phone bill. but they wont charge you when u call 911.
The ambulance/hospital bill varies. Also his insurance, (assuming he has one) should cover some of it.

My friend got into a rollover accident where she had to be transported to the hospital and the hospital and ambulance bills came out to thousands of dollarssince she had no insurance. And in the end she came out with bumps and bruises seriously. But just because she got a ride and stayed in the hospital for sometime it racks up. And like I said, she didn't even have surgery didn't even use a bandaid. I think all she did was like an x-ray to check for brokenbones and soemthing to scan for internal injuries.
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